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Everything posted by KingTubb

  1. I didn't notice this till now! Thanks everybody. MegaShock is wholesome, and I'm loving it. Also, @DangerousJ ... How did you know I like Jessica Chastain?? Great Actress, also, a total snack
  2. I really need a drawing tablet. I guess the holidays are coming up 🤔
  3. Darc posted that lady honda in the saloon and it made me want to look up gender swap Honda. It was mostly poorly drawn pervert work done by degenerates. This Sagat is cool as hell tho Maybe I should try to draw a cool Lady Honda myself 😤
  4. I forgot the "e" at the end lol. @Chadouken He sliced his finger on this: Not this:
  5. Kid just sliced the tips of two fingers off with a mandoline during class, just got done wrapping it up. Luckily, he's playing hard ass and doesn't think he needs to go to the hospital. I do NOT want to sit in an emergency room right now and have to fill out an accident report.
  6. Low key, she looks hard as fuck. I know it's supposed to look sexy, but she just looks like she's gonna whoop some ass. Cool as hell I want a lady honda, just this, with a linen wrap around her boobies.
  7. Thanks @Illwill88 I feel you. I'm dreading the day I'll have to start fusing vertebrae.
  8. BUUUURRRRRNINNGG HAAAAMMMMERRRRUUUUUUU Fuck that shit scares me. Kobashi the GOAT
  9. Play through about half of DS1, this is my third time going through Bloodborne. I play it again every october. Outside of that, i don't mess with FS games at all. By the end of my session, everything was coming back, but the first 20-30 minutes was really, really rough
  10. buy a gotdang sticker to keep the place nice
  11. Thanks @Shakunetsu same to you. Stay safe, not the birthday thing. Unless it is, in fact, your birthday, then Happy Birfday
  12. I've been married for two years to a human woman, so no lol. Went to a pride parade with my dad in highschool. He got trashed on Canadian mist and told me "I don't think you are, but if you're gay, I wouldn't love you even an ounce less" My dad fucking rules
  13. Time to retire. Thanks for the birthday wishes, homie. And holy shit on cutting a tendon. That shit makes me squirm
  14. SAME EXACT SOUND How was there not a single person that noticed that before naming it. Or maybe that's the point. But a Gay Marina would probably be lovely. All the boats would be tastefully chic and it would probably smell good
  15. Fun fact (not sure if I shared this already) but that local is at the "Game Arena" here in town. the wife and I drove past it last weekend and I said "The Game Arena! That's where I used to go on Friday's if you were out of town!" She thought I said "Gay Marina" and was very confused
  16. That's good. I felt like it has weird environmental attacks that were bound to L2 and some other weird bullshit attack thingy that was attached to it's own independent button that didn't have a two-button alternative. Mind you, I played with some 20 year old that smelt like cheese, would giggle anytime someone cursed, played johnny cage cause he flips the bird, and had to leave the local cause him mom was picking him up at 9. Pretty miserable experience
  17. y'all are making it sound better and better... I'll probably pick it up once I build my new hitbox. I only played it once but I remember it needing 8 buttons
  18. Absolutely. My dad used to bow hunt deer. The shitty part is tracking. You'll hit a deer and have to track till it bleeds out if you don't hit it in a kill spot, normally the lungs
  19. Thanks @Vhozitemuch appreciated. You're birthday was like a week ago, right?
  20. Wait... SPAWN IS IN THERE??? man. I know we're kinda ragging on guest spots, but MKs guests are pretty enticing
  21. I felt that when I asked if Ahkos was still alive. But you're good, homie
  22. First thing I thought of: Them kids ain't safe anywhere
  23. The best I can answer is sorta? So it's a federal holiday, so federal workers get it off. Depending on the state, state workers get it off too. Ohio is one of those state, and I'm technically a state employee, but the University doesn't want to take a random day off in October, so they move it to Black Friday and we get that day off instead. TLDR; I don't get Monday off
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