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Everything posted by axeman61

  1. Pepe's (damn near) whole schtick was coming on to a female way too damn strong if I remember. While I don't at all agree with him being put in the back, I can see why they did it if they don't have something fresh or new for him to do. Bravo, though I don't remember much, would do plenty other stuff (though chasing females is what he's known for). Also, he'd get punched or slapped by the women who he came onto that were not feeling it. I could be wrong about both characters here, but that's how I see it. I don't think they'll come at Johnny Bravo if, say, there was a reboot. Then again, I don't know how the Twitter mob thinks.
  2. Don't know if her pics are skirting whatever NSFW limits we have, but here goes: Edit: she has an onlyfans too, so I'm guessing you can find real NSFW stuff of her if you look hard enough.
  3. Nice. When stuff turns out good, cooking at home is the best. Sometimes the process sucks, but it's worth it for the end if you make something great. Honestly, if could make good pizza, naan, or BBQ, I'd never eat out again. Also, 🤣 I read about this in Death of WCW and somehow thought it was fake. No, it's very real, and it gives me so much joy.
  4. They were bitches pre-corona too. Remember what people put Kevin Hart through over a bunch of tweets from years ago? That's prime bitch shit right there. While we're on this topic, I'm wondering something: where do you guys think cancel culture as a whole is going? Will it get worse, or will it get balanced out somehow? Bear in mind, I don't mean people doing dumb shit and being held accountable. A lot of that stuff gets labeled as "cancel culture", but I don't feel it is. I mean the real parasitic fuck shit that has no purpose but to fuck up someone's career. Stuff like digging up of old tweets to stir up drama and get someone fired, or overreacting to something someone did to get someone fired, or believing accusations with no proof whatsoever. I used to think that stuff was only going to get worse as the years go on. But now, for a reason I can't even pinpoint, I think things are going to bet better. I don't know if I'm thinking companies are going to wise up and realize invisible mobs don't affect their bottom line at all, or if these cancel crazies are going to go too far one year and most people will start actively hating them. But for some reason I think things are going to get better.
  5. Hold up... THAT'S the one (Love the Way You Lie) people are all upset about? God, the outrage mob is so bitch. I say that as a punk myself. I hope they listen to his earlier catalog so they can fade away like Thanos really liked a poem he was hearing.
  6. Hmm. You know, my username is so old at this point that I can't even remember what inspired it. I know there was something. I didn't think of Axeman out of thin air. But as for what originated it, I don't remember. I just carried the name forth from other forums to SRK.
  7. Well, good luck. Be on the lookout for ulterior motives with that ass eating though if it comes to pass. Eh, what am I saying; that's just my paranoid brain. On a random note, do any of you have a chest freezer? What's a brand you'd recommend? I'm thinking of one for my apartment now that there are more around. I was looking into them months ago, but shipping rates to my door were insane considering the options I had. Hoping I might find something good this time around.
  8. Wait, that's real? Why'd she take a week and a half to respond?
  9. SRK itself doesn't have that much life left. The only people who'd know or care about this place here (though I like it better) are people from there.
  10. One thing I'm wondering about the Gina thing: when she was first saying controversial posts last year, did Disney have a sitdown with her and say "hey, you gotta stop that"? I've been assuming they did, and that's painted what I feel about the situation. I didn't see it as cancel culture or whatever; just "3 strikes and you're out" like most companies. But has there been any official confirmation of them warning her before they fired her?
  11. I spilled a whole gallon of Mango Nectar on the floor just now. I had to get it up with paper towels and some old t-shirts because I don't have a mop. This roasting session was playing in my head the whole time (21:08):
  12. Reminding you all, yet again, that if you have a loved one who's close to death but can still do shit, you should help them get their affairs in order. If they're seen as your responsibility in one way or another. -I got a life insurance payout for my mom, but she didn't have me down as a beneficiary. The policy was through her work, and hanging free. The only reason I got that shit easy is because I'm an only child. -She has a bank account with 7K in it, and a house. She never put me down for either of those. I had to use power of attorney to get any access to her account and pay some of her bills when she was alive. But now I'd have to eat into life insurance money (which is substantial, but nothing compared to lawyer money) if I want to get at either of those in death. It would have been easy for us, when she was alive, to get these affairs in order. But we never did that. Now I could be looking at who knows what for lawyer shit to see about both of these.
  13. Wow. I would have thought one benefit of cloud gaming is quick updates that you don't have to download. But they can't even update? But for real, how the hell did Stadia even come about? It was such a terrible idea from the start I'm shocked no brakes were pumped at the drawing board.
