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Everything posted by KingTubb

  1. Not what you think it means, @Volt. Gangbangers is what you call dudes that are a part of a gang/make money illegally in a crew. Gangbanging as a verb also means this in the same context. But gangbanging a PERSON is a different story
  2. I think I could. actually. PS4 can stream really easily, right?
  3. Anyone running Bloodborne this month? Been busy around here, but I'm gonna try to start a new run tonight.
  4. That's awesome. Especially since this thing is roughly the size of a fridge.
  5. I live in a super old apartment with shitty windows, these are god sends. Also, super satisfying to do. Morning, Odin 👋
  6. Yeah, for the most part. I'm just belly aching. My sister in law is coming to visit tomorrow with our 5 year old nephew. Normally, I wouldn't mind this, but my birthday is tomorrow. So instead of sitting in my underwear, drinking beer, playing video games, and seeing a friend or two like I would like to for my birthday weekend, I'm going to be chauffeuring them around the city and entertaining. And my wife got me a new hitbox case as a gift, but it hasn't shipped. She ordered it 2 weeks ago, and I keep telling her that she needs to email them cause the order snuck past them, but she has so much anxiety about it that she's not going to do it. And she won't let me email them cause it would "ruin the surprise" 😑 I just wanna get drunk and build a new hitbox 😭
  7. Save some for me, man. I’m gonna need it after this weekend 🥃
  8. Avi’s are so good here. Makes me feel pretty and makes me think all y’all are pretty too 🙃
  9. No matter what happens, i'm here for good. Considering that SRK is owned by Wiz, who by all accounts seems to be a pretty bad human being, and it was sorta of a pity party about how good it used to be a lot of the time, this move is pretty nice. Whatever happened at SRK that caused the move is over and done with. MisterBee seems like he really cares about this site, and is looking to improve it, so might as well stay on the ship that's on her maiden journey than jump back on the one that's held together with duct tape and bubble gum. This place feels optimistic, SRK is kind of a bummer
  10. Reacting to posts makes people feel good. As long as what you say isn't wack, and if you're a homie, I'm gonna give it a thumbs up 8/10 times
  11. I keep considering playing MK... It just looks like booty. Like visually. I know a lot of people dig it, but I'm just not into the art direction 🤷‍♀️
  12. With BigTochiro here, it really feels like home
  13. Wait... WHAT? Damn... He was 65 which is older than I thought, but he always seemed in shape. Cancer sucks
  14. Yeah, other lounge was more or less: Person A: "Hey, I like this thing" Person B: Person C : "STOP JERKING OFF"
  15. I fell off the soulcalibur train. Ain't nothin else popping off right now, might as well jump back on! I'll probably jump on tonight/tomorrow night for a minute
  16. Good point. This lounge seems to have a lot less unbridled rage than SRK. And I'm down for that.
  17. Cosplayers(edited), you gonna start running for office after the environment change? Noticed you ain't cursing anymore🤔
  18. If I ever play D&D, I now know what my character's name would be. Chungus Orbweaver
  19. That thing looks dope. Also terrifying. looks it would fuse to my hand or something
  20. Volta? He was in there a decent amount. Hecatom? Some people have different names, so I can't tell. Also, is there a way to choose you level icon after you hit max level here? Yamazaki is cool as hell and I would say that it's a shame that guy is only level 4
  21. Me too. Not this weekend, really. Maybe Sunday night, and really only tomorrow night if my wife lets me lol
  22. In the past it was a 3D beat-em-up with RPG elements. It has an open world between missions that you are free to dick around and do whatever you want in Kamurocho/Osaka depending on the game. There's bars with karaoke, billiards, lady fights you bet on, and arcades with arcade games you can play. Also, roughly 7,000 places to eat. This new one is gonna be a turn based game, from what I've gathered, but it'll still have all the wacky side stuff
  23. From the latest Yakuza trailer, VF5FS has officially found its way onto three generations of consoles.
  24. Wait, they play Chun and complain about top tiers??? This isn't a person, this has to be a fart cloud
  25. Wait... What?! Who the fuck said that?? That dude can run naked backwards through a field of dicks. Glad you whooped him. It sucks that some people can't handle playing a video game
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