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Everything posted by DarkSakul

  1. It's a 7" Oled instead of a 6.2" LCD And the dock has a ethernet port where a USB was Oh and suposedly there more battery life. $12 ethernet adapters exist
  2. Older first gen versions of the Switch can be hacked even with firmware updates, later revisions "fixed" the security flaw.
  3. I think number 6 is eventual, but we are not there yet technologically or socially. Make a space flight the cost of going to Japan or something and make it a vacation destination, Ican see the tourism taking off. But I see the future of commerce in space less like Star Trek and more like the Expanses
  4. I should quit FB, got a 3 day ban for the dumbest shit. "This goes against community standards"
  5. Honestly with Valve's track history with hardware, I am going to wait.
  6. Guess Staring Vin Diesel as Dominic Toretto, Bruce Willis as John McClane And Chuck Norris as himself
  7. Konami did very little with the Genesis (compared to the SNES and PC Engine), and only late in it's product life cycle. Also licensing restrictions can prevent an Arcade Cab like Simpsons or X-men to get home console ports, as owners of the IP has a say in the matter. TMNT got encouraged to be on as many systems as possible, so many in fact Konami outsource most of the ports to 3rd party studios, like in Europe most of the microcomputer ports of TMNT games were done by US GOLD (a British game studio). I think the Simpsons got a PS3 or PS4 Port at one point, no idea on the 6 player X-Men beat em up.
  8. Could be a medical condition, or she's a stress eater Also this is a Mix of Human and Alien DNA, sometimes weird shit happens that you didn't expect.
  9. Yes, and unlike the movies it's easy to escape. it's just sandy water, just calm down, allow your self to float and make your way to a edge to pull your self out.
  10. Like now you can tell, as they were using alot more privative methods, no CGI to add in splicing the animation with live action. But its done with a serious amount of craftsmanship Space Jam lacks.
  11. Big thing was it was Disney in their Golden Age, and they were working with 3 other major studios in collaboration. And Disney pioneered mixing live action with cartoons for a while. Forget Rodger Rabbit, Marry Poppins which came out in 1964 looked better than Space Jam which came out in 1992.
  12. Gotta get that HiGain or BSNES and BNES for that cycle accuracy It also means having a PC that can run Crysis at max specs. ZSNES isn't going to cut it. Then again I am a MiSTer user so I sorta side step the issue
  13. 💯 Both animation and live action acting. Seeing Jordan in a movie is cool and all, but he not my choice to act against a bunch of cartoon characters. He was fine in Hanes commercials, but he no Hollywood material. Bob Hoskins in Who Framed Roger Rabbit killed it as Eddie Valiant.
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