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  1. LOL
    Jocelot got a reaction from TWINBLADES in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    If we get an Evo 2017 runback of Punk vs Tokido grand finals I will morb so hard
  2. Love
  3. Love
    Jocelot reacted to ToreyBeans in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    Tokido coming back with the robbery!!!!! Insanity!!
  4. Love
    Jocelot reacted to HeavensCloud in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    Why does Tokido always have the hypest matches lol
  5. Love
    Jocelot reacted to Vhozite in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
  6. LOL
    Jocelot got a reaction from Bigtochiro in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    Oh. The band is on. again

  7. LOL
    Jocelot got a reaction from TWINBLADES in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    Oh. The band is on. again

  8. LOL
    Jocelot got a reaction from Dracu in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    Oh. The band is on. again

  9. Sad
    Jocelot reacted to Sonero in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    Got family over, can't watch shit. The actually game I wanna watch I'm missing out on.
  10. +1
    Jocelot reacted to HeavensCloud in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    Modern got wrecked.  Punk looks on point tonight. 
  11. LOL
    Jocelot reacted to HeavensCloud in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    Remember the games are too slow, that's why we have a top 6 now.  
  12. Sad
    Jocelot reacted to Phantom_Miria in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    "I paid for the band, so the band plays every game!"
  13. Love
  14. LOL
    Jocelot got a reaction from Bigtochiro in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    Wow AKI really hit your world tour character with the Wayne Brady tech from the Chapelle Show.
    "That's PCP, nigga... angel dust."
  15. +1
    Jocelot got a reaction from TWINBLADES in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    Wow AKI really hit your world tour character with the Wayne Brady tech from the Chapelle Show.
    "That's PCP, nigga... angel dust."
  16. +1
    Jocelot got a reaction from TWINBLADES in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    Indeed. I can definitely hear Marco Rodriguez at  the 0:18 mark. So I'm already set for 2024. Sorry Akuma but a REAL shoto is coming
  17. Love
  18. Insightful
    Jocelot reacted to Phantom_Miria in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    Can't wait for EVO Antarctica.
    Seriously though, I've been hoping about an EVO in Europe after they made EVO Japan, so maybe this is it.
  19. LOL
    Jocelot got a reaction from Bigtochiro in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    I guess this is the closest I'll get to 100 cup of coffee Fry as a guest character in Tekken
  20. +1
    Jocelot got a reaction from HeavensCloud in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    Indeed. I can definitely hear Marco Rodriguez at  the 0:18 mark. So I'm already set for 2024. Sorry Akuma but a REAL shoto is coming
  21. +1
    Jocelot reacted to Illwill88 in The NRS Thread   
    That trailer was hype and I’m not a nrs guy.
  22. +1
    Jocelot reacted to Emptyeyes_ in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    This is beautiful. Thank you.
  23. +1
    Jocelot reacted to mykka in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    Me neither. I wonder why they didnt hold onto the Rashid trailer until EVO
  24. Insightful
    Jocelot reacted to Vhozite in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    Very insightful vid for anyone trying to learn the Rashid matchup

    Also I’m sure it’s been discussed but I want reiterate how important sound cues are in this game. Broski points out that you can tell the heavy version of Arabian cyclone (bullshit mixup move) because of Rashid’s “oh yeah” voice line whereas for light and medium it’s a generic grunt. The same thing is true of Ken’s heavy Dragonlash (the plus on block one)…generic grunts for light and medium, actual words for heavy. 
  25. Sad
    Jocelot reacted to Pair of Rooks in The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?   
    Meanwhile my wife has the indecency to have a birthday on evo finals day. 😭
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