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Everything posted by Abbachio

  1. Kinda, it's very jank and so close to being a pretty good game. Has neat ideas but the execution feels off in places sometimes. It's a very 6/10, worth a look.
  2. I have never heard the term "fairy floss" in England or rest of the UK.
  3. Hot take, tank controls and fixed camera angles are good actually.
  4. While there's a ton I don't know it does look like it's moving towards the finale, I'm not quite sure what's happening since I keep accidentally dropping reading it but I believe Guts is travelling to/has travelled to an Island of Elves to find a way to stop the God Hand. Honestly I'd rather not say too much since I really don't want to spoil things for you but I don't see it being a waste of your time to start reading it. Unless you're also worried about the release schedule of new chapters then yeah, it could be rough
  5. Having played Goldeneye 64 recently, it doesn't look like there's any slowdown in the video especially when it shows multiplayer with all the explosions. I very much recommend playing the emu version with mouse and keyboard mod, it plays so fucking well. Saying that though with a non-N64 controller and a "modern" control scheme it plays really well.
  6. I live in the UK, it's kinda funny how some PAL titles are super rare/expensive yet the NTSC/U or J versions are easily available and cheap and vice versa.
  7. Man if I was in the US I'd snag some of that stuff from Purebeast, it's got me thinking of selling my Shin Megami Tensei games, I have a bunch and they seem to sell for quite a bit and I just don't have time for long jrpgs right now.
  8. The news about Jay and his wife is absolutely fucking awful, I hope the children/other passengers make it through.
  9. That sort of reminds me how I never made the connection between Bret Hart's "Hitman" nickname and him using the "Sharpshooter". My favourite wrestler of all time and I just never made the most obvious fucking connection until I was 30.
  10. Merry Christmas you fabulous fucktards ❤️ Hope you all have a wonderful day...
  11. Yes, both have randomized elements and a single death (usually) means your run's over.
  12. Dead Cells is a single plain 2d beat em up platformer and Hades is an isometric hack and slash game
  13. Does this mean there will be more Beast Wars 2 figures?
  14. I played a few levels of Gungrave Gore and delightful really isn't the word I'd use.
  15. Shit, I hope he asked KENTA if he could use it first
  16. Just bought my gf GoW Ragnarok. 80-fucking-quid... thank fuck I only have to buy this one PS5 game because at those prices they can fucking keep em. For comparison £80 is about $95 Sadly I think Sony has lost me this gen, at least for now. Big edit: Oh my b it was actually £70 but they had an incorrect sticker on the box, still though this a £20 mark up compared to other games and honestly it ain't for me
  17. Remedy instantly sprang to mind and I think they'd do a decent job
  18. I've finally got round to actually reading Steel Ball Run. It's rather good. I do wonder if we'll get a SBR anime after Stone Ocean and I really hope so since there's a lot of anime only people. It's a strangely refreshing story despite it being the 7th part of an ongoing series that, to me at the very least, rarely gets stale.
  19. @RSG3Yo bruv you had a chance to check out any PS2 emu stuff? Was wondering if you tried Berserk yet.
  20. Yeah I was running the fan translation I forgot to mention it in my post. It's not the greatest translation but it does its job and you can fill in the gaps or at least get what they're trying to get across. Hope you have fun slapping the shit out of stuff with big sword! I hear ps2 emulation has come a long way in recent years. Oh and BTW the game does follow the manga I believe so some of it is canon so be wary incase you don't want to get spoiled
  21. Just beat the ps2 Berserk game. The level design is kind of bad but the way Guts controls and swings his sword is really cool, the game doesn't have any deep mechanics but the general flow of slicing your way through monsters and using your tools, like your arm cannon or bombs, feels awesome, it's almost like you can feel the crushing weight of Guts' Dragon Slayer sword. The game really shines in the one on one boss battles thanks to the animations being fantastic and the way the counter system works. The counter system is really simple, literally just hold or press X when a move is incoming, but they feel so good to pull off just to watch the mini cut scene of Guts flipping around like a mad lad. The levels themselves are kinda bad though and some are really long, I'm sure one took me around an hour plus. Its just run from point a to point b while enemies constantly spawn, and I mean constantly, with not much variety. Enemies give low amounts of experience, ranging from 5 to 100, and considering some upgrades cost around 90,000 it's a bit daunting at first until you realise that chaining kills nets you larger exp rewards. I can see what they were going for with this game, slowly pressing on to your next location while carving your way through demons, zombies and spirits etc. But I do wish there was little bit more to chew on in the levels because like I said killing shit with Guts feels so awesome. It's definitely a flawed game but one that I would recommend in a heart beat and I almost feel bad for rating it a 7/10 but I don't think I could rate it higher, it's so close to being something really great and it's a shame that Berserk never really gets it's due when it comes to any other media outside of manga, especially in video games. Tldr; Berserk ps2 has shit levels but big sword go swoosh!
  22. I use xbone controllers or wired controllers/sticks so maybe that's why I haven't had too much hassle.
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