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Everything posted by axeman61

  1. Why are you betting on scripted stuff? Wait a minute, why CAN you bet on scripted stuff? That sounds ripe for "insider trading".
  2. For real; I can't believe dude didn't get permission to do that before. I don't know what legal rights Nike has to get in his ass, but they have the bankroll to go digging. They'll get that bread.
  3. I'm not into MMA that much, but goddamn it looks scary when Ngannou sleeps someone. Like they got hit with a sledgehammer.
  4. Random, but I tried out my new pizza steel yesterday. It's replacing my pizza stone. My pizza did cook better, but I have to try it out more to see if it's all in my head. What are some uses for my pizza stone if I decide the steel is the new king? For some reason I don't want to just throw it out.
  5. From those who have been: are movie theaters good to go to now? Are they being as safe as they can? Been thinking of going to one to see that flick called Nobody, but I'm kinda staying away from all non-necessary gatherings with this pandemic.
  6. Should I be worried with Starro that the Squad is facing another threat outside their "weight class" again? I don't know a lot about Starro or Suicide Squad, but it seems he has powers above what they can handle. It's not the gap between them and Enchantress, but still noticeable.
  7. I love how Derrick Jaxn built his whole brand around throwing men under the bus as a relationship "guru". Now dude might have to work a regular job. There's other things he could, in theory, pivot to. He is fit and handsome, so maybe he could do fitness. But only the dumbest of the dumb will still listen to him give relationship advice. He'll still have an audience, but that bag will be a fraction of what it was.
  8. I don't drink much soda except for Canada Dry anymore, but I would be all the way back on it for that peeps pepsi.
  9. Finally watched (all of) the Snyder Cut. It was way better than the Theatrical Cut, and I wasn't prepared for that. Of the DCEU, it's the best one. Way more coherent story, way better climax (though we didn't need those epilogues), and better development all around. Still had a few setbacks, but it's a great improvement.
  10. Jesus. Why even go on anymore? Like, for real. I'm not sure I want to live past the age where if I fall down it's not funny. This dude looks older than sliced bread.
  11. 🤣🤣🤣 Complete tangent, but: Leave the Door Open by Silk Sonic might already be my top song of 2020. It has to be the best song on the album they have coming up. Nothing's going to beat that. Just so smooth.
  12. It's sad how prescient this material from Kyle Kinane is. Part I'm talking about starts at 2:52, but the whole bit is worth a listen too. Oh yeah. I joined in '05 and didn't even fuck with the FGC like that, but the grime spilled heavy into GD too. Shit was crazy. I was so glad they got rid of the rep bar.
  13. Jesus. I'm only assuming it won't be back, but if that's true then damn. It went out like that? That's sad.
  14. While I'm 99% sure the answer is "yes", I'm still kinda wondering if any attempt to cancel her would have worked if not for the pandemic and the uptick in anti-asian violence we've had lately. But still, the twitter mob is so bitch these days. I'm so happy Twitter wasn't around when I was a teenager. I'd never be able to get a job anywhere.
  15. I'm double posting, but: I didn't even really notice that actual SRK has been down for so long. That says an uncomfortable lot right there.
  16. So, my Biden Bucks and Tax Return came today. I also have plenty leftover money from my mom's life insurance. Fuck a pizza, I might just buy Italy.
  17. I feel bad about a lot of things, but mostly the fact that I didn't look for a better job out of college and get out my mom's house at 22. I just got out 2 years and some change ago at close to 31. For years I was either unemployed or working at jobs that paid way below market for a programmer. I still shake my head when I think about it. Anyway, I'm sure my mom was looking at me like that a couple times. I wanted to get out of her house for reasons I won't share, but just never had the money and always had a big setback happen. But now? Seeing that I could have potentially had a job making 60+ K out the gate? It's infuriating.
  18. Do any of you guys remember Tucker Max? He ran a blog chronicling his "totally true not made up guys" stories, which led to a book called "I hope they serve beer in hell". The book got made into a movie, which flopped. Then Tucker dropped off the face of the earth, re-emerging years later with a book on dating or something. That's as far as I remember him, other than the fact that his Rudius Media site once had a blog from SRKs Azrael (black dude who taught English in Japan) before it imploded. Well, I found a little treasure trove of Tucker Max quotes from around the time the movie was getting made and releasing. Seeing his ego on full display (he said his movie would beat The Hangover) and getting slapped down by the movie's subpar reception and box office numbers is hilarity. Here it is: You can start at the beginning of 2009 (movie came out September that year) or a little after. There are so many bits in there that are so rich when you know the movie bombed and hasn't been talked about since.
  19. Tomorrow morning, I'm going to my mom's house with copies of her death certificate to mail them out to every spot (except the power company; still deciding what to do with the house) where she had bills. Some of these places she had debts were collection companies though. If I mail these out to them, will they start to come after me for her debt (even though I know I'm not legally liable for it)? Has anyone had experience with this?
  20. Yeah, it's possible someone qualified for the gig looked at all the hate she was getting and said "I'm good where I am". But for the sake of the apparent good will SW is building for itself again, I'm hoping all the chatter about how she's ruining stuff is just chatter.
  21. Do you need an external SSD for PS4 games? Maybe HDD will work just fine. For PS5 games though, I don't know. The only reason (besides low supply) I haven't gotten a PS5 yet is that the in-box storage is a pittance and I haven't heard anything about external options.
  22. Kathleen Kennedy is going to be in Lucasfilm for years to come, according to Bob Chapek on an investors call: I have no dogs in the Star Wars fight, but I'm curious to see how things go from here. If Infernoman is right at all about KK, I'm interested to see exactly how KK drives things into the ground.
  23. Maxx, did you ever have to deal with passengers this awful? TL;DR - A woman (maskless) got in a car with her friends (who had masks; they're still awful). At some point there was an altercation and the woman coughed on the driver and tried to take his uber phone. Later the woman said she was doing only Lyft from now on and Lyft said "fuck that" and banned her permanently. Don't know if Uber banned her too.
  24. Maybe she was broke and that's all she had to wear. Maybe that's why God didn't crack the earth upon seeing such blasphemy.
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