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Everything posted by DangerousJ

  1. Matt Mcmuscles plays some Dawn of the Monsters
  2. First the first time ever, I got a game with nothing in the box-not even the seizures/legal paper lol. KOF 15 cutting corners lol.
  3. Thew did a review of Kingdom Galvatron!. I can join the allspark now.
  4. Legacy Iguanus and Skywarp core class review...
  5. Sad that those views are being expressed in the 21st century.
  6. @MillionX If Camila Banus said you could fuck her but the only condition was that you would have to take a dump on her titties and NOT wash off the dookie for the duration of the session... would you still hit?
  7. TMNT video game offerings have been meager at best. In a dessert, a drop of water is a bar of gold. I strongly think this and the new beat em up game will be more profitable than anyone thinks. People who know anything about emulation are not the target audience here. It's the filthy casuals who play d them as kids and now want to pass on their love to their now kids. The same principle can be applied to the Generations toyline in Transformers.
  8. Marvel already did that homie.
  9. Free Guy director Shawn Levy to direct Deadpool 3
  10. After his prison time, I hope that Jussie can make a sequel with our boy Zatalcon. Juicy Smooyay 2: Bigger and (Not) Blacker!
  11. Christopher Abbott to play the Foreigner in Kraven film.... This movie should renamed: Obscure Spidey Villains: The movie
  12. Was this posted already? Ryan Coogler was falsely arrested in Jan at Bank of America.
  13. To be honest, the main selling point of the TMNT collection for me is Tournament Fighters and Turtles in Time with possible online play on PS4. I may run through Manhattan Project and the nes port of the first arcade game once for fun. There are relatively few TMNT games being sold in the last decade or so and most aren't good. I hope that by buying this and Shredders revenge (if it's good) that it will encourage Nick to fund more TMNT games.
  14. What are your guys thoughts on other Capcom game chars in SF? We already have Final Fight and Rival Schools. Would it be too outlandish to have a Darkstalkers char since Capcom will probably never make a new DS game?
  15. Volt, does your dick curve upward near the glans? I ask because you're Brazilian.
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