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Everything posted by Volt

  1. If you get to see a Heyman promo, you've struck gold. 🤣
  2. The sheer irony of Zion having a gif like that. 🤣
  3. Dude is a Barbie doll. A'ight. Localization team is off the hook. And that's why Blanka makes me sick to my stomach. We know SF is going to be heavy on the stereotypes, just look at Guile. Then when I got the cursor over the green beast, I was greeted with my flag. So a lot of what people knew about Brazil was Blanka. Lots of morons thinking we speak Spanish down here too. It's just bad for business. Capcom are some bitches for that and Ono can eat a bag of dicks for liking that trash so much.
  4. Meanwhile, GOAT System Works made Nagoriyuki. Y'know, an actual character with a personality who just so happens to be a 2m tall black vampire samurai and fan-favorite (despite the fact that he's unga af.) That's what representation is like.
  5. If it ain't localization gone rouge, then ok. A bit out of left field, but stranger things have happened in this franchise. Until I see confirmation that the Japanese profile has neutral pronouns, I'm still calling that they just wanted a new Bridget.
  6. Oh wow, who could've possibly have seen that coming!? 🤣 I really don't know why people thought anything else would've happen.
  7. That's Japan's shit. They just love doing it. I feel that the greatest loss is that the Bridget jokes won't work if the reaction can turn into "But they're trans! REEEEEE". A perfectly-fitting shitpost gone, just like that. 😭
  8. Nope. It was really just for the sake of pandering. Her old VA was puffing her chest about it. Iirc, she's the same one as P4 Chie's? I think I remember her being called out on that because she dropped chump change by letting go of the GG job, but she wouldn't do the same for Persona, which is a much bigger and more prestigious bag. Naturally, a lot of people were blocked by her after that. 🤣 Wake me up when they find a Namekian to dub Piccolo.
  9. And don't forget, they didn't even adapt the initial conversation into the rest of this support convo. So they literally chopped off characterization and context for a poor joke.
  10. Bro, I'm deadass tired of this shit. It's not just gender, a lot of games had their writing flat out butchered because some asshole wanted to get flowery but forgot they ain't a writer for a reason. That always, always have one very obvious and predictable outcome. It pisses people off because now the canon is all inconsistent and people get in their feelings when the game/anime they played first/as kids don't have the right info. Just a moronic decision and you can't bet ArcSys can't check them on it now because they'll get canceled "for being transphobic".
  11. All this proves is that the localization team couldn't tell wtf is his gender either. 🤣
  12. Japanese voice straight up sounds like a female voice. That's going to be weird to get used to.
  13. That artwork is straight up Strive Bridget-tier. Honestly tho, he looks pretty awesome gameplay-wise. That midrange is nothing to scoff at.
  14. Click at your own peril. Spoilers ahead.
  15. Yeah, all footage are from online races with hackers online. Spoiler for the City Tour tracks:
  16. Considering how LeBald is playing right now? I'd put him in a poster. 🤣 And let's be honest, I can't even beat you old ass flabby guys in a FT10, imagine Prime Daigo.
  17. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Booster Pass Wave 1 (Is that an Anime FG name?) might be released today. For those in the states, it should be around... 7pm EDT? That is assuming it's a globally synchronized release, if it's timezone-locked... 😭 Edit: IT'S OUT NOW!!!
  18. How? We got better odds of a new F-Zero coming out than a damn new Rival Schools game. The one SF game she'll be playable at barely even functions and is almost unanimously considered the most asstastic entry in the franchise. At least we know Dan is intended to be a joke, but what is she?
  19. But when I said that about Akira, people were like:
  20. I honestly don't know what the deal is with this Cody guy, but he left AEW, right? Let's be real, he's either retiring or going to WWE. The stupidest part of the whole thing is people trying to act like they got a plug and talking about how he's going to "show up on this episode" and then crickets. People got blown tf up claiming he'd be Miz's partner, now they're running with this idea of Seth getting a match with him because last night's episode was thoroughly stupid. Suckas sounding like the Donkey from Shrek. He'll get there when he gets there dammit.
  21. Oh come on, Raw ain't so bad... *Actually tries to remember a good part of the episode.* Well, that tribute vid to Scott Hall was great.
  22. If they want to bite off BB's Overdrive, at least do it properly. VTs were generally a bad idea because you had things that are fair and make sense like Ken's VTs, and then you have shit like Ayyyygis. Oh well.
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