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    Currently: SFV, SF3, DBFZ, SamSho, MK11, BB, MvC3, SFxT, SF4, Smash

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  1. Anything more than that? I honestly had trouble figuring out how the game worked (outside of the obvious), from the tiny trailers they posted. the control scheme seemed hella wierd.
  2. So I was out all weekend, I assume some of you got to play that DNF beta? How was that?
  3. If he's talking about KI 1 & 2, he's right. Those are dumb games. Fun, but really not very good. KI3 is a whole different animal.
  4. @VhoziteSo I talked to a few friends about winter/snow boots and they didn't have much useful to say. They said if you friend is hard on boots its probably better to buy cheap ones and accept that you will replace them. Either that or buy work boots. Unfortunately that doesn't make great help for a gift.
  5. Well, in that case the one I have always been happy with are the Timberlands (like you said you had). I got a friend who's a lot more outdoorsy than I am, I will ask him tonight see if he has any better thoughts.
  6. You doing work or otherwise bing hard on the boots? Or is more just for walking around?
  7. As much as a dislike the Arksys lobbies and think that they are strictly worse than old fashioned lobbies... I agree with this. It's not that big a deal really.
  8. The problem wasn't being 1HK, most power weapons have 1HK potential. The problem was it shut down vehicles too hard. The skewer requires more skill, and is no where near the freebie that the laser was. Both are improvements.
  9. But focus attacks are garbage but far from game ruining in my opinion. "worst mechanic ever" is usually just hyperbole. The only modern thing I can think of that comes close is the MK11 breaker.
  10. The problem with the laser is basically that it was too good, and there was no counterplay to it. The skewer is a "fixed" laser.
  11. I don't entirely disagree on any of those points however, there are at least counterpoints for some them: 1: I agree entirely. I am okay with ranked being whatever they want to rank you on, but the unranked should at least have more playlists. There are many game types in the game that aren't accessible right now (in fact custom games are completely broken at the moment). I hope that this is still a side effect of things being in beta and there may be changes on Dec 8 when the game actually releases... but I won't get my hopes up. 2: This isn't my experience at all. While footsteps are definitely quite than Halo 5, I don't really have any issue with telling where stuff is happening. So I dunno, could be pc/console differences, settings, or sound system differences. 3: Most of the guns are still there, or at a minimum their functions are. I think they worked hard to remove weapon overlap. For example, for close range 1 hit kills, the sword does that, so they made the shotgun do something else. Now the shotgun is a tier 2 weapon and not a power weapon. It kills faster than the load out weapons, but doesn't duplicate the function of the sword. As for the spartan laser, good riddance. That weapon has been a disaster since it was introduced. Likewise, plasma pistol doesn't EMP any more (reverted to Halo 1/2), because the new electric damage type does that. I don't like all the weapons, but I like that most of the guns have a unique function, which is different that Halo 5 where the guns were balanced but similar or Halo 1-4 where only the BR and power weapons mattered. Also, the DMR is the stalker rifle. Though the Stalker rifle is arguably closer to the H1 pistol with its 3HK.
  12. This shit started long before DBFZ. I really don't understand your point. They did to the minimum. What Arksys has is basic, functioning rollback net code. Like I said, I think way to many people didn't realize what it can do. Many other companies have done better. You've said yourself you haven't played the games that do it better so... kinda my point exactly?
  13. I don't understand this question, why is there a ceiling? The goal should be to make connections as good as possible within the laws of physics. Also, to be restate my position. Strive does the absolute most important thing well, and all the other stuff is at least somewhat tolerable as a result (though I still don't care much for the game).
  14. To be fair though, it does the most important thing well (Matches run well). But even that took over a decade of people begging and a pandemic to get them to do.
  15. Armor skills are the main reason Reach is terrible. They do awful things to the combat flow and are generally massively overpowered. The most obvious example is armor lock, but actually, most of the armor skills are broken, they just each eclipse one and other. Reach also had (overall) poor maps and weapon balance. 3 was pretty great. Its not my favorite largely because the whole game is really weak and weapon balance is pants. But the gameplay is solid and the maps are fantastic. Best multiplayer Halo's for my money are 2, 3, 5 (Arena Only), and currently infinite.
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