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Everything posted by Volt

  1. RAW in a Cell is turning out to be pretty lit. 🀣
  2. Btw, look at the buzz about Ken even in this thread. Casuals are mad curious around the net too. That's the power of Story Gang. 😀
  3. Take a closer look at these autocombos. They're hot garbage, ain't no one scared of Ryu hitting them with St. LK xx Hadouken. As for the specials... you can reasonably expect them to be the M version. This is really just Stylish Mode, most 2010's ArcSys games have them and they're seen as training wheels *at best.* @Psychobluewas worried about the likes of 1-button SPDs. My response was pretty much this:
  4. Come to think of it... that's what NRS does for alts, right?
  5. I really hope they don't do them at all. There's already an edgy shoto with all the cool bells and whistles. Ain't no one actually saying "Man, Akuma is lame, we need Kage back." 🀣
  6. Yeah, it's an interesting story point, even though Ken was a bad pick for it. I'm too jaded to think they'll actually write that well in practice after SFV's story mode though.
  7. It's not *that* hard. The problem is that unlike Ryu, who spent like, his entire life focused only on martial arts, Ken had the family business and family to take care. You can't even pull a Majin Vegeta situation with him because for all intents and purposes, every moment he was shown with his family, he was in a happy and supportive environment. Hell, his prologue in IV is all about Eliza actively telling him to chill and go to the tournament to see Ryu because he wanted to but was too worried about her pregnancy. They're derailing his story pretty hard tbh. It doesn't make a lot of sense.
  8. I would if I could. πŸ‘€ Cammy's new super is definitely the best one she's ever had. It had me like this for a solid minute:
  9. To be fair, who else actually died outside of Nash and Bison? Bison's case is justified and Nash was literally stapled together on borrowed time before the nerfs took him back to the grave. This ain't like KoF where Geese just survived because lol fukk it, it's Geese.
  10. This case wouldn't look too out of place in the SF community, foh. Whoever said that anime players ain't weirder was a bold-faced liar tho. 🀣
  11. I'm sure I've seen her drop some horrendously stupid takes before, but I can't for the life of me remember what game she plays. Scrolling down her twitter, looks like she plays about as many fighting games as me. 🀣
  12. Yes, he deleted it. Also lol at him retweeting BR Election stuff. Dude couldn't possibly tell a thing about Lula without googling it. If you're interested though, the reason is quite simple. The average Brazilian would vote for goddamn Chipp Zanuff as long as he has a shot of taking Bolsonaro out of the office. Motherfucker is so atrociously inept at everything that he makes me miss Dilma. Shit, I'd take 3S Sean over him. It really can't get much worse.
  13. Let's be real, the problem is less the WW crew making it and more how lopsided the picks are. Obviously Blanka shouldn't be in anything but Darkstalkers so that bitch can rot in obscurity forever. With that said, you can afford to save some WWs for DLC and even it out. SF2: ALL WWs (8) + Cammy, Dee Jay and A Kuma. That's 11 characters. SF3 and Alpha: πŸ¦— SF4: Juri and you could argue Ed, but I won't. 1 pick. SFV: Luke, who was put in V as a marketing tool for 6, Ed, and Rashidoooooo. 3 picks. Newcomers: 7. 8 if you count Femkumram as being brolic enough to count as 2. What the fuck. This is PokΓ©mon-tier nostalgia bait. You're really telling me that 2 whole ass games got no reps on the base roster? SF2 got literally half the roster. This is bullshit no matter how you slice it.
  14. Hol up. Why did the Cammy that got her shit absolutely kicked in also lose Drive gauge on hit!? 🀯
  15. His SFV moveset is literally riddled with moves he got training to overcome the Saltsui no Hado and also work as a bridge to his SF3 moveset. His VT2 is literally the move he used to One Punch Necalli. You're plain wrong on this one. Ok, I gotta take the L on this one. That game was on some good shit, excellent execution.
  16. My brother in anime, have you ever seen a story with an OC/Custom Character turn out even remotely good? 😭
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