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Posts posted by sKreetFighteZ

  1. Hello everyone.  I don't don't mean to interrupt the conversation about Luke but here's Effie's SF3 series bios.


    エフィー【人物・♀】■ スト III

    ネクロ の エンディング で 、 施 設 に 閉じこめ られ て い た ネクロ を 救出 し た 少女 。けっこう か わ いい 出で立ち を し て いる が 、目 は うつろ で クマ が でき て おり 、 雰囲気 が コワイ 。最後 は ネクロ と 一緒 に ハッピー 逃避行 の 旅 に 出る 。

    ■ スト III 2nd

    ネクロ の 勝利 ポーズ や 負け ポーズ に 登場 する よう に なっ た 。また 、ヒューゴー が エンディン グ で ネクロ を 相棒 に し た 場合 、リング に 向かう ネクロ を 見守る 彼女 の 姿 が 見 られる 。


    ■ スト III 3rd 

    ネクロ と の 駆け落ち は 継続 中 。ネクロ の エンディング で は 、追っ手 から のがれる 途中 、鉄道 車 の 上 から あやうく 谷 底 に 転落 しかけ 、ネクロ の 超 ロング ハンド によって 救出 さ れる 。追っ手 の 言葉 から 、彼女 も ネクロ と 同じ 改造 人間 で 、そ の 存在 自体 が 機密 で ある こと が 明らか に なっ た 。


    Effie【Character・♀】■ Street Fighter 3

    Appearing in Necro's ending, she's the little girl who rescues Necro, who was imprisoned in the facility. She has a quite cute appearance, however her hollow eyes and dark circles creates a frightening atmosphere. In the end, she embarks on a happy escape journey together with Necro. 


    ■ Street Fighter 3: 2nd Impact

    She now appears in Necro's victory and defeat poses. Also, if Hugo makes Necro his partner in the ending, she can be seen watching over Necro as he heads towards the ring. 


    ■ Street Fighter 3: Third Strike

    Her elopement with Necro is still ongoing. In Necro's ending while in the middle of escaping from their pursuers, she nearly falls from the top of the railcar into a ravine, but is rescued by Necro's super long hand. From the words of their pursuers, it became clear that like Necro, she is also a modified human and that her existence was a secret.


    Btw, i hope Luke does something good for the series, however i still wanna know who the hell "his father" is ? 

  2. 11 hours ago, YagamiFire said:

    Oh man I remember being so hype to use Omega Red in COTA.


    One of my fav X-men villains

    Here's Maggio's bio


    マッジオ【人物・♂】■ スト ZERO3


    ローズのサイドストーリーに登場する少年 。2 年前に失踪した姉・アプリーレの消息を占ってもらおうと 、 ローズの館を訪問した 。 姉がシャドルサーに入っていることはまだ知らない 。


    Maggio【Character・♂】■ SFZERO3 


    A young man who appears in Rose's side story. He visited Rose's fortune-telling palace to receive information about his older sister Aprile, who disappeared 2 years ago. He's still doesn't know that his older sister is a member of Shadaloo.


    (I think Aprile deserves the playable character card right about now)

  3. 9 hours ago, sKreetFighteZ said:

    Like look at her, she's just so pretty 🥺🤚🏽 .

    レッドベレー【組織】■ スト ZERO シリーズ/ファイナルファイトリベンジ


    ロレントがかつて所属していた 、アメリカ軍の精鋭部隊 。おそらく 、実在するアメリカの陸軍特殊部隊「 グリーンベレー 」をもじったもの 。


    Red Berets【Organization】■ “SFZERO” series/Final Fight Revenge 


    The elite U.S troops that Rolento used to belong. Probably a parody of the real life U.S special forces unit, “The Green Berets”.


    This translation to me looks trash for some reason. Anyways here's Rolento's army gang. 

  4. 8 hours ago, Doctrine_Dark said:

    So I was recently playing through Marvel Vs SF. I really love the endings in this game.


    There is, however, an ending that always stood out to me. Omega Red's ending.








