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Everything posted by DarkSakul

  1. Xbox Game Pass is the same as Google Stadia Both are shit and only wants to erode consumer rights under the pretense of being for the consumer. prove me wrong
  2. I was going to post the YT Video for the trailer FromSoftware and George R.R. Martin, Yes please. Also Metal Slug Tactics.
  3. Chipotle near me is crap, and at best they are average at worst the health Dept needs to get involved. Seeing they are raising their prices just keeps me away from their shitty chain. They use cheap ingredients, cut corners, re-date old product so they can sell it again. Oh you mean how much the charge? 🤣
  4. You mean they have more than just Dr. Lisa Su now?
  5. I liked how the console is, but the controller, No. The controller looks like Frankenstein's face Also the console is trying to match this guy rather than Master Chief Who is this clown?
  6. I have to say, this is ugly as Sin From a distance it might looked cool, but up close it's ass.
  7. There supposed to be a Free Expansion DLC in the works, but Hot Fixes and Bug Patches are the priority
  8. I don't even get this whole line of logic. That is all the real reason for any fighter to fight, for the money. No one wrecking their bodies for the fun or for the sport. Also wouldn't an dream match would be a great match?
  9. Oh fuck yeah it did, PS2 era graphics, the same exact Q-T-E shows up constantly with the exact same cut scene. It tried to be Sega's Nights into Dreams and fell flat on their faces, there a general lack of vision and cohesion in the planning process. They tried to do more than the Saturn era game in terms of Story and ended up getting much less as a result. Also Nights let you play as the Magic Clown/Jester, Balan just does their terrible Anime Willy Wonka as Q-T-E. “I resigned from Square Enix at the end of April,” - Yuji Naka Ha ha ha. 😆 I understood it that Sqeenix fired that MF, Yuji Naka may as well retire as I don't know who would hire this man after Balan.
  10. Honestly I can't say. I am playing the game on PC. I think they fixed most of the game breaking bugs by now. Although the PC version is fine.
  11. It's a great case, but I tossed out the Grip. I use the case as it's one of the few cases that fits with the Hori Split Pad Pro. I also have a Mini Dock inside the case.
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