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Everything posted by Volt

  1. Impossible. Naomi is even hotter? Also, I didn't know they did stuff beyond the weekly shows. That's pretty cool.
  2. Someone modded in Sin for Strive. That is BANANAS. When games really start getting mods that push the envelope like this, they just don't die. Straight up. Marvel 3, Mario Kart Wii, Xenoverse 2... These are just examples. The fanbase is just that big and passionate.
  3. This is seriously impressive, excellent work. Can't wait to see it in action.
  4. Who knows. If anything, I'd bet the opposite. We know Japanese companies are rather adamant when the subject is change, and yet, SFV went through quite a bit during its life cycle, the turning point being S3 with the release of Arcade Edition. What did that bring? A lot of monkey paw additions that people had been asking for, like Arcade Mode. Specifically people in the West. Casuals from the west. At any rate, the situation externally didn't change. SFV's underwhelming performance (Of course, I'm not talking about sales here) opened the way for ArcSys to finally get the respect it had been deserving for decades now. A lot of other games also managed to get more of a spotlight because of it. And yet, SF's niche is still right where it was left. All Capcom needs is to make a good game and they'll be just fine. Can that dumpster fire of a FG division pull it off though? 🤔
  5. And that already sucks ass. And that's even worse.
  6. I'd rather have an Akuma guide. Simply because I can occasionally fraud my way into a W with Remy against you, I don't want you to learn that matchup. 🤣
  7. I'm really not. I've been respectful towards everyone, but since Chad has a personal investment in this topic to the point he's that aggravated over it, I'm not going to talk about this any further. There's no need for pointless conflict.
  8. @zatalcon3might have a point. Actually, I don't even know if he does, this dude got 3 accounts. Did I even get the right one? 🤣
  9. Bro, I ain't gonna lie. Sothis was the MVP of all my TH runs. Fuck having to reset a whole hour-long battle because I missed a 96% accuracy attack and got crit by a bandit with 50% hit rate and 1% crit. That ain't even hard, that's just tedious bs.
  10. See, they got you already drinking that kool-aid. The law only states that the responsible people for the violation will be guilty of a felony and will be imprisoned. The cap is a life sentence, not the floor. Let's be real, you got a lot of parents out there that want smoke with teachers because their kids got a bad grade instead of checking their kids and figuring out why they're not doing as well as expected. When a doctor tells these kids that they're wildin' and that they gotta wait until they're 18 for that decision, do you wanna know what's going to happen? A lawsuit and a cancel campaign. There aren't any real external checks to make sure these kids ain't about to do something they might regret to the point of suicide. The law is heavy-handed, and we know why these rednecks from Idahoe cooked it up, but that doesn't mean it's bad or super out of pocket. The one thing that got you heated over it is that politicians got involved. Now, we both know I despise politicians as much as anyone and I've openly called both of your parties amateur circuses that are all but irredeemable at this point, but you're being blinded by "muh freedom!" culture. It's important to have checks for things like this. Minors are not capable of handling situations like these. Parents have a hard time keeping up with the generation changes as is. Doctors and counselors are undermined. And that's not even counting how personal of a decision this is. It's not unreasonable to tell kids to hold off until they're more mature to make a decision like this.
  11. There are other, reversible ways to express their sexuality before they turn 18. It's really a fail safe mechanism because honestly, do you realize how fucking stupid teenagers are? Peer pressure and glamorization is a very real thing, especially in social media. Exactly. No matter how you slice it, it all boils down to this.
  12. I definitely remember cracking jokes about it when it happened. Unfortunate. I'll see if it holds up well soon enough though. I wonder if I should run blind based only on what these units can do in RD or make sure to check availability and all that stuff.
  13. But Triangle Strategy was ok? I thought both were strategy games or whatever. I'm not good with names. Oh well. Got Path of Radiance. That was a terrible decision. I'm trying to start getting into a study routine, a distraction like that really doesn't help. 🤣 I wonder if the Tellius games are going to get remakes. Been hearing some speculation about that for a minute. Radiant Dawn definitely needs one at this point. All the new characters desperately need some depth. Hopefully they chop off Part 2 too. It was a nice part in terms of plot, but it's hard to justify it when you take availability and a lot of its units into account. Fuck the Crimean Royal Knights forever.
  14. They're full of shit. If anything, this is exposing the green energy haters. Putting all your eggs in one basket is generally a terrible ass idea, especially when said basket is related to Russia, the Middle East and Venezuela. Edit: I was waiting for someone to post to have this on a separate one since it's a whole other topic, but fukk it. 🤣 It's been literal years since I've seen such a high IQ shitpost.
  15. I can see the intent tbh, which is... less than ok. But on the other hand, when it comes to the practical applications of the idea, you're right. We're talking about kids and teens. That kind of decision is way too severe and sometimes, irreversible. There should be legal checks on it. Kids are too easily influenced to deal with that. Also, as usual, you really gotta read the fine print when it comes to Twitter. Unlike what this dishonest clown was saying, which was: The law only states that the responsible people for the violation will be guilty of a felony and will be imprisoned. The cap is a life sentence, not the floor. Basically, this ranges between whatever minimum punishment for a felony is in Idaho to a life sentence. It only really rules out a death penalty. (and whatever is below the minimum, like community service.)
  16. I'd like to remind you that Skullgirls at Evo is like opening Pandora's Box. This timeline is officially cursed. Regarding the picks... MK11 means that NRS has been doing nothing but scratch their collective balls idly. No new game. Not that it matters because they don't make good games. No DNF ensures that the game will not be rushed for Evo, which is good because it reduces the risk of another SFV-tier launch, but it sucks because I wanna bless people up with Crusader at some point. No Project L because that game doesn't even have a name yet. Honestly, I get the feeling that we had some good games that were hyped up since last Evo, so this line-up looks extremely lackluster and I can't put my finger on why. GBVS clearly bought its spot. Honestly, +R should've made it in. I low key feel that they should've done a boomer side-tournament for the games that got good rollback during the pandemic like +R, BBCF and KoFs 02 and 98. Oh well. Can't say I give much of a damn tbh.
  17. I really hope y'all didn't miss this triple threat tag match on Raw.
  18. Read it. I was told I was going to be taught how to pronounce SGGK.
  19. There aren't a lot of ways this could escalate even further. Either Putin somehow gets smoke with NATO, after which he'll be promptly roflstomped by all kinds of pincer attacks, or he'll try to shoot a nuke and be undermined internally because no one actually wants to start WW3. Both could happen. Ukraine is resisting as well as it can, but they're seriously outmatched. The sanctions are choking Russia like a python, but Putin refuses to relent. Wouldn't surprise me if this ended with the Russian people overthrowing him, but things might get messier before then.
  20. And don't forget how he literally stays several feet away from even his most trusted officers in meetings. That gotta rub some people the wrong way. Putin is isolated to an extent no one expected, that was a horrible miscalculation. How bad was it? Thread Reader version for better readability:
  21. I don't even remember when the prices started to skyrocket tbh. All I've heard in the past year or so was "There was another increase in gas prices." Even the news anchors sounded annoyed by how often they had to say it.
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