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Everything posted by KingTubb

  1. Word, and thanks! Our guests leave Sunday morning, so I'm going to try to get some hardcore GAMING in as soon as they leave. I streamed a little last night, and it was pretty fun, so I might do that Sunday as well
  2. Throwing my hat in the Ranked talk. I feel like ranking up is a little treat for winning. It feels good. But I don't really think it tells you how good you are. Is a "Ultra-Mega-Diamond Overlord God Killer" going to be better than a "One legged grandma with Diabetes"? Probably. But Most ranked systems can be exploited. If you can find a trick that works against 60% of players for 2 matches before they figure it out, you can win quit and rank up pretty quick. This of course falls apart at higher ranks, but katarina's 4 spamming will rank you up and make you think you're better at the game than you actually are. I think using ranks as benchmarks for yourself getting better is a dangerous practice. You really should be identifying weaknesses in your game and improving those. That's how you get better. I'm not good at fighting games, but I have a lot of combat sport experience, and that's where I'm getting this philosophy. people that were obsessed with belts usually suffered as a result, where as people that had a mindset of "i'm not going to give up my back today" usually ended up being BEASTS
  3. I'm probably gonna flip a coin ten times and let fate decide
  4. I ain't gonna lie, I might buy MK cause I wanna play as Rambo
  5. Next week I'll probably try playing more SFV, but I gotta find out if Honda has a better AA than light headbutt. It he had a button AA that would be amazing. Jump ins are too strong and at lower ranks it's all these bozos wanna do
  6. Started Bloodborne last night and anytime I play a fromsoftware game, I gotta struggle for a couple hours wrapping my head around the controls. They're kinda bad lol. The button mapping is wack and I personally think half the reason I think those games are hard.
  7. YOOO!! EC!! Wassup man? How's the content creation life going?
  8. Frames beat me to it lol. But I wanna add (and not sure if this is the right place to ask) but should we start a MegaShock twitch and youtube? Again, I feel like this is the wrong thread to ask...
  9. Thanks @Mattatsu!! Yeah, I'm really bummed now cause I had fun playing Bloodborne last night and sorta just wanted to stream it over the weekend. I was just starting to get my legs under me. Birthday is sorta feeling like: But whatever🤷‍♀️ Driving down to Nelsonville with my pops next weekend to walk around in the woods and buy some boots, so I'm pretty pumped about that
  10. Hey, I'm shittbutt bad at the game too. If it can handle the connection, we should try playing sometime.
  11. morning. Remember, raccoons are the real threat to democracy
  12. I shoulda played a little before jumping into it. Shaking the rust off was pretty rough. But a couple homies came through and I got to play streamer
  13. Decided to pony up and stream a little bloodborne for the next hour or so:
  14. My case is still up in the air about when it’s gonna ship, but the wife knocked it out of the park on the art for the top panel
  15. Chad knocking it out of the park again. That shit's on point
  16. Word. that shit is heartbreaking and I'm not Canadian. But mad respect for my Canuck homies
  17. As an owner a few bad tattoos, i'm allowed to say this. That.
  18. I feel like it adds to his gimmick if he's in his mid/late 40's. Makes him a little sadder
  19. I'm not really either. I think 3 star general is a perfect nick-name for the guy. He's really not that outstanding in the ring, but he seems like a decent guy and seems to want to make a good product for the fans.
  20. Holy shit... That chair shot 🤢 God bless Cody Rhodes and all the brain cells he just destroyed
  21. Hey, is Ahkos still alive? Think we can lure him here? I know he was over SRK, but this isn't SRK. Vibe here is a lot better, maybe he could settle down here and have some fun with the homies
  22. I'm sure there's plenty of parts of the internet where you can see Sagat doing some "cocking"
  23. Yeah, no shade, but you very much are. Shamsho has been one of my most miserable online experiences. I'm not sure if I ever got more than a handful of matches were there wasn't a few hiccups.
  24. I got a question. How old is Dan? I feel like they should of given his character model a "mid-life" goatee or mustache in V.
  25. I got a story question. How old is Dan? I feel like they should of given his character model a "mid-life" goatee or mustache in V. Shit I thought I was in the story thread. Still figuring this site out. TIME TO COPY PASTA
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