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Everything posted by axeman61

  1. Didn't see this earlier. Thank you everyone.
  2. Yep on the anti-inflammatory. They gave me other meds too, but tried to refer me to Physical Therapy. They didn't tell me to ice it, though that could just be something they forgot. I'm going to try avoiding activity with the arm anyway. The meds are hacking away at the pain, but it was really something else last night. I tried icing it, but it helped so little I put the ice back. I'll be so glad when this is over. Also, happy birthday to me. My arm killing me almost made me forget that. I turn 33 today.
  3. Went to Urgent Care about my shoulder before a Dr. appointment I scheduled. I have bursitis. Might also be a rotator cuff tear, but it's definitely bursitis. Whatever it is, I wouldn't hesitate to kill it if it took human form. This pain is on another level.
  4. I have intense shoulder pain. Don't know if it's a torn rotator cuff or just a pulled muscle, but I do know it's from masturbating too damn much. Ya'll stay safe out here, man.
  5. That's straight up oversimplification, though I agree with the rest of this post. You're letting the extreme minority of the haters (like those cowardly fucknuts who would send death threats) trick you into thinking that was everyone. Most people who disliked TLOU2 disliked how they handled Joel and Ellie this game. It wouldn't have mattered what sex or color the protagonist was.
  6. The D+ back-catalog is still decent even if you don't have kids. But yeah, they are moving super slow on new content. They are relying almost all on the catalog at this point. It's paying off now; they have something like 1/3rd the number of subscribers Netflix has after one year. But I don't know how long that trajectory will last if they don't put out new stuff (that's worth putting out, unlike Artemis Fowl).
  7. I'm shocked at just how on point that is. That's exactly what the smell is.
  8. Random as all hell, but that new Kevin Hart special on Netflix was so "meh" I actually watched earlier specials of his to see if I hallucinated him being funny to me in the past. I didn't. I can still laugh at, like, his first 3 or 4. I don't know what he's on now.
  9. No, no death penalty. That fucker deserves to rot in prison until he dies.
  10. Is there a reason to get the PS5 now, or should I wait until the inevitable better version (whether that's pro or a bigger hard drive) comes out? I can afford it, but so far the only reasons to get it seem to be it's a faster PS4. Spider Man Miles Morales looks good, but that alone isn't enough for me.
  11. Sorry to hear that. Hope they all get better soon.
  12. I understand that that tangent was the ender on a 3000 word review, but damn. Shut up. That feels like some prime edgelord "I gotta be different" shit.
  13. It's shameful this election even came down to the wire like that. But unless 2020 does some 2020 shit, this is good news.
  14. I'm not about politics like that, but Trump's camp is so pathetic.
  15. I tested negative for COVID, but still have to set up something for the doctor soon. Those aches didn't come out of nowhere.
  16. Yeah, if we meet up, I won't be the only one getting a stabbing. That ass is on point.
  18. I read multiple articles saying the CDC advises people to get out and vote even if they're breaking quarantine. I said "fuck it" and went. Told the people there I was waiting on a COVID test. They said I was the first to tell them that, and said I was good to go when I said I just had body aches (and not known contact with an infected person). There weren't many people there at all. I would have been in and out had I not been googling the candidates for categories I didn't give a fuck about beforehand. It's amazing they let me vote.
  19. Whelp. The test results still didn't come back yet. I'm feeling fine minus a minor ache in my back and arm that comes and goes. I'm still undecided on whether I'm going to be an asshole and get out there and vote anyway.
  20. Still waiting on my test results. I feel fine minus minor aches, but it's looking like I won't be able to vote today if they don't come back fast. My ONE vote doesn't matter, I know. Still, if Trump gets re-elected and I didn't even get out there, I'm going to feel really shitty.
  21. I'm hoping so, but the lady at the urgent care office said it'd be 5-6 days since they're backed up with requests. Even if she wasn't talking business days, that puts the results past Tuesday.
  22. Is there a way to vote still? I didn't do the early vote, and I want to stay isolated while waiting on my COVID test. Is there ANY way to vote without going out? I missed the vote by mail deadline.
  23. I've been having sudden headaches and random aches in my muscles since yesterday. I went to Urgent Care to get tested for COVID. I'll know the results next week. I really hope I don't have that shit. I'm obese with asthma. From what I heard of COVID, it's going to come into church next Sunday with a testimony if it got me.
  24. Kanye got Kim a hologram of her dad for her birthday. Somewhere along the way, the hologram praised Kanye as the most genius man in the whole world. A weird thing happened. My face scrunched up to say "Ugh!", but then in a split second I thought about it: if I paid for a HOLOGRAM of my girlfriend/wife's deceased mom or dad, I don't know if I could resist some urge to thank myself for the shit. At the very least, if she's not crying after, I'd be saying '"fuuuuuuuuuuuck YOU!" in my head. Don't know if I would make the hologram say I'm the shit, but still. So, yeah, it's tacky as all hell, but I understand.
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