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Everything posted by MillionX

  1. Random thought--- y'know, even if there was a formal "Disclosure Event" from the President about the info the government has on aliens and all that.... at this point there's been so many decades of lies and coverups, misinformation, most people probably wouldn't believe it anyway. I imagine it would be a live presentation on all major networks like a "special announcement from the President" would be interesting to see what would happen next after it though, but I don't think a lot of people would believe it anyway....some would write it off as "convenient timing" if it were close to any major election, or political grandstanding by one side or the other, or more lies for some other motive, etc. That's a shame but I'd still like to see the results when/if that day happens. The only way most *would* believe it would be if like the beginning of some sci-fi story, everyone notices a large mothership and countless drones have appeared in the sky all of a sudden, and they show up to formally introduce themselves and explain some least that way it would be undeniable truth that everyone can see right there at the same time.
  2. MOST of the game companies out there---the suits in charge are thinking the same thing; Ubisoft was just bold/foolish enough to actually say that quiet part out loud with zero shame. I think it's fairly obvious that it's not just games industry either, as the industry of tv shows/movies has already gone that way at this point, so gaming is just following that. They all would rather have every consumer be a *subscriber* for life instead of paying for a product 1 time, for the obvious long-term profit motive there; it's a much better gravy train for them, and of course they don't give a shit about any kind of consumer rights with ownership or anything. They'd all piss on our graves and punch babies in the face if that meant they could earn an extra 2 cents.
  3.'s looking like USA is really heading towards Biden vs. Trump again? These 2 ancient methuselah muthafuckas again bruh? Other countries continue to get one hell of a great clownshow to point and laugh at though.
  4. ^I never get tired of seeing clips of those dumb girls making fools out of helps continue to rip apart that silly ass illusion and bias that women in general are these magical beings that are the objectively superior (and thus above all criticism) human in comparison to men. The awesome thing is that there will always be a non-stop feed of those kinds of clips....endless material. 70k a year, and jobs like fire-fighter are of "low value"? Yeah ok....the amusing subtext here being that she apparently believes that she qualifies for her idea of a "high-value" in the first place 🤣 *I wonder how many women saw her rant and were like "girl what are you smokin?!"
  5. It would be great if Nashville could have more serious winter weather like this for a longer period of time....when you're actually prepared for it this is pretty damn awesome. I have enough food stockpiled to not leave my place for quite some time now, while everything is covered in the ice/snow mix out there. I played a ton of Skyrim and Kingdoms of Amalur yesterday, and dabbled a bit in Starfield....and watched my 4k disc of Ghoulies----this is quite a strange horror film, btw... I never actually saw it back then but I always remembered the cover/poster art with that one "ghoulie" shown popping out of a toilet. It also fails to meet the normal TnA expectations of the 80s horror/slasher genre....but overall still entertaining enough. ...oh yeah and I watched Pumpkinhead as well; unfortunately that one is DVD (part of a set that had 4 classic horror movies of the also included The Fog and The Howling and something else I forgot) I also have the blu-ray of "Legend" in here as well, and the dvd of Mayfair Witches...I didn't finish watching Mayfair Witches on AMC so some of that will be totally new for me. If only this were pre-pandemic/work from home times... there would be no expectations of having to actually work today; it would have just been a free couple of days off until the ice and snow clears up.
  6. Skyrim adventures---This random Imperial bitch tried to say somethin' smart about me wearing the Stormcloak armor....big mistake considering there was no one else around to save her....yeah, snuck up on her and she took this 1-shot kill from a warhammer; nice that I got that slow-mo "cinematic kill" on this as well....looted the corpse and left her naked out there. There was no bounty on me for this of course since there was no witnesses. Another good one was in that Redwater Den where all the "Skooma" addicts hang out... I was there for one of the Dawnguard quests... it was satisfying when I sneaked into that area with the attendant/cashier lady; I was invisible and sliced her down in 1 shot with a 2-hand sword. The dude that patrols the hallway looked up like "...what? What happened...?" then went back to minding his business; from his perspective he just looked up and suddenly she wasn't there....didn't know I was crouched over there and invisible, next to her dead body on the floor....yeah I left her naked as well. I am the monster, and they can do nothing to stop this.
  7. Skyrim-- I forgot that you can actually have your character adopt a now I'm thinking it would be funny if I could then turn my son or daughter into a vampire as well. I'm sure they probably don't let you do that in the regular game, but some modders out there made it possible, most likely. (aha, yep there it is ....though it's just "adoptable vampire children", so the characters are already that way from the start.)
