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Everything posted by Volt

  1. Since everyone is tagging @Mattatsu, I'mma join in as well. 🤣 Real talk though, electrical grid issues suuuuuck.
  2. Yeah, but that's what I said. He ain't running them, so that's not it. The FG COC was too small and flaccid of a movement to really have an impact.
  3. It also had a FGC resolution. Man was banned for a year. He served his ban. After that, there shouldn't be anything left for discussion. Edit: Even the bracket rigging thing is irrelevant. The dude is not running any of these tournaments. 🤣
  4. The headline would probably be something like this: Wife Beater Wins Capcom Cup, Beats Several Virtual Women For The Gold One of the players knocked out of the bracket by Infil "Wife Beater" Tration was a married woman.
  5. Infil literally showed the email they sent. COC not met.
  6. Uhhh... FGCOC? 🤣 It's really the Twitter noise getting its way.
  7. Bullshit. Plain and simple. But not exactly surprising. These people make me sick.
  8. Ehhhh, AC (and +R by extension) were pretty wild tbh, but I know what you're saying. Reminds me of the whole discussion about "Real Street Fighter". Also, I can't stop laughing at Ultras taking skill. People were out there mashing that shit on wake-up lmaoooooo🤣
  9. Ok, I'mma keep it real simple cause you know what I'm about. How's the Story mode? I deadass never actually beat 13's because the text is slow as molasses and if you so much as breathe on a button it skips the whole cutscene. This is the one factor between me getting this game or not, idgaf about netcode. 🤣
  10. Shiiiiiiet. At times like these, I wish my Switch wasn't hacked for mods so I could hop online. Sounds like a blast, definitely picking it up later. OG Wii Sports was crack anyway.
  11. inb4 this is an elaborate trick to get Fei in SF6. Music man is probably a Fei main to begin with.
  12. I hope Juri gets a pair of Crocs in SF6. 🙂
  13. I don't get it. 🙃 All jokes aside though, OPM is insanely good. Murata picking it up art-wise was great too, I can't name someone better than him rn. Plot is picking up as well. Just a really solid manga. Shame about the anime though. Dropping by to steal some recommendations tho, I'm completely out of the loop. Might check out this Spy x Family thing y'all were mentioning, sounds interesting.
  14. I mean, they did tease Evil Sagat in V... 🤣
  15. @Dayaan Daigo speaks nothing but the truth. No more parries.
  16. That doesn't sound like a good idea. Ken was supposed to be the flashier offensive shoto since SF2 and Akuma gets the whole toolbox at the cost of health. That by default means that if Ryu doesn't have a focus on defensive tools and a better ground fireball, he's straight up outclassed from the jump. Not to mention it makes perfect sense for Ryu to have parries considering his martial art background and personality compared to the other main shotos. What we really should be talking about is how they need to get rid of Evil Ryu for good this time because there are seriously way too many shotos in this game. I'm interested to see why Daigo would want to get parries off Ryu though. But as we all know... Story isn't quite SF's brightest point.
  17. Pretty sure a bunch of characters have them. Some have guard break, others are straight up unblockables, but they're usually slow or need to be charged.
  18. Knowing Twitter is the scourge of the FGC, don't you think that's going to have an impact on that front? 🤣 That's a pretty good point...
  19. I know what you mean, but ngl, the first thing that came to my mind was "This dude is a Bison fan! Man's out there for literal world domination!" 🤣 If anything, this is probably going to blow Twitter up tbh. A lotta people don't want meme man in charge. Should be interesting to see how this develops. I just know people will upload tech vids to TikTok tho. That makes me sick just thinking about it. 🤢
  20. That's going to have a direct impact on the FGC, expect tech vids to be uploaded to TikTok instead soon. 🤣
  21. I just realized, Madcap didn't have a full match with Happy Corbin since this feud started. He fought both Lotharios and the set up is for next week. It's so weird to have a feud on SD that doesn't have 4 or 5 rematches back to back.
  22. In other, completely unrelated "News" (That's 2 weeks old lol)... Xenoverse players voted for UI Sign Goku. I ain't gonna lie, Sign does look cooler than the real UI Goku, but it's hilarious that the clearly inferior version got the better moveset. XV2 is the best worst game lol. It's not even that much of a bad idea to keep it rolling at this point because until the next Super anime starts, there's really no reason to cook up XV3 with 2 still doing good numbers.
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