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Everything posted by KingTubb

  1. Outside of Tekken, MK, DBF, BBTAG(sorta) and SFV I’d classify every fighter as “dead” meaning you’ll probably have to put in some effort to find a match
  2. Cause you didn't. Sincerest apologies, homie. I misremembered and exaggerated the whole situation.
  3. This is probably true in lots of cases, but my area does it just so you don't crack a tooth or end up shitting out an earring
  4. I'm pretty sure that my family puts my info down on every bullshit thing that asks for a phone number. I get those texts for all my siblings and my parents, DAILY
  5. We're actually an FDA and Ohio Department of Agriculture inspected facility for food production. So technically, it's required by law according to 21 CFR Part 117, Current Good Manufacturing Practices. Sorry for going full "job mode" on you haha. Edit: Also, I'm supposed to be getting these kids ready to work in a food manufacturing facility, which follows these rules to the T. You'd get fired for earring on a manufacturing floor. But on the plus side of all of this, the TA told me I'm the talk of the town with the female Chinese grad students cause I grew my hair out during the lock down and they're all jealous of the volume and curls of my hair. Made me feel pretty
  6. So you aren't allowed to wear any jewelry in my area at work. I remind students at the beginning of every class, then inevitably, a few students either try to fly under the radar, or just forget. Get one girl for earring. The girl across the table from her sees me get the earing wearer, and is also wearing earrings i didn't notice. I come back later, notice, and give her a mound of shit for being an asshole who thinks they won't get caught😤 these fuckin kids sometimes
  7. MCA is having a blast in this picture. RIP man. That one still hurts 😔
  8. It was more RSG3 and (sorta) Stu. And I'm cool with keeping it out of here. I made a VGM thread instead.
  9. Hope you're ready for progressive Darun. One button SPDs here I come
  10. One of my favorite VGM channels
  11. If you enjoy all things VGM, VGM covers, VGM theory, come on in, sit back, and enjoy the TUNES
  12. I got in hot water at SRK for posting it in VGG. Everyone told me it's a lounge thing🤷‍♀️ Just tryna provide some good tunes. We should ask Bee to put a poll feature on here, figure out where people want it. Not gonna @ him cause that dude is working his fingers to the bone improving this place already, and it's much appreciated
  13. An MK11 purchase is in my near future. Who should I play? I like good pokes and a character that has 2 really good buttons. Honestly, much more than that I start to get decision fatigue.
  14. @Darc_RequiemI'll play you, man. I'm on PS4. Depending on certain circumstances, I could be free to play around 4 or 5 EST today, but if not, I'm free on Sunday.
  15. VGM FRIDAYS New place, so I'll just stick with some real bops. The hits. If you don't like these, I pity you: Try listening to This: Without hearing this Dude:
  16. So I did the coin toss to let fate decide if I was going to get MK11. Heads: I buy. Tail: Sorry, Ed. You can keep you're ninjas and shit to yourself. Final results- 6-3 ......Heads. This is why I don't fucking gamble😤 Gonna wait till prime day to see if it goes on sale, but I'm committed to buying it by the end of the month. Bout to blow that NRS thread UP!
  17. I don’t have any Lewds of Bayo, but uh, I think your a righteous dude and I hope you had a very good birthday
  18. Also, I don’t think default BB controls are unplayable, but they take me awhile to get used to. once I get the hang of it, it ain’t all that bad
  19. Don’t know if you meant to do this pun or not... I was a Jam main
  20. Having consumables on the face buttons isn’t for me. I’d have heal on L2 and other items on L1. Clicking L3 for lock on is not my bag, R2 For that. Mode switch on L3. Light attack on square, heavy on triangle, dodge on X, inspect on circle. Shoot on R1. different strokes, ya know?
  21. that one is... uh... a lot less intimidating than the other one👀
  22. Doing me dirty like that... I actually stole it from the OG: I tried to make my zelda file "kingTubby" but there's only an 8 character limit. took off the Y, my tag was born
  23. Holy shit, yooooooo. This has me dying 🤣 Also... Who told you my last name?!?! AM I BEING TRUMAN SHOW'D?? HOW DO YOU ALL KNOW THIS SHIT?!?
  24. Prime day is next week... Anyone know what's gonna be on sale? I honestly don't know why I'm asking. Between P5, Super Mario 3D all-stars, Bloodborne, and the occasional FG/THPS, I don't really need a new game. that being said, if RE7 goes on sale, I'm picking that shit up. I was honestly hoping that it or Alien:Isolation were going to be the PS+ game this month
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