  8. Yeah, the more I thought about that situation... it's coming across as an opportunistic thing----he noticed this situation with YFlash and the artist on his book and decided to go "live" about it....instead of addressing it with that dude privately. There also seems to be an element of "payback" to it though, since he mentioned Yellow Flash made certain payment/page details public earlier and that didn't sit right with him at that was likely part of the motive for airing this out publicly on a live-stream which of course *just happened* to be Saturday night about an hour or so before YF's usual Saturday night stream. Of course YF mentioned things at the start of his show and stated he will have nothing to do with Ethan ever to say that bridge is burned forever. *another thing I'm surprised never got focused on, speaking of possible online drama--- the split between Anna That Star Wars Girl and Jessi Milestone... they haven't done a show together in forever, and neither one brings anything up that happened to cause that apparent split... it just *seems* like something happened at some point to cause them to not be cool with each other anymore. There was a situation a couple of years ago where Jessi (and her boyfriend Jeff, the dude from World Class Bullshitters channel) were told to leave an event hosted by "Nerdrotic" Gary and his crew. Oh yes---the "lore" around so many of these online personalities can be as wonderfully messy as a daytime soap opera, and I love it.
  9. Yeah man... I love the world of Elder Scrolls, though yes my jumping on point was much later with Skyrim.... there was a point where I was desperate for new Elder Scrolls content and ESO was out there so I got it on a sale one day....basically rationalizing it to myself that "at least I'm not paying full price for this..." (it was either a sale or I used MS Reward points for it; I forgot at this point... I'm already missing those good ol' days when the MS Rewards program was worth a damn. They've gutted the hell out of it recently; it's in shambles now.) One of the annoyances was that it's difficult to get vampirism *naturally*....and of course it's designed that way on purpose because it's also something you could buy with real money on the in-game shop. Some other clever vamp players made it worse by camping out those areas and spawn-killing the blood fiends before newer players can get to they could charge gold for their services of turning you themselves....kinda messed up but funny at the same time. Eventually some more generous players became more common, who were just giving out their vamp-bite for free.
  10. A shame I'll probably be too sleepy to enjoy this juicy drama for the flash-cast stream tonight; basically, YellowFlash got called out (by Ethan Van Sciver, who is still live streaming right now) for allegedly not paying the artist that's working on his book...and this comes up now as YF's usual weekend show is about to go live very of course the live-chat is a complete shit-show right now, fully derailed by this topic instead of what the normal topics would be....and the mods are out in full force deleting lots of comments. Currently, the response has been that YF offered to pay the artist some money up front/now and the dude turned it down (he's in a bad spot and actually needs money at the moment)... but supposedly their deal has this artist owning 40% of the book though. Oh yeah this should be good. It's a safe bet that EVS will never be a regular guest on Flash's show ever again. *oddly enough I just noticed that oddball "Lofti" character is a guest tonight; hell must have frozen over because I thought that bridge was burned forever as well (Lofti kept using the "f-word" slur on YF's show one night so he was understandably pissed since that could quickly get your show and channel taken down or banned probably) no shame in my game here, folks... I can't get enough of the spicy youtube drama. It's delicious. Upcoming ice/snow weather mix---- reminds me that the unfortunate downside of the post pandemic "work from home" era is now this doesn't mean a free day off....they'll just tell us to work from home when the roads are iced over.
  11. Creating another Skyrim character... "Vorador" (yep, the green elder vamp from Blood Omen; of course he's made as an Orc).... it reminded me that there should always be a way built-in to "open-ended" rpgs like that to skip the story/cinematic stuff at the beginning once you've seen it that first time. I'm sure "Alternate Start" is one of the most popular little mods for that reason in Skyrim. ...I remember that Borderlands 3 had a "skip" option as well that was patched in shortly after it launched....all these games should have that; if you have seen the story stuff already and are just making a new character, it's best to just get to the good "do what you want" part asap via a "skip intro sequence" option. I may also get back into ESO again....I still wish it were a regular game instead of an mmo....
  12. I noticed AlmightyTevin's recent re-stream popped up in my recommended section apparently our ol buddy Phil had the Mrs. on his stream again recently; I think it was the first time in years I can only imagine the absolute goldmine of material going on in his live-chat section as this was happening....moderators probably had to put in serious work that day. "No this is not a pregnancy announcement, guys." bruh... 😆 ah, so Jasper the Cat is still there as well, I see.
