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sheeeit, it's been one hell of a time getting back into Monster Hunter today...finally feel like I'm making some bit of progress in that.  One cool moment earlier... hunting Rathalos...then the blue electric monster "Tobi" appeared and they started fighting...THEN Anjanath jumped in there as well!  The ensuing chaos was delicious. "....let them fight..."  I'll have to review the clip again (ohhhh yeah I absolutely had to clip that) but at one point one of them hit another one for 855 damage.  It was beautiful.

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It seems to me that YouTube wants me to help their competitors grow.  So be it.


A little TL;DR on the vid:

The Quartering did a video on unskippable ads coming to AAA games. 

For real?  Really?  REALLY MOTHER FUCKERS!?!?!?  Do you REALLY think we're gonna roll over for this?  Those fish in Spongebob?  They knew.  "How many times we gotta teach you the same lesson old man?" 

Apparently, one more time.  Between this and the possible destruction of Loot boxes, I look forward to the video detailing how badly sales will flop across the board.

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HAHAHA I was just coming here specifically to post that if no one else got to it... the guy actually THREW SHIT at the judge! ahahah this is the funniest thing I've heard in the news in a long time, man...goddamn...

I’m hoping there’s footage… if there is I have to track it down… hahaha the article says he CASTED the shit…what like a magic spell in an rpg!!!  what level was that dookey spell? Probably poison-element damage over's a CRITICAL hit 🤣 😆



haha it turns out this dude that threw the shit has a youtube channel... I searched his name on youtube looking to see if there was footage but found what is apparently his channel:

according to the general "marked territory" rules of the animal kingdom, that judge is now his if the dookey hit her

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ah the Transformers collection back in the day was probably huge compared to "less spoiled" kids, but sadly I never got Reflector.  I liked the concept but never got around to getting that one.


On another random note, as always--- it's surprising how long-lasting and well-built the XB1 is compared to the piece of shit that was the 360....I have a certain friend that basically leaves his on all the time.  Seriously, this guy's Xbox is on and showing up on Live at least 20 to 22 hours out of each's insane, man..the real question is always when is he NOT sitting on Live.. (yep, I occasionally use "Appear Offline" just so I can enjoy some games or Netflix alone without any interruption....thank goodness for whoever invented Appear Offline) ...another weird thing is that this isn't usually spent gaming, either; his status is mostly showing "Home", Netflix, Youtube or Twitch ALL day......that guy is quite the character for all kinds of reasons, actually.  He actually works but it's not many hours, so he has nothing but huge amounts of free time, actually....kinda got on a tangent there but he's had the system since day 1, and this has been a regular thing... and yet that system still works perfectly fine.  Haha if this was the 360 he was doing like that, he'd probably be on system #3 by this point.

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man, I used to try to do that as a kid.  Nothing but busted ass to show for it.  Speaking of busted...................




It ain't like we didn't know already, but I'm glad that The Quartering is putting them out there.

Oh yeah @MillionX  The O Man's back in business!  👍  He's about to leave YouTube though.  He'll soon be available only on   For now you can grab the latest video right here.


WARNING:  Truth bombs and butt hurt within.  No TAZ though.

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X-men's Greatest Moments:

Uncanny x-men #117  



While the x-men are believed dead, Xavier recollects  how he first encountered an evil mutant and found his calling. This was the first Xavier centric issue in Claremonts run. Xavier meets Moira in UK while studying for his Phd, but is drafted into Korean War (during which his stepbrother becomes JUGGERNAUT BITCH!) However she breaks up with him suddenly and Xavier becomes a nomad seeking to get over the pain of that and his war experiences.




Xavier has his wallet snatched  by a young Storm in Cairo.



This issue marks the first encounter with Amahl Farouk who is later called the Shadow King.  Though he seemingly dies in this issue, later stories retcon him into being an ancient psychic entity that uses a host body to interact with the living. 
This battle leads Xavier to work towards bringing humans and mutants together and ultimately found the X-men. 




