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Everything posted by Volt

  1. Req telling people to hop on Discord. This timeline is on some real shit. 🤯
  2. I don't even remember the last time they had a straight match without it turning into a Triple Threat. I'm already sick of RK-Bro though, do we really gotta watch Riddle get roflstomped for 5 minutes, make a miracle tag to Orton and have him run through the exact same routine every single time?
  3. Lashley was ok, definitely not Priest or Liv-tier. Omos desperately needed MVP though, let's see if he can pull it off now.
  4. Yes, but these people are too stupid to be worth mentioning because of things like this: What makes Autocombos look bad are things like what say, KoF got. Mashing jab for a horribly unoptimized autocombo that you can't manually cancel out of and is horribly punishable. The only use for it at anything above the most basic level of play is a mashable confirm for laggy scenarios where you don't need a lot to kill. That's pretty damn useless and gets in the way when you want to link jabs on a blockstring. (Disclaimer: I don't know if people do that in KoF lol) Meanwhile, P4A's ACs had a unique use (meter/burst gain) and could be canceled into other things. That means that you have more freedom and depth out of it. There's a legit choice to be made when it comes to damage vs. meter routes because of that. And it still worked as a basic confirm for people that hadn't played FGs.
  5. Imo, having an P4A-like Autocombo that not only serves as a basic damage option for rookies but also has a function in higher-level play is good. A lot of AC options in other games failed to do that, which is why they're so hated. Now, there are two things about the tutorials. The first is that even if you have a legit good one, they're still branded as a tutorial. To make things worse, a lot of games waste time killing their momentum from the jump. What I mean by that are the insulting tutorials that start with things like "Press forward to move your character forward!". You can easily disguise those behind a quick button check. As for actually teaching, a lot of games got the basic stuff like how to AA down to some extent. Keep it short, keep it simple, have it give out a little reward like in-game currency for cosmetics so people actually do them, and there you go. Another thing that could be done, but is considerably harder to implement are CPUs that actually help players develop good habits. It's easier to practice and warm-up against a bot than to just hop in ranked and figure it out on the fly.
  6. Not that Skyward is a bad game, but you really should give Metroid Dread a shot.
  7. That's a pretty solid way to show everything wrong with SFV. Autocombos ain't fixing that lmao.
  8. Madcap is OVER. Now they gotta push him to beat the Head of the Table so he can be ahead of the table.
  9. Might as well say fuck it and invite Daigo. Connection will be trash, but who cares, let's pump up these numbers! Even goddamn Smash shot down the idea of floating top players. You can't claim to lock out other regions and have guests from outside as if their Twitch followers are going to send their energy up so the netcode doesn't shit the bed? This is nothing but eSports bullshit getting in the way of a tournament because a bunch of entitled hoes want to join in a tournament they know that will be laggy because some CPT big shot got in, so they wanna get in too. They wouldn't be dealing with this mess if they didn't want to play favorites. You wanna have special guests, there's a format for that, it's called an invitational.
  10. There's only one man that can bring peace to these people. (I can't timestamp on mobile, so skip to 2:10.)
  11. This. Ben Simmons-tier bullshit. Bringing up mental issues just to be appealing makes me sick. If you care so much about your mental health, get the hell outta Twitter.
  12. Yeah, that's the thing. It's just a matter of parity. I don't like it by principle. But I honestly don't know the full scope of the situation. The rules probably stated what regions were allowed. Regardless, Spooky doesn't deserve whatever shit Twitter Thots gave him. Dude's been putting in work for the longest time. Just a messy situation from all sides. And I reiterate. If SFV's netcode wasn't so ASS, this wouldn't be a problem. 🤣
  13. What bad netcode and infrastructure does to mfers. The bit about "We only allow certain Texas players" was disgusting tbh. You either open the floodgates or tell everyone to suck a nut. No in-between.
  14. At least he's getting 35 points out of it. 😭
  15. WWE Network is a truly asstastic service lol. Pretty much only the Premium events are live. No Raw, SD and even NXT. NXT episodes are uploaded around 2 days after they air. Raw and SD take literally a whole ass month. Had to sub because I didn't want to play any games with streams for Mania, but damn, this is truly atrocious lmao. They do have pretty much every episode out there tho. I might mess around and watch the entire feud between Stone Cold and McMahon before my sub expires. Not off to a good start tho. 16 second ad on a old episode. Like bro, I'm already subbed, wtf else do you want?🤣 Y'all probably have it better with Peacock lol, non-US fans are out here *struggling.*
  16. The same Roman who forced a ref bump so he could sock Brock in the nuts and bonk him with the belt? That makes no sense, all he needed to do in that case was laugh and pin Lesnar. He was the heel anyway.
  17. When I saw his left arm swell into a ball I was sure he was injured. 🤣 The belt lifting got me mixed up, but maybe this explains it?
  18. Brock did crank that Kimura, but once he started repeatedly lifting both belts, it got a bit too hard to believe that.
  19. That's it? Seth should've taken Roman's belt at the Rumble. It made perfect sense with all the mindgames. This shit was M I D. Charlotte vs Ronda was better. The good matches in night 2 were *really* good, but damn, I hate when events don't stick the landing.
  20. WWE acting weird, booking... good? Oh wait, Neck Day got folded again by Sheamus. 🤣
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