  13. hahaha a "BOW movement". Oddly enough... I've never actually timed how long it takes to shit on average. Isn't it annoying though, when you're needing to drop that deuce but someone else is already in there doing it too...? This happened just the other day. When it's a small bathroom, like only 2 or 3 stalls then I'm moving on to another room.'re in there shitting right next to another dude that's also shitting in the stall next to yours. Nahhh. Awkward doesn't even begin to describe that situation of shitting right next to another person that's also shitting...and imagine if the other dude tries to make small talk.....naw, bruh (it's already strange enough that some people will actually say something to the next guy while you're both pissing at a urinal).... it would also be too difficult to not laugh.
  14. This reminds me of a small gripe I have with the Gears franchise... I am not sure what happened, but the gun sounds and effects aren't hard-hitting anymore in the later games.... like the people who work on that franchise now either don't care much for firearms stuff or never bother to conceptualize or research how to really "sell" that effect of badass guns and violence in a game. The guns in Gears 5 sound like you're shooting spitballs and green peas in comparison to the guns from the older Gears games....some of them actually sound like you're hitting enemy targets with a rapid fire paintball gun. I still enjoyed the hell out of Gears 5 but that's sad. ...and once again I'd like to tell them in person----sure would be nice if they could remember this franchise exists, *hint hint*'s been some YEARS since Gears 5, guys....c'mon now...
  15. Oh how very surprising 🤣 It's another one of those I wouldn't even waste time on if someone gave me the game for free.
  16. Skyrim--- sheeit, a Draugr Deathlord thought he had the drop on me... interesting shout power that removed my access to dragon shout powers for a while apparently; I came back in the vampire lord form and hit him with the "corpse curse" magical he could do nothing as the blood magic spell then drained his life away. That enemy is one to consider resurrecting via "ritual stone" as an ally, actually....since he was tough with a great sword and shout power. Ritual Stone is so insane...I don't remember if any other standing stone powers were this good... it lets you resurrect pretty much anything, so it isn't as limited as other methods of resurrecting things. There also is apparently no limitation on how many can be raised with it either... I remember way back when the game was new, there was a cave with a master vampire and his servants in the back, but in an earlier room there was a shallow grave with a LOT of dead bodies, and yep...Ritual Stone raised all of them, so the vamp had no chance against my undead was one of the more memorable moments for me back then. ...but yeah, necromancy tactics via "Ritual Stone" is so strong. Another bonus is that when the effect ends, the bodies are still there (instead of crumbling to dust like with other options) and could be raised again.....the only thing balancing it is that status of being a "once per day" power. ah, so there is a level limit, it's just really high: "Only corpses level 75 and under can be reanimated, however this limit can be increased with the Necromage perk. Once the time has elapsed, the reanimated will fall to the ground but will not turn into an ash pile."
  17. Well, I was curious since I hadn't watched in a long time, and these early morning hours are around the time Dark Shadows would be on....turns out the "Decades" channel is dead----rebranded as some comedy-centric channel instead, which means no more Dark Shadows or any of the other non-sitcom stuff that was previously on there....fortunately for that particular series I already have the DVD collection though (physical media wins again)....but I'll miss having that as an option. "Antenna TV" is still on, fortunately. Three's Company is on right now....Burns & Allen followed by The Jack Benny Program are up next on there. (**Edit---it just hit me; it's kind of sad that there is more than likely no one from the Millennial and younger generations who have ever heard of or seen George Burns or Jack Benny. They are lost to time.) "Terri" on Three's Company... she was hot, sure.. but Chrissy was slightly hotter, though as I've mentioned before, Janet was the real #1 hotness on that of the finest girls in all of tv history, actually. ...that would be a tough list (Hottest TV Actresses) to narrow down now that I think of it...since y'know, the default is that you have to usually be attractive to be a regular character on a show in the first place. Janet would still be in that upper echelon of a top 100 list for me though.
  18. This was on in the playlist at the gym the other day and it fit the intense pace of the workout so perfectly, I'm definitely adding this to my own playlist for workout songs.... The right music combined with the intensity can make that shit so hype; I love it.
