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Everything posted by KingTubb

  1. Optimus, I just thought it was funny that I thought "I like those shoes" and got an ad for the shoes immediately 🤣 It was purely coincidental. I follow skaters on insta and watch a lot of skate vids on youtube. I also wear shoes despite my caveman blood. Don't worry man, I'm not a tin foil hat wearer. I already got the 5G Bill Gates micro-chip injected into me with the first shot and the fetus killing radioactive nanomachine with the second , and am totally ready to get "turns you hands to lobster claws" booster in 6-8 months
  2. It's getting weird out there. A homie went to top golf and posted it to his insta story. He was rocking a pair of Lakais and I thought "I forgot that he skates, wonder if he's always been a lakai guy" then I swipe to the next story, no joke, it's a goddamn ad for Lakai. Damn near threw my phone
  3. Them big juicy buffed textures and audio files that don't sound like they were recorded with a shoe and played through a potato might make it bigger
  4. Initial release date: June 14, 2012 Steam release date: RELEASE DATE: Jun 13, 2020 And considering that they've already put the entire console release of VF5FS on the PC inside of yakuza 7, Sega has proven yet again that it hates money
  5. MY LOCALS ARE REOPENING IN JULY!!! Very excited, especially cause I'll have a month of Strive and VF under my belt and will be able to get legit games in. Little worried about the nerd stink in the July heat of a bunch of dorks who have had limited human contact for the last 15 months.
  6. Beat RE8 last night. That game is good. Gets better as it goes along too. A little worried about RE9 is going to end up being... Hoping that this is the last first person RE game and they mix it up for the next one. They're proved with 4 and 7 that you can change a ton of the game and still make it feel like an RE game. Survival Horror deck building strategy game next maybe?
  7. C'mon man, it's not that bad. This for sure. Not because I think the songs are bad, I just think songs with singing don't work well with FGs Also, VF is actually happening 👀 As long as the netcode is not the worst of all time, I'm pretty stoked.
  8. There's no way this is real
  9. Thanks, homie! I’m good, just went on vacation cause I’ve been pumped full of the 5G and am invisible now or something. some pics from the trip: Edit: meant to say invincible, but maybe 5G works cause the virus can't see me cause I'm invisible. I dunno
  10. Oh for sure, and I'm not one to complain. I honestly like it, which I know sounds crazy, but that panic you cause a zoner when you get in is delicious. And it gives me a free excuse when I get cooked like a thanksgiving turkey
  11. Yeah, I guess that's what I was trying to say with "transparency" Fireballs are what we think about when we think of zoning, but what about them good ass buttons? I personally think Chun is the best zoner in 3S cause cMK and HP control the space in front of her so well. But she wouldn't be called a zoner cause her fireball is not good.
  12. SF2's zone is baaaaaaad. Honda eats shit against anyone with a fireball! Wait....
  13. Just spitballing, but it might be because if zoning is done well, it's transparent? Maybe the SC series? I feel like that has so much of its gameplay around range and characters can really effectively zone without it being too strong because you have the 8 way run. Most super far reaching attacks are slow and are narrow, so you can side step and approach... I don't feel like you ever hear much about zoning in 3d fighters tho
  14. Thanks for the tip, just picked it up. Pretty sure it has the same rollback as MotW and LB2, which are pretty decent
  15. 360's are actually a lot easier on hitbox imho. Amost every game only requires cardinal directions for a 360, and they usually don't even need to be in order. I just swipe l,d,r with one finger and press attack and up at the same time. Super easy and consistent. You can also do something like L,R,D, U+button. A guy at my locals does it this way cause it's faster for him These are nightmares for me. But I suck at 720's on stick too. I can really only do it on wake-up. I just swipe the direction buttons like a madman and mash up and attack 🤣 TKs are about the same for me on stick and hitbox. TKs took less time to learn on stick, but once I got it down on hitbox, it was a lot more consistent.
  16. About 70-75% done with RE8 Game keeps getting better and better as it goes on imho. It does do the RE thing of starting to narrow the exploration and increase the bang bang shoot shoot parts towards the end, but I'd kinda digging it.
  17. There's two reason's I'm a bigger fan of hitbox over pad: Simultaneous button presses- I just can't do them consistently on pad without macros, and even then, I don't like using my left hand for action buttons, it messes with my mind. Like with Gief's lariet, I just can't do it. Same with throw teching and what not, it's just no beuno for me. Big ol buttons solves that issue in my case. Blisters and "pad thumb". I don't want to have to reform my calluses if I take a couple weeks off. And before volt talks about the analog stick again, that shit is wack. Happy that you're happy, but it ain't for me
  18. Hey, it's it's free, I'd give it a whirl🤷‍♀️ I'm the industry's worst nightmare, a person that totally plays FTP games but never puts a dime into them @HawkingbirdI thought about streaming RE8, but I kinda wanted to be able to really put some time and thought into it, find all the secrets and what not. Started streaming REmake 2 right before it came out and will probably pick that back up after I'm done with 8. Or I might stream RE4 cause I love that game so very very much
  19. There's tons of reason's hitbox is better, including it being sturdier and easier to travel with. Something about hitbox does scream "dork" to me, and I think an arcade stick just looks cooler. But i've been a dork for so long, there's nothing that can save me at this point
  20. Ooooh gotcha. Yeah, it's really acidic, so it has a vinegary smell. Sauerkraut is a naturally fermented food, so all the bacteria you need to make it is already on the cabbage. Lightly wash some cabbage, toss in some salt to keep any nasty stuff from growing, cover and wait a week or two. Kimchi and pickles are made in a really similar way. Vinegar is also fermented, but it makes its acid by germs eating booze and pooping it out. That's why there are different types of vinegar: it's tied to the type of booze it was made from. I know you probably don't give a single shit bout all this, which is totally fair, so here's a gif of a chonky boy as a consolation 🙏
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