  14. This is random, but do any of you cook homemade pizza on a pizza steel? I have a pizza stone, and it's doing OK for me. But I've been lately hearing that a pizza steel will cook better. I wanted to know if that's true. It seems the good steels are $80 minimum. I can afford it, but will be kicking myself if it's not a big difference.
  15. Ooh yeah. The strange thing is that I would never say Knight is bad. But it is so disappointing that I have no interest in the series from here on out. Whatever the next game is would have to work HARD to win me back. And I'm seriously puzzling over whether I'm just dancing around the word "bad".
  16. This is random, but I wanted to kinda poll here: What series fell way the fuck off to you guys? As in, you used to love it, but can't even really look at it now. Over the weekend, I tried playing the latest two Call of Duties (MW2019 and Cold War). MW2019 was being its usual shitty self, so I could only tolerate 2 games. Cold War was the definition of aight, so I dropped that too. I figured I might as well take my chances in Black Ops 3. I say "take my chances" because BO3 has hackers now who go invisible and/or have every specialist ability. I took my chances and was actually having fun before one of those fucktards showed up to my lobby. That's when it hit me: the only reason I'm even giving the latest CODs a chance is because I like the formula in general and the last one I liked was dead even before being infected with hackers. I bought the latest games used specifically because I refused to give the devs my money in case I felt like a sucker for buying them (which I did). I don't know which is more sad: that the games got to this status (ranging from "aight" to terrible), or that I still hang on. But it's clear I'm running on fumes with this series now. But enough from me. What series fell off big for you guys?
  17. Man, I didn't know that. Sorry for her. For anyone wondering, her sister went missing and was found dead. She was said to not be mentally well before going missing, and that may imply she committed suicide. Sorry to be a bummer.
  18. Ahh yeah. Anna (aka That Star Wars Girl). She is just unbelievably gorgeous. Like a legit 10/10 to me. The only people hotter (as in, 11/10) are supermodels or celebrities who are kinda known for being hot (like Sofia Vergara). When I was being flooded with Anti-SJW videos (which she makes) after looking more into the Gina Carano thing, I got reminded of her again. It literally took me aback all over again that one of these people was someone as gorgeous as her, with actual drawing/painting skills. She sticks out like the sorest of thumbs, and I hope she finds huge success outside of this Anti-SJW bullshit. Simp mode disengaged.
  19. 1.) I heard KK didn't like stuff like Mando battling the Disney trilogy and winning, but thought that was speculation from those Anti-SJW channels (the nerdy versions of them see her as the devil). Your friend that high up? 2.) Did you work at Disney? If so, I never knew this. What did you do?
  20. My bad. In what you quoted, I wasn't talking about the twitter mob for the second half. I was referring to the anti-SJW channels ignoring that she was probably warned. I wasn't that clear. And yes, her doing dumb stuff in her free time is her prerogative, but making statements like she did on a public platform might have stirred up controversy for Disney if she kept making them. If she was warned before and kept going, she might have said something really shitty later on after Disney invested tens of millions into a series with her as one of the leads. I'll bet Disney crunched some numbers to decide whether it was a good financial decision to drop her, even with her toys selling and all that good shit.
  21. Don't get me wrong: I hate the twitter mob. But my point was more about them sliding past the very high possibility she had multiple opportunities to stop doing dumb shit.
  22. Good luck. I don't know what your goals are with building a YT or stream, but I hope it goes well. But I want to go off on a tangent. Do these Anti-SJW channels on youtube just not live in our reality? Because I was following this Gina Carano news, a ton of them flooded my feed again. I guess I grazed one and they all came out again. Anyway, almost all of these channels are doing two things that make me go WTF: A.) They slide by the fact that Gina was most likely given multiple chances to shut up before making the "last straw" tweet that got her fired. They stick to how "wrong" it is to cancel her because of the twitter mob. B.) They treat Gina doing a movie with Ben Shapiro (who I didn't even know did movies) as if it's this big victory against cancel culture. Like Gina didn't just fumble a potentially huge Disney bag to tweet. Last I checked, doing a movie with Ben Shapiro is a huge step down from possibly being a major character in a Star Wars show at a time SW is getting popular again. That's just me though. Outside of this shit, there's the general "sameness" of these channels I came to dislike all over again, and I had to throw out a bunch of "don't recommends" . Man. I'm well into the anti-SJW camp myself, and even I can't stand these channels.
  23. I'm really hoping the trailer at least gets me hype. Very little I've heard pertaining to the movie gives me hope it'll be good. And with them being so mum on things until now, it's like WB knows the movie isn't that good and is pushing the movie out to die.
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