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Everything posted by axeman61

  1. Yeah, if we meet up, I won't be the only one getting a stabbing. That ass is on point.
  3. I read multiple articles saying the CDC advises people to get out and vote even if they're breaking quarantine. I said "fuck it" and went. Told the people there I was waiting on a COVID test. They said I was the first to tell them that, and said I was good to go when I said I just had body aches (and not known contact with an infected person). There weren't many people there at all. I would have been in and out had I not been googling the candidates for categories I didn't give a fuck about beforehand. It's amazing they let me vote.
  4. Whelp. The test results still didn't come back yet. I'm feeling fine minus a minor ache in my back and arm that comes and goes. I'm still undecided on whether I'm going to be an asshole and get out there and vote anyway.
  5. Still waiting on my test results. I feel fine minus minor aches, but it's looking like I won't be able to vote today if they don't come back fast. My ONE vote doesn't matter, I know. Still, if Trump gets re-elected and I didn't even get out there, I'm going to feel really shitty.
  6. I'm hoping so, but the lady at the urgent care office said it'd be 5-6 days since they're backed up with requests. Even if she wasn't talking business days, that puts the results past Tuesday.
  7. Is there a way to vote still? I didn't do the early vote, and I want to stay isolated while waiting on my COVID test. Is there ANY way to vote without going out? I missed the vote by mail deadline.
  8. I've been having sudden headaches and random aches in my muscles since yesterday. I went to Urgent Care to get tested for COVID. I'll know the results next week. I really hope I don't have that shit. I'm obese with asthma. From what I heard of COVID, it's going to come into church next Sunday with a testimony if it got me.
  9. Kanye got Kim a hologram of her dad for her birthday. Somewhere along the way, the hologram praised Kanye as the most genius man in the whole world. A weird thing happened. My face scrunched up to say "Ugh!", but then in a split second I thought about it: if I paid for a HOLOGRAM of my girlfriend/wife's deceased mom or dad, I don't know if I could resist some urge to thank myself for the shit. At the very least, if she's not crying after, I'd be saying '"fuuuuuuuuuuuck YOU!" in my head. Don't know if I would make the hologram say I'm the shit, but still. So, yeah, it's tacky as all hell, but I understand.
  10. I feel sorry for you if you watched her late night show. Word is it's a tragedy even on Mute.
  11. People taking about Halloween, but what Halloween stuff can you guys even do? Maybe a little get together is cool, but Trick-or-Treating can be dicey. Maybe I'm just pouring too much drama on things though.
  12. Yeah, I don't know to this day why the hell they went with Discourse. I stayed because it's SRK, but god that software was ass.
  13. Are her nipples off center or something? The "bra" part of that string is way the hell to the sides of her breasts in 2 of those pics.
  14. Dexter is coming back as a limited series, headed by Clyde Phillips, the showrunner who did seasons 1-4. I don't know how to feel about this. I SHOULD be happy that it's the original guy and not Scott Buck (who helmed the disastrous seasons 6-8) . Still, the show got so bad toward the end I'm not even sure if it can be good again. At least in my eyes. I really hope I'm proven wrong though.
  15. I can't believe it took me this long to put together that Claudia Doumit, who is Victoria Neuman on The Boys, is Farah on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2019. "Where do I know that face from?" has been bugging me for weeks.
  16. OOH what happened there? What did life do to that man?
  17. I feel that. I'm cooking oven fries now. Some as a side for the chicken I'm about to warm up, and the rest for whenever. The meal I'm about to have will be well worth this wait. And on food, I made another leap with pizza. Now mine (as far as my taste goes) is just one rung below my favorite spot here. While I'm fine with eating out, there is a special charm to kicking back and eating a good homemade meal.
  18. Have any of you gone to movie theaters recently? I'm just now finding out the movie theater by me is open. It's one of the "good" ones with button-reclining seats and the whole nine. I've heard here and there that the movie theaters have been good with their practices. Can any of you attest to that? Thinking about going to see Tenet.
  19. I've only seen a couple drug movies, but this is dead on:
  20. Don't know if this has been asked before, but is that new Crash Bandicoot any good? I fell off playing the series with 2 or 3 (whichever one they had where they were going back in time), but the new one looks interesting.
  21. My homemade pizza has finally reached a stage I can be proud of. It's not ever matching my two favorite places here, but I like it better than most of the chain places. And to think I started here:
  22. Yeah, I was REALLY missing reactions when SRK went to discourse.
  23. I know nothing of what's going on at SRK1 besides someone fucking with Pertho, but I have an account here. I'll read up, but chances are I'm not going to fully migrate.
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