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Everything posted by axeman61

  1. It's gone now, but Lionsgate asked for a roast and Wendy's said "We'd give you a hand, but we're afraid one of your actors might eat it." Armie Hammer, in case anyone was wondering.
  2. I'm making fried rice for Valentines Day. It was originally because it was a day of the week, but now that I know what day it is, that sounds better.
  3. 1.) I know her options are limited. But she could have taken some time to strategize or something. Going this conservative bargain bin movie route so fast pretty much ensures she won't be back. She's limited her options due to fear. But hey, I can't really judge. I've taken jobs out of desperation too. 2.) There is indeed hypocrisy in general with how Hollywood picks and chooses who to let go due to a social media mob. I'll admit that. But I don't really have an answer for it beyond "that's life". Plain and simple, people more instrumental to the production get more chances. She was saying stupid shit on several occasions when she was a side character. She also couldn't be trusted not to stir up more shit if they were going to give her more work. It's admittedly not fair that others are held to different standards, but when you're doing stupid shit your bosses have to damage control, you don't get to pick their reaction to handling your shit.
  4. Her post wasn't anti-Semetic, true. It was still tone-deaf: you can't compare a systematic campaign by the Nazis to make the average citizen hate the jew so they could eventually round them up and kill them by the millions... to people choosing to not associate with you over politics. Sure, the latter could result in lost work for you, but chances are you won't die. Especially when, in her case, it wasn't as much political beliefs as stupidity that got her in where she is now. Aside from the jew comparison, she was talking anti-mask stuff last year. She was also subtly supporting claims of election fraud. There was the mockery of putting pronouns in her twitter bio (which, I'll admit, was in response to unwarranted external pressure to put pronouns in her twitter). I can't back it up, but I'm sure Disney had to have sat down with her at some point during those times and told her to knock that shit off. But she didn't. And now she's partnered with the man whose wife has a dry-ass P-Word. It's just not a good look. EDIT: I'm hearing Disney did have a sitdown with her at some point, but only from random sources. Is there any truth to this, as far as anyone knows?
  5. Double Toasted on the Gina Carano situation. I can understand Disney doing what they did. I know it's just tweets, but Disney had to have told her to stop doing that shit a few times before the "last straw" jew comparison tweet. Anyway, I hoped she would lay low and think on it before making her next moves, but she dug her heels in further and now it looks like she's coming back to Hollywood February 31st of never: I'm literally shaking my head as I'm typing this. She was a beloved side character on a popular Star Wars series. She was going to get her own show, which could have opened the door for more opportunities in Disney or maybe even the MCU (heck she was already in Deadpool). And now she's doing a movie with Ben Shapiro. All because she couldn't keep her mouth shut spouting dumb shit on social media. I'm going to watch that movie just to see if I can see on her face the moment she realizes she fumbled a Disney bag to get attaboys from the likes of Ben Shapiro.
  6. 🤣 I was going to get on dude being an aspiring rapper at his clearly old age, but thought maybe he's one of those young dudes who looks and sounds old. I didn't care enough to look into it further. But yeah; it's not happening for you man. Especially if you're dumb enough to Gorilla Glue something to your body in response to a very public story of someone suffering because they Gorilla Glued something to their body. You can't be making intelligent business decisions if you're dumb enough to do that.
  7. Like, for real. NEVER PUT GORILLA GLUE ON YOUR SKIN. How difficult is that? I'll bet this dude, when he said it ain't shit, was thinking about another surface. But you should never play that game with your skin.
  8. I know it's hard to tackle cop shit in the wake of the pandemic and the BLM movement, but damn. Just 10 episodes to end everything is a slap in the face. One of my fav shows too.
  9. OK, that kinda hurt. I don't have all these BS reasons girls won't get with dudes like me, or have a barely obscured hatred towards women. I just have no desire for a relationship or marriage right now. While I still want sex, it's more of an "I'll get to it when I get to it" type of deal.
  10. Does anyone have bad experiences with Verizon? I'm on Ting now and thinking of switching, as Ting's reception is garbage in my apartment and I for the first time got a big bill from them by going over their data limit. Verizon seems to have good plans for one line on unlimited talk/text/data. Are there things I have to watch out for if I switch?
  11. At this point I'm starting to think having a girl won't help. I'm still going to be crazy and varied in terms of fetishes/whatnot. It's not like I get a girl and all the porn goes away.
  12. I typed "thick Indian try on haul" into youtube and immediately wondered what I'm doing with my life, since I have enough porn to last me a lifetime already. What random little moments in your life make you think "man, I got to do better"?
