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Everything posted by Wellman

  1. Between that and the lack of English dub, Bandai Namco are not beating those "quick and dirty" port allegations. But the last Tales of Symphonia port already confirmed that
  2. Figured that game was dead - dead. I guess for a vampire game I should have expected it to rise again. Hope for the fans it doesn't suck or require the community to patch it to respectability
  3. It's Luffy, he is all about the cringe, but it comes from a place of honesty and pure dumbass which we all share to a degree.
  4. Managed to get the first episode in last night of the live action adaptation. It was good. As mentioned I had lowered expectations going in but I think it was good. Some of the actors they got were not great in capturing the cool of their source material, mostly looking at Shanks with the hair/wig, but they had a good pacing for the events and the actor playing Luffy is really good.
  5. I will try to watch the live action adaptation tonight. I am going in like I did the Super Mario Bros animated movie with lowered expectations so I think it will be ok.
  6. Between that and Megas XLR, I feel like some executive there really hated giant robots. Sort of glad AS is slowly eating the channel in a way, even if they are probably being given those time slots because they know how to run a ship under budget.
  7. I feel a bit dumb, I didn't recognize 'A Haunting in Venice' was another Poirot murder mystery until I saw the full trailer a week or so back. Still need to see the second one.
  8. I hope the actor they got for Buggy has the range needed for such a powerful role.
  9. I have only taken down one but I am weary to try for another. They take a lot of arrows to bring down...
  10. That sucks for the poor folks who bought into the Series S under the assumption it would always have versions of the Series X games. But given how different the two actually were it makes sense, before a true system life time they would have to drop that requirement as games grew into the newer technology. Who knows maybe they can use all that Cloud tech for games that developers can't or don't get running natively.
  11. The only positive chance the Portal has is that it will bomb commercially, leading to Sony abandoning it, massive price drops and the homebrew community finding a way to salvage what guts it has to be decent like they did Vita TV and the PlayStation Classic mini console.
  12. The professor wearing a stupid costume after years of forcing other to wear ones is fine. My issue is that it looks too much like the Maker except more spherical and less Xenomorph skull shape.
  13. I will do my best but iStuX can correct me if I missed anything. The story has basically been for all the X books, creating interesting settings and scenarios for the various books and creators involved. It is probably the most consistent line of superhero books in the last several years.
  14. I mean it is crazy but we all know what they say about Father Time. I am grateful for the years he helped mold so many Nintendo greats including my boy Luigi and that grifter Wario. His 'Wahoo' is second only to the great wrestling entertainment legend Ric Flair's 'WOO' in memorable excitement yelps IMO.
  15. I had no idea Chris Parnell was the voice of Slade in My Adventures with Superman, I have watched every episode but did not recognize him at all.
  16. Should I keep expanding my weapon slots once that POS tree starts to ask for 30+ Deku seeds or should I just focus on managing the slots I got? I am not trying to do a 100% run but I like having a weapon type for any occasion...
  17. I mean you must have a terrible memory or maybe read a character bio instead bof the actual comic book or seen the movie if you believe Scott starts the story as a piece of shit. It is just that he gets better as a person. Not every story has to be like the pre industrial tales of morality where if the main character does something bad or immoral that they have to die or become hobbled at the end as atonement.
  18. I wonder how this all plays out. The plan they came up with is too neat to go off like they intend
  19. They got some sales, as I believe the PC version was also said to have sold pretty solidly when it dropped. Edit: Actually, I just realized something. I can not remember the last time MS ever announced one of their exclusive game's sales/download performances. So this is probably the best performer they have had since Forza.
  20. Naw I am liking it. It is telling a young Superman story but in a different way and it isn't really going slow with it besides the first episode or two, which for a old head like me I appreciate. I have seen enough Superman media, I don't need them hand holding me through his powers or his cast. I do dislike the slow build with government subplot and the most recent monkey wrench they threw in to hinder the Lois and Clark relationship, although it is a interesting twist so early in the story. But given the nature of entertainment if this is a one and done season with a complete story I am fine with that.
  21. Naw, Jeckt is the missing dad in the episode. Minus the boss fight.
  22. When Fall of X is over, I really hope they don't fully revert back to status quo of X Men as a paramilitary organization running out of a school. You can break the Krakoa alliances and such up but they literally have gone too far to revert again to that state.
  23. They probably had it in the cards and told her weeks or months ago. Then cancelled it and didn't say anything only for it to leak. Honestly, a shame Gal has been a fantastic Wonder Woman. Just hasn't been given the best material.
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