    When I was younger, I really hated Omega Red. Mainly because the X-Men were always getting their asses kicked by him. The whole team.


    Even though I was shocked and salty seeing that ending as a kid, Ryu and Ken honestly don't have what it takes to challenge someone on that level. He's a monster in comparison. 

    Here's the bios for the Judgement Girls. 


    Anna SF3 series bio


    アンナ【人物・♀】■「 スト Ⅲ 」シリーズ


    ジャッジメントギャルズのひとりで 、 ロシア出身 。毛皮の帽子にロングコートをはおった金髪おさげ少女 。


    Anna【Character・♀】■  “SF3” series


    One of the Judgement Gals, born in Russia. A young woman with blonde pigtails, a fur hat and a long coat.


    Julia SF3 series bio


    ジュリア【人物・♀】■「 スト Ⅲ 」シリーズ


    ジャッジメントギャルズのひとりで 、イギリス出身 。乗馬服姿もりりしい 、 金髪の女性 。


    Julia【Character・♀】■  “SF3” series


    One of the Judgement Gals, born in England. A blonde-haired woman who looks dignified in her horse riding clothes.


    Lilly SF3 series bio


    リリー【人物・♀】■「 スト Ⅲ 」シリーズ


    ジャッジメントギャルズのひとりで 、インド出身 。サリーに少し似ている 。


    Lilly【Character・♀】■  “SF3” series


    One of the Judgement Gals, born in India. She's a little similar to Sally.


    Fair Libra SF3 series bio


    フェア・ライブラ【人物・♀】■「 スト Ⅲ 」シリーズ


    ジャッジメントギャルズのひとりで 、アメリカ出身 。Tシャツにスパッツを着用し 、ローラーブレードをはいた 、背の高い黒人女性 。


    Fair Libra【Character・♀】■  “SF3” series


    One of the Judgement Gals, born in the United States. A tall black woman wearing leggings with a t-shirt and rollerblades. 


    Tonfa SF3 series bio


    冬花 (トンファ)【人物・♀】■「 スト Ⅲ 」シリーズ


    ジャッジメントギャルズのひとり 。中国出身で 、白いチャイナドレスに花の髪飾りを身につけている 。 メンバーのなかでも人気が高い 。


    Winter Flowers  (Tonfa)【Character・♀】■  “SF3” series


    One of the Judgement Gals. Born in China, she wears a white qipao and floral hair accessories. She's very popular among the members.


    Toli SF3 series bio

    冬麗 (トンリー)【人物・♀】■「 スト Ⅲ 」シリーズ


    ジャッジメントギャルズのひとり 。中国出身で 、冬花と同柄・色ちがい (紺色) の チャイナドレスを着用 。前髪が左右にわかれている 。


    Toli【Character・♀】■  “SF3” series


    One of the Judgement Gals. Born in China, she wears a Chinese dress with the same pattern as Tonfa but with a difference in colors・navy blue. Her bangs are parted left and right. 


    Rifa SF3 series bio


    理花 ( リーファ )【人物・♀】■「 スト Ⅲ 」シリーズ


    ジャッジメントギャルズのひとりで 、中国出身 。青い色に赤い花が散った柄のチャイナドレスを着ている 。髪かざりはつけていない 。


    One of the Judgement Gals, born in China. She wears a blue-colored Chinese dress with a scattered red flower pattern. She doesn't wear hair accessories. 

  5. Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt the conversation but i just wanted to post the bios from the AAC about Delta Red.


    Delta Red SSF2/SSF2T/X-Men VS. Street Fighter bios






    Delta Red【Organization】■ SSF2/SSF2T/X-Men VS. Street Fighter 


    The British intelligence special force to which Cammy belongs. The chief executive commander-in-chief is W. Watson, who employs Colonel Wolfman as trainer and commanding officer. The members are all elite, a team formed by 4~5 people. Their emblem is a red triangle.


