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Everything posted by DarkSakul

  1. So the three that benefit from the Remasters the most.
  2. You got to call your bank and tell them you want a charge back. There no easy app means to do so, you have to look though your bank records, find the transaction and tell your bank that charge was a mistake or not authorized. And the bank charges to the account of people who took your money.
  3. Taking over the world is a low bar, killing half the Universe for a booty call on the other hand Evil Tommy isn't shit when you got villains who erase free will
  4. Me it depends, if this scenario played out in Baltimore the cops would not step in unless they though the one dude about to kill the other. I remember one time I was downtown and there a baseball game, a football game, an Anime convention and a International soccer game happening the same day where a Drunk Yankies fan yelled "Fuck Baltimore" every man, woman and child was about to jump this fucker, and I don't mean just the city natives, people from other states, other countries all were about to jump in, anime weebs in cosplay, Japanese Business men, Toddlers, shop owners, all wanted to kick this guys ass. People know you don't dis your host city. Only people who looked away was the police, they knew this guy could of well got murdered by a entire city and the cops just turn around and walked away. At this moment this drunk Yankie fan knew he was fucked. I didn't know what happen to him 15-20 min later when he realize he needed to GTFO. Probably got his ass kicked and his wallet stolen.
  5. Damn, Activision got no case in court. I see upper management going to jail over this.
  6. I bet even mall security and the police just stood and watch.
  7. Link always been short-ish, but it depends on which incarnation or variant of Link you are talking about. Almost every Link with the exception of Skyward Sword and Breath of the Wild is left-handed. In Link to the Past, Link is Mostly Left-handed but he fights ambidextrously
  8. Oh I agree, the Game Boy/ Game Boy Color catalog alone is pretty strong. And GB Emulation is one of the easiest to write for in terms of Emulation, that coming from the Dev who ported the original GBC Shante to the Switch. What is Nindy's excuse? GBA games are also not hard to run, if Nindy can put GBA games on the 3DS early in it's life for the (infuriating) Ambassador program they can put the same bloody games on the Switch.
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