  13. Random, but 🤣 I love how he doesn't even get past *3 minutes* of the show. This man spent a whole half hour roasting the fat dude over 3 minutes. But what's his problem with fat people (if anyone here follows Daquan Wiltshire)? Him getting off these fat jokes is funny, but I'm sensing a little extra hate there.
  14. I'm still tripping more off the price tag than it being stuck in his head. A shiny rock that costs 24 mil better take me to an alternate universe and protect me from all harm. But to be real though, I doubt that diamond (or whatever it is) REALLY cost 24M.
  15. Random, and a bummer, but I'm looking for advice from someone who's fixed up an old house. I have to go through probate, but I MIGHT have my mom's home free and clear after her passing. There are problems though: -It needs a bunch of repairs (that I know about) before it's decent. For instance, both windows with A/Cs in the bedrooms are torn off the walls from air conditioner water over the years. There might be wiring problems. And plenty of other stuff. Aside from damage, also needs to be cleaned out, as my mom was a packrat with tons of junk. I don't want to rent it out for these reasons. -It's in an area of Michigan where almost all the good programming jobs are at least an hour away. That means an hour commute at minimum to and from work every day once offices are a thing again. The reasons I'm considering keeping this house are: -Just in case something happens with my job and I have to move back there. I have a hefty savings pile built, but my last job hunt was 7 months. -I wouldn't have to pay rent; just bills. My current rent & utilities combo is damn close to 900 bucks a month, and I live in a one-bedroom apartment. One with central air and an in-unit washer/dryer, but still. -With just me in the house, it won't be junky like I remember. Also, I don't think I'll get many opportunities to just have a 2 bedroom house. I've been stuck pondering this ever since before my mom passed. Aside from jobs though, the biggest component is the fixer upper aspect of the house. Has anyone fixed up a raggedy house? Was it worth it for all the effort you put in?
  16. Does Youtube just not recommend risque videos for your front page, even if you've given similar ones a like? I gave the thumbs up to a gang of swimsuit/lingerie haul videos, just to see what the algorithm would do. Nothing. Meanwhile, if I so much as look near something non-sexual, I have to hit the "don't recommend" button to get that shit out of my feed. I remember last year around the time The Last of Us 2 was coming out: I watched one anti-sjw video and had to power wash my front page of that filth afterward. So many recommendations.
  17. Jesus, is that how that subreddit talks all the time? I've never felt like I've gained and lost so many IQ points by reading one post.
  18. 🤣 I found some shit I didn't even know I was looking for. For some context, here's a (probably fake, but still) pic of a racist ugly white girl saying blacks can't have her and she's for white boys only. Here's the response. I found a TikTok version. Only difference (besides it not being the same girl) is that the girl is racist towards white men this time.
  19. My bad; I was talking specifically talking about Gootecks and Mike Ross.
  20. I'm wondering this for real. Mike is somewhere (don't know where) and Gootecks should be GoopTecks with all the health BS he pushes while looking like he fought in WW2. ALL the fun went away.
  21. Well, it's not like she died because of them, and our country's bungling of this whole thing. She had stage 4 and we were going to have a moment like this, hospital visits or no. But it's extra frustrating to think she didn't at least have someone in the family by her side. And if these fucking no-mask idiots had had any decency, she might have.
  22. My mother passed yesterday. We knew this was coming; she had stage 4 cancer that wasn't going to get better. As such, I'm not taking this as hard as I thought I would. Still hurts though. And I'm about ready to body any fucking idiot who refuses to wear a mask at this point. This pandemic made everything about going to see her in these last 2 grueling months hard. She couldn't have visitors at the hospital except for super special occasions (like signing power of attorney paperwork). She had to go to a nursing home where one could only "visit" by talking at her through the window. When she went into the hospital again, they had NO visitors. She ended up dying in that hospital with no family there to comfort her at least.
  23. Crowbcat does his thing more with buggy or cringy disasters EVERYONE can agree on. As much controversy as TLOU2 had with its story (I didn't like it myself), it was still a solid (as in functional) game with few bugs that went on to sell millions and win all the awards. This CP77 drama is an objective garbage fire everyone can see. Any long video essayist worth their salt will have a CP2077 video if they don't already. For real. I'll be disappointed if the Internet Historian doesn't come out with something in the next 2 months.
  24. Story sounds kinda "eh" so far, but I am happy this will definitely have fatalities/gore. But without a trailer, this all feels kinda empty. Like, they're releasing this in April, and they still don't have anything? I understand that even the best trailer doesn't mean the movie is any good, but the lack of anything besides info/stills at this point worries me. Maybe they'll drop one soon.
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