    Keith Wolfman SSF2/SSF2T bios






    Keith Wolfman【Character・♂】■ SSF2/SSF2T


    Normally called “Colonel Wolfman”, the commanding officer and trainer of Delta Red. He is Cammy’s benefactor, having rescued her when she didn’t remember her name, and given her one. Feeling pity for her, who has lost her memories due to an artificial remodeling, he continues to protect her from being used by the military as a human weapon.


    W.Watson SSF2/SSF2T bios





    W.Watson【Character・♂】■ SSF2/SSF2T

    The highest-ranking officer of the British special force Delta Red. Being just picked up from the military, he assigned Colonel Wolfman the task of caring for Cammy, whose behaviour is at times unstable. He doesn’t appear in the game.


    Lita Luwanda SSF2/SSF2T/X-Men Vs. Street Fighter bios


    リタ=ルワンダ【人物・♀】■ スパⅡ/スパⅡX


    デルタレッドでキャミィと同じ班に所属している女性 。腰まで届くほど長い金髪が印象的 。キャミィのエンディングでは 、途方にくれている彼女を「 過去は関係ない 」と励ます 。


    ■ エックス・メン VS. ストリートファイター


    キャミィのエンディングに登場 。キャミィの呼びかけを受け 、デルタレッドの隊員が一丸となり 、新しい任務に向かう 。


    Lita Luwanda【Character・♀】■  SSF2/SSF2T


    A woman belonging to the same Delta Red squad as Cammy. Her blonde hair, which is long enough to reach down to her waist, is impressive. In Cammy's ending, she comforts her at her loss “the past doesn't matter”.


    ■ X-Men Vs. Street Fighter


    Appearing in Cammy's ending. Responding to Cammy's call, the Delta Red team members are united to head for a new mission.


    Matthew McCoy SSF2/SSF2T/X-Men Vs. Street Fighter bios




    デルタレッドでキャミィと同じ班に所属する兵士 。非常に体格が大きく 、片目に眼帯 ( ? ) をしている 。キャミィのエンディングに登場し 、途方に暮れる彼女を励ます 。


    ■ エックス・メン Vs. ストリートファイター


    キャミィのエンディングに登場 。キャミィの呼びかけ を受け 、隊員一丸となって新しい任務に向かう 。


    Matthew McCoy【Character・♂】■  SSF2/SSF2T


    A soldier who belongs to the same Delta Red squad as Cammy. He has a very large physique, and has an eyepatch (?) on one eye. He appears in Cammy's ending, comforting her at her loss.


    ■ X-Men Vs. Street Fighter

    Appearing in Cammy's ending. Responding to Cammy's call, all the members are united to head for a new mission.


    George Ginzu SSF2/SSF2T/X-Men Vs. Street Fighter bios




    デルタレッドでキャミィと同じ班に所属している 、背 がとても低い軍人 。キャミィのエンディングで 、途方に暮れる彼女を励ます 。


    ■  エックス・メン VS. ストリート フ ァイター


    キャミィのエンディングに登場 。彼女の呼びかけを 受け 、隊員一丸となって新しい任務に向かう 。


    George Ginzu【Character・♂】■ SSF2/SSF2T


    A very short soldier who belongs to the same Delta Red squad as Cammy. In Cammy's ending, he comforts her at her loss.


    ■ X-Men VS. Street Fighter

    Appearing in Cammy's ending. Responding to Cammy's call, all the team members are united for a new mission.

    There's all the bios for each member. Please correct me if necessary. Currently working on the Judgement Girls. 

  6. On 11/2/2021 at 1:19 AM, Lord_Vega said:

    I hope so. All @bakfromonand @Miðgarðsormtranslations of the CFN character profiles are simply gone....the Warrior's Fate thread have missing posts. It simply skips a few months with a "X months later" message....


    Does anyone have those translated profiles saved/archived? I lost some of my files due to a HDD crash. Those translations (and all CFN profiles artwork) are among the files lost.

    I know we have a english version of the profiles. But, as usual, there's always things that were either changed or omitted from the jap version.


    Thanks in advance.


    Are yall talking about those translations from that forum yall was typing on because I have screenshot of those 

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