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Everything posted by Volt

  1. Hold alllll the way up, are we talking about a new Story announcement!? STORY GANG WHERE YOU AT!?
  2. I feel it's less a lack of depth and more executive headassery. Unifying the titles is clearly a terrible decision. Roman is not dropping either title any time soon, so all the upper mid-carders are going to be feuding over nothing. Austin Theory finally got the US belt, he's probably holding it for a minute with the push Vince himself is giving him. The IC title is still mostly irrelevant. The women's division is also looking a little suspect depth-wise, Charlotte holding the SD belt is terrible for everyone involved. It got so bad that Naomi, despite a massive push and being over af, had to pair up with Sasha so both could get a title. Women's tag team division has been jokes for a minute. People legit forgot Carmella and Zelina had the titles during their reign, then a bunch of makeshift teams ran up and took their cookies. 🤣 Ironically, the men's tag division is kind of good, but apparently, everything just had to be a damn triple threat ramping up to Mania, so they burned through the whole division in a flash. Good job. The roster for both shows is kind of thin, but unifying everything would make it an atrocious mess. Catering would be crowded 24/7.
  3. Much like Blanka itself. Absolutely trash. Dare I even say worse than Phoenix Suns fans.
  4. Yeah, that's pretty much what going up against Snoop on Def Jam was like. 🤣
  5. There's a huge difference between wanting all the smoke like Goku and Vegeta and "You don't gotta get ready if you're always ready." When you're watching literally the same thing every other arc, you gotta call it like it is. Bad writing. Even for DB standards. Gohan literally went through the exact same arc not one, not two, NOT EVEN THREE times. Not even a variant of the same thing like the rest of the cast. Literally the same goddamn thing. Krillin managed to make the lesson stick under almost the same conditions. They clearly have no kind of plan for Gohan and fans are rightfully calling them out on that bs. This is straight up bad writing.
  6. Told ya it was worth it, didn't I? Shame I haven't had time to play lately, the boss rush mode sounds exactly like what I need to iron out my issues with the game. I've been seeing people get like 8 minutes for all bosses, there's gotta be a more efficient way to deal damage in this game than Charge Shots/Storm Missiles.
  7. The source is questionable, but it doesn't look like the average shitpost. Flabby Gohan back? 🤣
  8. CS:GO has a lower barrier of entry because all you need to understand at first is that you gotta shoot people, then you move on to learning how to manage your money and cuss in Russian.
  9. Good points. A huge problem I've been noticing are casuals complaining that they gotta fork over 60 bucks for a game that ultimately has little content. We know there's depth to them, but it's still a hard sell. Imagine looking at someone and saying, "Hey, I got this game, it's *really* fun, but you gotta put in work, you're going to get bodied 1v1 a lot until you learn, the in-game tutorials are kind of ass, and there's almost nothing else to do on it but hop online and get your shit pushed in. All for the sweet price of 60 bucks without counting the DLC Shill Passes." A huge part of why SFV was a disaster at launch is that the game was a skeleton when it came to content. The netcode was hot garbage, but so was most of the competition at the time, so it wasn't a kiss of death like the current crop, but that was the most stereotypical FG game possible on that front. ArcSys, as usual, has been leading the charge on that front, but I feel they lack a single player mode with some replayability.
  10. Don't forget SFxT too. Yeah, I figured it was that, but I wanted to hear Heca's opinion. This is not something that can really be changed though. Ultimately, FGs boil down to 1v1. It's important to recognize that a lot of people just don't have that dog in them to get down with that, but that doesn't excuse the other problems.
  11. Strive on top as it should, it's weird how GBVS got more entrants than DBFZ tho.
  12. Even when Chen says something that makes sense, he gets it wrong, goddamnit. Difficulty and accessibility do NOT mean that. As for his point... it makes sense, but it also doesn't. Notice how he left out Crush Counters. That's the big impact flashy thing that makes casuals go "oooohhhhhhh". VTs are also a huge visual pop. Man just wanted to shit on SFV and I honestly can't blame him because that game is ASS.
  13. Don't bother, they get reset every once in a while. 🤣
  14. I dunno if a fake fireball is really what Ryu needs tbh, but what really sucks is that Ryu just kinda... exists in a lot of games. Capcom straight up doesn't want people to chuck plasma like ST. Except there's so much overlap in archetypes that because Ryu is always on an uphill battle when it comes to playing the midrange, you really shouldn't bother picking him most of the time. If you gotta get up-close and personal anyway, why not pick Akuma and Ken? If you really want fireballs and buttons, why not pick Guile or Sagat? Ryu just really struggles to standout because of how mediocre he is by design. It's asinine as hell, and you can be 100% sure he'll be SFV S2.0 levels of bad if SF6 (logo pending) is free to play.
  15. Veer could've been that guy if they just let him run the same gimmick he got on his social media lol. They straight up hit this dude like this WTF did he do to make them take a dump on this dude like that?
  16. Yeah, the obviously artificial environments kinda hurt the impact of the EMMis a bit. Only a bit tho. It's always scary hours when they're on the chase. 🤣 How are you liking it so far?
  17. More importantly, I just noticed your rank. Does @Daemosknow Bison is the 17th rank icon? 🤔
  18. We'd need to ask the 4 or 5 people that played it.
  19. Facts. Cipher mentioned how we could occasionally play BBCF before the netcode patch. It's straight up unthinkable to do that in SFV. Hell, I can't even play most americans here on PC, let alone crossplay. Even back when I joined SRK, and that was during the early parts of Season 2, the netcode was kind of seen as a bust compared to Skullgirls'. It was so wack that you had people online saying that Delay in general was better than Rollback because of that netcode. SFV's Rollback was one hell of a monkey's paw.
  20. Not really. We still need an actual solution.
  21. But costumes are the one way to reach that without interfering on gameplay, wtf are you smoking?
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