Xavier vs SK on the Astral plane



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@DangerousJ  Not too bad.  I wasn't much of a fan of the original series or movies, but not because I had any feelings one way or the other.   Just never picked up for me.  This one seems like it will follow what little I remember.  If I actively block all the false,"Girl Power" noise and focus solely on the show itself, this one seems to be..................actually good enough as a movie about women doing typically male things.  I hope the action parts will do the movie justice.  And also........................No.  I'd better not say it out loud and hope it doesn't end up getting jinxed.

From that vid to this one: 


Been waiting to see this one get ripped up.  I am not disappointed.

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I never watched the original 1976 show,but I watched the 2000 film with Cameron Diaz, Lucy Liu/Drew. It was entertaining fluff.

If this one gets decent reviews I'll go see it.


Terminator 6 also opens in November.

If Terminator 6 somehow gets awesome reviews, Ill see that instead. (but I doubt it.  Jim Cameron should have fully written and directed it imo if he wants audiences to return to that franchise)

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yeah I never cared about the Charlie's Angels franchise...only the gorgeous women in it Jaclyn Smith was my favorite of the original lineup....the later one I only remember having my honey Lucy Liu there.


Here, I didn't care about this at all UNTIL I heard it features my honey Naomi Scott AND Elisabeth that's an auto-win button right there, at least for me. 😮👍

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so.......I'm playing bloodstained Ritual of the Night on PS4 when I make it to the slot machine enemy. 

 People are talking about how hard this thing is?  Really?  Right now the damn thing has killed itself more than I have.  I just slap it around trying to get money but if it rolls all 7's, it'll make it rain and then die.  Meh.  I'm getting pretty lucky with the cash so far, and it's ranking up everything pretty good too.  Once you get ZA WARUDO (Believe me, you WILL know when you get it.) no enemy will have the power to stop you ever again. 

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Paging: @MillionX


This is the one the WHOLE Black Man-o-sphere was waiting on.




They finally dragged Taz into court and put him in front of the judge.  If you can record it, DO IT!!  This one belongs in the history books!  The great pookie gets smashed with the many hammers of TRUTH..............and they were MANY. 

Edited by Deadly_Raver
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^ha, I'm definitely checking that out in a minute... I'm always down to see that particular topic on blast...


On another note... I didn't expect to be entertained so much by this simple vid 😆

oddly enough I didn't like that much junk food when I was a kid... my main thing was the reese's peanut butter cups, basically; that was the top rank shit, imo...I could eat a whole bag of those.


I never saw the appeal of Tootsie Rolls, btw... the shit has always been nasty to me....but it also made me laugh because it always looks like tiny, skinny pieces of shit shit.... mouse turds, basically.🤣

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X-men's Greatest Moments:


Uncanny X-men 125- 128      Proteus  


Mutant X aka Proteus aka Kevin MacTaggert is running roughshod over Edinburgh, Scotland, absorbing and burning out host bodies.

He even manages to  fuck with Wolverine who is usually not prone to psychological effects from villains



Thankfully Cyclops uses his skills as a tactician/leader to bring him out of it.



Colossus the youngest and seemingly most "pure" is the one to kill Proteus 

(Metal is extremely damaging to him and his fathers host body was destroyed leaving him vulnerable)




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currently watching Vampire Diaries yet again... season 5 episode 12 at the moment...that moment when Tyler found out Caroline gave up the booty to Klaus of all people...ohhhhhh that was GOLD, man.  It was surprising they allowed a main female character to look like such a terrible person like that...then again that was before current-day CW that is in full-on "Girl Power" mode.....but sheeeeitttt that was so good.  Keep in mind...on top of all the villainous things Klaus has been up to for centuries... *spoiler for several years ago---------this dude also killed Tyler's mother.  OF COURSE that guy was at maximum pissed off status.  For some reason the writers saw fit to screw over Tyler repeatedly from beginning to the end of the series.


On another note; I finally finished putting together the cheap tv stand/table I bought several weeks ago... I was considering half-assing it but I ended up doing every step so it came out that's 1 tv that no longer has to sit on a floor.  I already have some bit of decoration on there with a MODOK figure I got for cheap from Toys R Us before they closed down...and a little Darth Vader figure on the other side.

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2 Samsungs... one is a 32 and the other is's a 55; of course I mainly play games on that gorgeous 55-inch screen.