  19. Diablo 3----They do but only so much... it doesn't take long to get to a point where the player character's powerlevel leaves them in the dust. With any of the "endgame" builds the player character stomps them all pretty easily. The difficulty still hits as you go up into the higher-tier Greater Rifts, because enemy health and attack power scales up to absurd levels the further along you go in that... the numbers are so insane in Diablo 3---at endgame level in high GRs, a player character could be doing billions and trillions damage and it will still take a while to kill some elites and the boss monster at the end of a Greater Rift. (*note---the Greater Rift system scales way beyond the normal difficulty settings.) When a character is strong enough to be doing those high GRs, at that point the "regular" Torment difficulties are nothing...even Torment 16 enemies are nothing....though people will still play T16 areas for the crafting/etc. materials. I was playing with my off-season/offline characters (haha something pc D3 fans can't do) on Switch over the holidays; mannnn that Necro I had from a couple of seasons ago that I named "Isaac" was the most godlike character I ever made... the stat "sheet DPS" was so crazy----3-million something DPS just on the some times in the heat of battle, my defense points were 1-billion or so 🤣 It was a necro with the Trag'Oul set Death Nova/Simulacrum build. Unpopular Opinion/Blasphemy Time.... I'd be interested in an Elder Scrolls side game where the timeline was much further along... similar to Fable, where the world now has simple firearms tech like flintlock pistol and the blunderbuss....that era is still fine for a fantasy rpg that still has magic and strange creatures, as Fable showed. This would of course be like a spinoff and not necessarily a main-line title in the franchise though, at least that's how I'd do it.
  20. nah, I've never heard of Ron Dee Voo. In fairness, I also grew up as an extremely picky eater, usually reluctant to try new things...though ribs are generally "ok" with me, just annoying in how there's little meat on them that you have to pick off the bones, compared to other options. It's good to see some people are trying to save themselves and moving away. (I'd rather the M-town "natives" go anywhere else but here though, of's best to not have that city's riff raff trash contaminate the rest of the country) One of my close friends from college seems happy to stay there which is just insane to me. **just thinking about it again...yeahhh I miss those old days of Jack Pirtle's though; it ranked as the #2 in the tier ranking of fast food chicken for me, with Popeye's being the #1 of course....but damn that Jack Pirtle's was good stuff. Too bad the rest of their food was kind of bland though.
  21. Part of me would enjoy seeing the resulting humiliation of the Chicago reparations going thru.... only for it to have basically ZERO effect on the crime statistics. Then of course the excuses would start piling up, like "well it's not an instantaneous effect, see...." and that would probably get repeated for years....that along with whatever amount being "inadequate", of course. You'd see a lot of suddenly hood-rich folks spending on some flashy stuff and that's really all it accomplishes. The crime situation there would be "business as usual". After all these news stories showing what a shit show that city generally is in terms of crime... I've been wondering if it's actually worse than my preferred punching bag of ol' Memphis, TN. I'm not sure how it compares in terms of the statistics but I still have doubts, actually. "M-town" truly has no redeeming value. One of the only positives I used to bring up was the local news women... Memphis had some FINE ass girls on the local news (*note--which is unlike the rest of the city's population, btw; it's a barren wasteland when it comes to eye-candy just generally walking around; just awful), but even there... Nashville caught up on that front in recent years, and of course other cities already had that covered anyway---it's the natural rule in television that you should only be putting attractive people on if one is serious about ratings. Another positive one could bring up is the local food situation... for chicken there's this place called Jack Pirtle's. In my case it's a bit rare that I eat fried chicken anymore so that's become a non-issue for me....others would likely bring up BBQ, and I'm one of the rare southerners that isn't really passionate about's just a "eh, ok" food for me....not something I'd go out of my way for.
  22. Well, good to hear that Altar and Visions of Enmity will be permanent apparently in D3 though there's no more new stuff.... as some of us predicted, they'll simply rotate past season themes going forward:
  23. I never get tired of laughing at this mayor of Chicago....
  24. whoah hold on a minute.... I know that no one else will focus on this detail... but the guy's name is Deobra (*they pronounce it "Dee-obra" here but other vids I've heard it pronounced the other way "Debra")... pronounced like "Debra"?!? wonder; that's probably part of the reason this piece of shit was destined for a life a crime. Imagine all the teasing as a kid----other dudes calling you "Little Debbie" or making "Debbie Does Dallas" jokes because your silly ass mama decided to be "creative" with the name and figured that would be "cute", I guess. ....but how was he able to even reach the judge that fast? I've always assumed there's no way in the world you would be able to get close enough to attack a judge before you're swarmed by whatever officers/baliffs are standing around in the court. *Oh yeah, at least for now, the Best Buy I go to still had tv/movie stuff; I was able to get the 4k disc of Dracula (1992) just the other day.
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