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Everything posted by Shakunetsu

  1. I'm surprised that Cisco is from the philippines too
  2. Hi Is there a fighting game that has a good mode dedicated on teaching the player tech like footsies, zoning, 50/50 and etc. Not just the basic combos and execution of special moves? Thanks
  3. Hi Is there a fighting game that has a good mode dedicated on teaching the player tech like footsies, zoning, 50/50 and etc. Not just the basic combos and execution of special moves? Thanks
  4. I remember how awesome it was in the arcade back then when I was in grade school because it had a tag mode just like alpha 2 gold. That people were thinking and amaze when some are playing with unconventional mode in an arcade because other SF titles were just plain old arcade mode.
  5. Thats a settings for them at least explains why they are older than what ed is in ASF
  6. Hey guys what are the pet-peeves special moves and throw animation that you dislike in most 90s SNK/Neogeo FGs. It can be something... that the animation takes too long that is cause the timer run out Annoying or weird animation The animation and visual doesn't make sense The animation look underwhelming or too exaggerate for move Thanks
  7. Hey guys what are the pet-peeves special moves and throw animation that you dislike in most 90s SNK/Neogeo. It can be something... that the animation takes too long that is cause the timer run out Annoying or weird animation The animation and visual doesn't make sense The animation look underwhelming or too exaggerate for move Thanks
  8. I'm a fan of Gurren Lagann, Didn't aware of their other works. I have followed that series the inferno cop one haha
  10. They are playing among us in the lounge. trying to guess who flagging the post lol
  11. In Japan they usual sleep everywhere either because of over worked fatigue or because the being drunk. and they won't get their items being stolen.
  12. I was a lurker in 2003 and later registered in SRK around 2005. Earlier this year it was Capcom Unity then it's SRK is struggling with controversial issues.
  13. the aesthetic seems promising but animation and getting hit kinda weird
  14. Good thing you distance yourself from other unnecessary stressful situation early on. Since there are more real stressful situation you need to attend with.
  15. I have some masterpieces only very few left. some few DR Doom cards 90s art are something that tries to emulate reality and fantasy at the same time while nowadays everything feels flat. I understand why they are doing this in cartoons but in art like a single illustration it's always better to make it lively atleast
  16. MTG Kamigawa is returning and being a Cyberpunk set?
  17. Me I want I different name because Ryu isn't doing Shakunetsu Hadoken anymore but it's something I already used to other FG forums lol It was a name because I used to regularly throw a Shakunetsu Hadoken. I thought NeoGaf was now more open to free email after an issue has arrise before
  18. Yup I remember you used it also in unity That mean negativity on that fake is across the forum multiverse lol
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