I should get one of those motorized drill tools next time... yeah, I put that tv stand together "the old fashioned way" with a few different screwdrivers and similar simple tools.

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Heh.  Leave it to the Q to show superior intellect that shines far above us mortals.


Also: Those X-Men pages that J posted reminded me of something that used to happen every so often way back in those days.  Once in a while you'd get a book or two where whatever they were using for coloring would have an error and one color would end up where it didn't belong.  You'd get people with faces the same color as their clothes, or flesh colored clothes.......and objects.  If I'm right, my friend had that issue of X-Men where Moira's outfit was the same color as her skin.  in effect, she's bouncing around butt ass nekkid.  lol.  I know it happened in a number of issues of X-Men, Iron man (Tony's armor was flesh colored a few times) and some odd transformers issues as those were the main ones I used to collect.  lol.  I guess technology got better, but now there aren't even a handful of comics worth reading anymore.  Captain Hydra and Carol Manvers?  No thanks.  I'll just re-read Inferno and Dark Phoenix Saga. 


EDIT: @MillionX  hmm.  That 55 inch TV sounds like an idea.  the 40 has been cool and vizio has longevity like a mother (I think this one is over 8 years old) so I never really cared about upgrading.  Still, I could always upgrade.  Hell, if I get stingy on the wallet for a few months, I could go larger.

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it's a 4k as well...the picture is absolutely gorgeous of course... it prompts ya to revisit some recent games too, just to see them on that incredible screen.  Also---the various nature and space-related shows look insanely good on a 4k screen.


...watching some Mario Maker vids recently; it still annoys me to hear people pronounce the name "Merry-oh".  I've never known a "Mario" who pronounces his goddamn name like that...on top of that, ever since the character itself has been talking in the games and cartoons...we hear exactly how it's supposed to be pronounced--> "MAH-rio".  I'm not sure why some people have trouble with that shit.

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My TV died a week ago. 

It was a 27 inch Samsung monitor from 2011 that I used mostly for video games and watching blurays. 

I'm researching getting a new one, but Im a super cheapo and I am trying to spend the least possible and get the most for a small amount like $250.  (thats what my old set cost too)


I've always played on 19 inch sets as a kid and 27 inch sets(CRT and now HD), but I might get a 4k 40-43 inch one if I can.

My parents have never bought  a set bigger than 32 but thats probably because the costs were much higher than the last 4-5 years.


Anyhoo, there are some TCL ones that have good reviews. I'm looking at Vizio too since they seem a popular "budget" brand".


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y'know, it's fun to analyze the silliness of such a thing like reparations for slavery being done in the modern era (such a long time after everyone involved with that is dead)... it randomly hit me the other day that this would be in violation of something from the Civil Rights Act of '64- (a bit fresh on my mind since we occasionally have to take this online course thing to read up about that at work)-- I looked it up and sure enough...Title VI....basically you cannot, on the basis of race, color or national origin, have people excluded  from participation in or be denied benefits of a federally funded program.  This is besides the outright absurdity of having 1 group of people being compensated for some terrible thing that they have NOT experienced.  It's insane that we'd even compare anything from 2019 to the evil shit that went on in slave-era times.  


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There's another Transformers/Ghostbusters exclusive toy that was revealed for San Diego Comic Con in 3 weeks.

It is a repaint of Masterpiece Optimus version 2 with GB inspired paint job/accessories

The cost is $150 which is fair (Hasbro version I have was $160.) This one does NOT have  the energon Axe and small Spike figure)












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X-men's Greatest Moments:


Uncanny X-men 129.

The Dark Phoenix saga begins...

First and Foremosts:


The debut of Kitty Pryde, modest and racially sensitive Jewish lass




The Hellfire Club also debuts but most of them are in shadow except for Emma Frost, the White Queen




X-men Funnies

Wolverine starts this epic story off by ...

reading Penthouse?




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The Leg Showcase known as "Wimbledon" is going on right now, folks... unfortunately I'm late on this because it actually started last week... anyway that cute little chocolate drop Sloane Stephens is playing right now and ESPN is showing it.  In a little while Genie Bouchard has a match; I am not sure if they will show that's always good to check Genie out asap because she NEVER gets far in these majors 🤣

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