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Everything posted by Reiraku

  1. Let me try to put it another way. Persona A: "Why are you complaining you have to travel 3 miles to get groceries? I have to travel 6 miles! I have it way harder than you!" Person B: "You have a car. I'm walking with a cane in a bad neighborhood." I'm not mad that she had it better, but that she's saying that she had it worse.
  2. To clarify: I'm not saying the show itself is bad, or that it's dumb, "woke", or any such descriptor. Only that the scene I am referring to left a bad taste in my mouth for the reasons described. I might watch it sometime in the future, since it pulls a lot from one of my favorite book runs, I'm just not inspired much to do so now.
  3. I think the disagreement we're having here is a matter of success vs effort. Jen is absolutely more successful than Bruce in controlling her emotions, no doubt, but she also doesn't have to work as hard at it. I didn't want to include the reasons from the books because even the shows themselves don't follow those as much, so it wouldn't really apply as cleanly. Bruce has to work harder at it because the hurdles he has to overcome in controlling himself are degrees larger than what Jen has. He is successful, but it took a lot more work over a longer period of time due to these factors. Jen, by comparison, has not gone through the same things. She's successful as well, but she doesn't have as much to overcome to be successful. She's not working harder, she just has less to work with.
  4. She's talking about being patronized by her asshole coworkers compared to her cousin who had to battle to maintain control of his body vs a literal inner monster, suffered massive PTSD and secluded himself due to the people he hurt and didn't want to hurt more, and actually tried to kill himself, and that was before he was beat to hell and back by the guy he wasn't strong enough to stop from ending half of the life in the universe. There really is no comparison in the amount of mental stressors between the two. Her saying she had to work infinitely harder than him lacks self-awareness on a huge scale.
  5. Haven't watched the show, but I find the clip of her telling Bruce that she has to work infinitely harder than him (paraphrasing here) to control her anger took me out.
  6. That's right up the street from where I used to live. I'm also 100% not surprised it happened there.
  7. I always liked the Kubert brothers work. They did awesome stuff.
  8. The first comic I was able to buy myself was Thor 429. After that, it was X-Men, Spider-Man, Wolverine, all the 90's classics. My brother and I even got big into Darkhawk when it first came out.
  9. Here's to a speedy recovery and the absolute minimum of symptoms, sir.
  10. Considering it doesn't take a lot of time for brain damage to set in, I don't want to know the results.
  12. Yup, I'll be working with MarkMan and the RASC to help run the Arcade Stick Museum at Evo this year. There's going to be some pretty neat stuff there.
  13. Just putting this here. Come on, @misterBeedo it. You'll never even know I was a mod, except I get to pull the trigger.
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