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Everything posted by Wellman

  1. If the current time restriction he has on Gear 5 gets written out, I can't see anyone being on Luffy's level of busted.
  2. I mean that would always be the case if they are in good enough condition. But this attempt to do away with physical media does push up the timeline. Kind of like how certain Saturn and PlayStation games are crazy expensive today even used. I guess I should go ahead and buy that second Blu Ray player come Black Friday cause obviously corporations have decided digital only is where they plan to take things.
  3. I will give it a shot, but damn I had hoped they realized their fan base, at least internationally ain't about the young Goku nostalgia for the most part. After being initially wrong on Super Hero, I won't outright dog this, but it will have a lot to prove.
  4. I would be surprised if those two are not working together somewhere down the line. I do wonder if Platinum is going to get bought out. They founded it to have freedom but a potential purchase seems like a recent end goal for the company the last few years ahead of gaming to stabilize itself. Their biggest non Bayonetta hits have just been Astral Chain, which I heard they sold the IP full to Nintendo, and Nier Automata, which was basically them doing work for hire.
  5. I get the feeling that is what they are trying to do going forward. The vagueness of BotW and TotK seems like they have given up on trying to do a timeline and will go for whatever leaving things to lore nuts to interpret. But if they like the idea or characters they will use it. Probably some of the Monolith Soft influence honestly.
  6. The best aspect of the Castlevania shows, besides the gorgeous action scenes, to me has been how they changed things from the game lore in many aspects to add to characters. It could tone down on the edgy violence and subject matter, but there are those that tune in for that stuff.
  7. Love what the Zelda team usually does with the games... but they rarely seem able or even willing to craft stories with good direct connective tissue even when it seems like easy lay ups. I mean the botched Zelda timeline will go down as one of the worst explanations of games when they could have also just said outside of certain games which connect or continue they are all separate universes like Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest.
  8. Given their current situations, I would have guessed a company like WB Game divisions or even some Embracer group's acquisitions would be a more attainable and suitable purchase to grow a new gaming brand without spending billions.
  9. She is a Supernova, can't be too soft and get your bounty that high before even seeing the New World. Great chapter. This arc is probably going to be one of my top favorites in the end, so much crazy good development being dropped.
  10. That is crazy talk. Next time they just have to push it in people's faces more and throw more money and social media influencers at it. Surely that will help!
  11. The Creator is a good film. The story isn't ground breaking but it is told well and looked good. Surprised though how few afternoon showings there were at my local theater until I realized they bet heavy on the Paw Patrol movie and Saw this weekend
  12. If you told me Goff would have folk believing in the Lions 2-3 years ago, I would call you crazy. Still can't believe it myself.
  13. I enjoyed the XBC2 dub. I mean the weakest part was Rex but everything about Rex in the main game was the weakest link. But compared to other non Square Enix Japanese game dubs it was great, even if a few lines became memes.
  14. Hmm, you are right in some aspects. But with the game adaptations I have seen them do, Castlevania, Cuphead and DOTA2, I have enjoyed them even with a few warts here and there.
  15. Toyota Camry, I knew they were somewhat loud with sound as they are backing up but even in the car I can hear it with additional sounds at times. I know they said there is a mode to mute the extra sounds in neighborhoods in the manual but I didn't pay it much mind. As long as it helps with the mileage, as I do a more then fair bit of highway and city driving during the week, then it can blast out opera music for people around me to hear as I stop for all I care. Oh and the environment too. I also did this for the environment. Yeah...
  16. Just got a hybrid car. It is indeed better on gas then my previous vehicle. Although with my commute that is only a slight difference. Surprised by how much noise makes though.
  17. Sounds about right. There is a whole bunch of story to cover even if they cut out some of the more smaller individual story beats.
  18. I mean they have been doing that for decades though. The number of games on both the GC and Xbox that could have looked better but the target console was the PS2. Hell happened the next generation, oddly enough with PSP games being ported to PS2 and even the Wii as well.
  19. Kaepernick, I would say should get a look at least. Between the alternatives at this point he can't be much worse. Even Goff is finding some success out here with Detroit.
  20. Dolphins are really good, but let's not undersell how bad the Broncos defense must be to give up that many yards. Even when they put in the reserves. Next season, Russell Wilson will be a good backup for some team probably.
  21. Yeah, I mean 90% of manga/anime love adaptions from all over the world are bad. A decent one of a major franchise like OP is like a miracle.
  22. Yeah, most Japanese companies are not really interested in having American/Western bosses. I would bet if Nintendo or Bandai Namco were ever up for sale, if the purchasers are not Japanese their would be outrage over it being sold to foreigners. Edit: Just remembered, Disney might be able to get away with such a purchase until they started doing Disney corporate bullshit to sour the deal later.
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