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Everything posted by DangerousJ

  1. RIP Ivan Reitman. GB1, GB2, Kindergarten Cop, Stripes, Meatballs, Twins, et al
  2. The biggest regret is that I can't click wtf and lol at the same time
  3. It would never happen, but I would love for SNK to do a SVC 2 game using KOF 15 graphics/resources. Capcom screwed the pooch with MVCI and in general with many of their releases of the last 10 years. I dont really trust them to do a CVS3 and do it well.
  4. Maybe they'll release an "Ultra" SF5 with Akira and the last season of characters in time for Thanksgiving/Xmas?
  5. Probably Hulu if they put them up. They veer into rated R territory so Disney plus probably won't get them as the highest rating they have is PG-13.
  6. The Dinobot with the most controversial name...
  7. I havent kept up with the DC Cw shows in 2 years and I wanted to see how Black Lightning ended S3 It took Wayne Brady 16 years, but he finally got to CHOKE A BITCH! SPOILERS for Black Lightning Season 4 I thought it was good, but rushed in some ways. I generally liked that they kept Henderson's death and used it as a way to break Black Lightning down emotionally. Anissa and Grace getting married- yay. I missed China McClain, but it was nice to see her return for the final episode. I honestly didnt think that they would use the "new Jen" as an alien entity seeking to replace her. Nice to see Gambi getting some PUSSY! IMO the Chief Lopez subplot was rushed. They just blurt out her anti-meta motivation in one of the later episodes and she gets taken out very quickly. I may be in the minority, but I really liked the Khalil scenes-both action and his dueling psyche through the season. It sucks his spinoff wont be made. Ishmael was just ok as a villain. I kind of wished they answered if Lady Eve survived or not. Unless I missed something, Val (tobias nullifying henchwoman) got away in the end.
  8. My ex used to spend 40-50 worth of stuff for me on v-day, so I always tried to match that or cook somehing or do homemade stuff. My dad doesnt do shit, but hes rarely does anything for my mom even birthday or anniversary lol. All the teachers in my mom's Dept. are all saying we should have a party and all this bullshit, and my mom is like "Yall getting some walmart sugar cookies" Fuck dat" (My mom is the English Dept head for her school.)
  9. VGM Fridays: It has beguun! MK 1 Courtyard MK 1 Pit MK1 Char. Select
  10. Has Splinter ever been playable in a video game before? Gameplay footage looks good!
  11. Exact Release dates for City Hunter Season 3 Bluray - March 29,2022 City Hunter '91 (Season 4) Bluray - April 26, 2022 Both are 13 episodes each. hunter
  12. Russell Crowe joins cast of Kraven the Hunter movie.
  13. Some changes between Xmen TAS and the comics off the top of my head: Deathstrike and Mariko seemed to share some character traits. Wolvy and Yuriko were former lovers in the show IIRC. Banshee and Black Tom are brothers instead of cousins. In the Dark Phoenix saga ending, Jean came back after she takes life force from all the X-men instead of just dying. Nathaniel Essex is transformed into Sinister solely due to experimentation on himself as opposed to Apocalypse and his tech. Proteus (Moira's son) is more childlike and confused than outright evil. Joe MacTaggart divorced Moira and remarried to another woman and has other kids in the show. In the comics, Joe and Moira were still married technically. It is implied that he beat her and that the pregnancy was due to rape. Proteus kills his host bodies after possessing them in the comics' in the show they were merely knocked out.
  14. They tied his mutant powers into his paralysis which IIRC was not originally in the comics. Sinister used a mutant power dampener in the Savage Land for the Season 2 storyline. He tricked both Xavier and Magnus into going there. Throughout the season, Xavier is able to walk but not use his powers. At the end of Season 2 when the X-Men and Magneto are trapped in Sinisters citadel, the X-Men don't have powers ,but after they destroy the machine, Xavier falls to the ground and regains his powers along with the others.
  15. Claims to not miss us but returns during Black History month. Hmmm
  16. The Academy will probably give it to him just to avoid any theatrics from Will/Jada and bad press from the media or social media hounds. Denzel already has 2, so I doubt he will feel bad if he loses. Will has only been nominated for playing real life people in films (Ali and Chris Garner) I'm sure he took the role with the understanding that he could get an Oscar nomination at the very least.
  17. Yamazaki was DLC in 14, so I was hoping he would be on the base roster this time like Mary, Vanessa etc. IIRC he was last on the main roster in KOF 2003. I dont even mind Kensou, Chin, Chang, and Choi missing out.
  18. Oscars nominations are out. Will vs Denzel for Best Actor ...Round 2 20 YEARS to see this matchup again FIGHT! Jada will get into some entanglements if Will loses again methinks...
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