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MEGA Elite
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Everything posted by Reiraku

  1. Conference calls at my job are something else. Best line from this week's call: "Well, sometimes you have to tonguepunch the fartbox."
  2. When a girl asks you to make a video, you are OBLIGATED to get precise details of the content. I don't make the rules, I just obey them.
  3. If Putin was smart, he'd quick convert some of those broke down factories into GPU manufacture centers.
  4. A lot of the added bonuses to the Project A-ko blu-ray were contributed by Kaelan Ramos, the last Evo Sailor Moon S champ.
  5. So, the angled approach is an actual piloting technique used when you have to land a plan in extremely prohibitive winds. You can tell by the amount of drift after the initial approach that the winds must have been brutal. It's definitely not easy to pull off (as you can see) but it has been done before successfully.
  6. Another factor to this is they are hoping that the company will settle for a lesser amount out of court rather than take it to court and possibly lose for an appropriate judgement. By losing this in court, it would set precedence in judgement in these types of cases and potentially open the way for similar cases in the future. The legal costs would be worse than the punitive damages from that alone.
  7. I think I might be the only person in the world that doesn't like HxH. I hear so many great things about it, but by 50 chapters of the manga, there was really nothing that hooked me.
  8. Worse. I worked casino surveillance before. Once you know how multi-billion dollar places cover their properties, then you combine it with corporate greed who gets their supplies from the lowest bidder, it's not hard to paint a picture with it.
  9. I'm gonna tell you all right now, surveillance in almost any place isn't that good save for a few key points. Those cameras exist to protect the company from liability if someone slips/trips/etc, not to protect the merchandise. Wear non-descript clothing and mask up proper and stay away from the front door/registers. Also, get away on foot and don't park anywhere near the mark. Not to mention most surveillance systems can be circumvented by clipping a couple coax cables, which wouldn't trigger an alarm. Motion sensors are another thing, but if they're going in through the ceiling like these guys did, you'll get to those wires before you get into the sensors range.
  10. You see it a lot in the new england states. It was everywhere in New Hampshire, but that's right on the Canadian border too, so...
  11. At the very least, that cow should be charged with a moo-ving violation
  12. That's not uncommon. Secondary characters often get a lot of shine, like Polnareff for example.
  13. Protip: set your alarm to be the Pillar Men theme and you will wake up every day with the conviction to rule the world.
  14. She's rich, has a tiger, and back talked a Sultan in a country where you KNOW how women are treated. I guarantee, if she didn't want you, your ass is going to disappear without getting ragged on.
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