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Everything posted by VirginDefiler

  1. if i get overweight n feel the need to lose a few pounds, i consume all natural grass fed cow butter like kerrygold. you lose weight and dont ever feel hungry. doesnt spike your insulin n doesnt make u crash sugarwise the butter gives u all the fuel u need and it doesnt make u fat, but actually makes u skinny. works. as long as u replace lunch with crackers with butter btw, has to b all natural butter like kerrygold or land o lakes. margarine or spread doesnt work. not healthy. point is, it works n works better than dieting to lose weight. summer of 2021 i lost like 30 pounds by switching out my normal lunch foods n replaced it with butter+crackers
  2. ginger ale is the only soda i drink. everything else seems too sweet for me. and when u mix it with vanilla vodka it tastes like spiked cream soda. its fantastic. never tried that one tho.
  3. cuz people die when they trample each other to death to take advantage of a sale? maybe
  4. dear god the MAGA people are so much in shock of the abrupt overnight 180 degree anti-trump turn that the republican party, fox news, and other conserv news orgs have done in 24 hours.. that the magaheads have now truly gone delusional. 1st they called the elections rigged like they did 2 years ago.. now the magaheads are calling fox news fake news. they actually think the majority of republicans is still in support of their dumb shit. they are as delusional as "kanye isnt crazy hes just playin 4d chess" kanye supporters. this is a MAGAhead right now waking up to fox news. their dumb brains cant handle the reality that its over. it hasnt hit em yet that for the republican party to survive maga must die. this is glorious to watch.
  5. republican party is stupid. they shot themselves in the foot. the repub party is split by conservative extremism and trumpism. and while they do that, they lost the young voter. the retarded republican party doesnt seem to understand that the young outnumber the old in the 21st century. and 70% of young voters voted blue. but the worst thing of all is the republican election deniers and republicans that are still claiming that elections were "rigged" and cheating was involved when they lose which makes em look pathetic and like sore losers. losers in general. that party is doomed if they dont change their ways. and i want em to simply cause i do not wanna live in a blue single party system. that scares me.
  6. speakingof mass effect. ive never played the series. but ive been watching the woolie vs playthru of 1 & 2, and i luv it. its story, writing, voice acting is sooo good. is the mass effect trilogy top 5 rpgs ever made? i know its gotta be top 10 for everyone but i mean top 5 tho. opinions?
  7. eli lilly ceo loading his sniper rifle rn. thats alotta money to lose in one day over one man's mistake.
  8. my fav line in that thread was "talk to me like a man with a mortgage" never heard that b4 brutal af.
  9. been following the takeoff murder. 1st they said lil cam aka yellow hoodie shot takeoff. now people r sayin it was the dude holding the chucky doll that shot 1st. who btw is another rapper named yungknxw. but reason why im bringing it up is cuz now takeoff will forever be associated with chucky. so moral of the story, dont go out on halloween. cuz your murder might end up tied to a toy. like whats next mickey mouse killed drake n shit. crazy.
  10. was not expecting koei of all devs to whip out a game like this. looks like a cross between a character action game with a sekiro darksoulsy game. looks interesting.
  11. btw SEX WITH HITLER 3D is on sale on steam, just fyi
  12. ive noticed tom cruise went in the charleton heston direction in that just like heston he started off his career as a leading man in romance and action but at a later stage in life he did sci fi/fantasy genre movies. and i luv the holy trinity o heston which is soylent green, planet of the apes, and the omega man. tom has done oblivion, edge of tomorrow and...war of the worlds. both did them in a decade span for 3 films. am i crazy for noticing his? only thing missing is a meme of tom laughing with the cam zooming in and past + above him like heston's lol starhammer would rock edit btw i cant watch planet of the apes without thinking of starhammer. i have no choice his gif is from the movie. every time the movie gets to that scene..starhammer. then i lol. cuz starhammer's posts were so starhammer.
  13. somebody in LA won the 2 billion powerball. sigh. now to watch them spend 1 billionof it buyin up twitter stock. cuz im sure thats whats gonna happen. another 100 million on myspace stock. 10 mill on aol stock. cuz most peeps have no idea wtf to do with money once they have it. its why most lottery winners end up bankrupt anyway.
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