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Everything posted by Darc_Requiem

  1. Sony raising PlayStation Plus to $80 was the last straw for me. I don't play Destiny 2 anymore and with the advent of crossplay I buy fighting games on PC now. I can't tell you the last time I actually played one of the free monthly games you get. I wasn't giving them free money.
  2. @DangerousJThe Story of Adidon was brutal. The best disses are the one's laced with facts. They are hard to come back from.
  3. MVC4 is out. UMvC3 on PC with Tabs and Calikingz mods 😉
  4. You can actually get Minthara without an evil run now.
  5. You sure about that? You may want to check again.
  6. Do you have it on PC? Because I didn't renew my PS Plus subscription last year.
  7. I actually made an Ingrid concept a few years back that did that. I only did it because I have so much respect for @Miðgarðsormand he's a fan of Ingrid. If this man can translate lore from multiple languages for the story thread. I could put the time and effort into an Ingrid concept. Also he helped me with the Icelandic. He's to languages what @CESTUS IIIis to character creators. The best.
  8. @AriesWarlockOh man, I forgot that Chun Li tomfoolery. That was so damned silly. 🤣 @MillionXHalsin wasn't originally supposed to be a party member. He was so popular during early access that they turned him party member. It's why his class is redundant. You realtively early into the game with two druids. I wish they would have had a Bard origin character. Or a Bard party member in general. I always found that strange.
  9. @CESTUS IIIis the best. Now help me bully him into downloading the Dragon's Dogma 2 Character Creator so we can see what type of cool things he can come up with. It's selfish, I know, but I want to see what he can do with it. 😅
  10. Like Rufus, I don't like anything about Ingrid. I've gone into detail on more than one ocassion. Typically in the story thread and I just don't have the energy for it right now.
  11. It is comments like this that make it hard for me to take you serious. People have been taking issue with Eve because she's "too sexy". What you said in bold is just a lie. So I'm going not talk to you about this becuase your continue intelluctual dishonesty makes it point less. Rufus is one of the few characters I'd take over Ingrid. I'd take Oni and Evil Ryu over Ingrid. I would take any SF character over Ingrid.
  12. It didn't get a why does it matter because Birdie is dude. Let's be honest here. If an existing fit female character showed up overweight anyone said something about it the discourse would completely different. "Why does matter" "You are fat shaming" etc. would be tossed around ad anaseum. Stop being disengenous.
  13. Not at first, but it was poined out by quite a few people. Which was the hint that everything was about to go sideways for those that caught it on their first viewing.
  14. I didn't like his gameplay, his look, his voice, concept, etc. I liked nothing about him. The only positive thing I can say about Rufus is that he isn't Ingrid, Evil Ryu, or Oni.
  15. I hate Rufus, he's one of my least favorite SF characters of all time. I shit on him at every opportunity. I can't stand that fat bastard but at least he's a dude so I'm allowed hate him.
  16. @ChadoukenWait a minute, you got me thinking about something. Where was all the unrealistic body type complaining for her? The thirst for her was unreal and no one seemed to have a problem with it.
  17. It will never end because it isn't an honest discussion. I talked about how much I hated Birdie being fat in SFV. I never got "why does it matter" comment for it. In fact, none of the vitiriol and puerile nonsense came up then. When it comes to male characters you can have real discussion on appearance. The "why does matter crowd " only holds that belief when it comes female characters being made less attractive. If it's an attractive female character they lose their minds. See the absurd Stellar Blade discourse along with the 2B and Bayonetta revisionist history. If it's a male character's appearance the reaction is either crickets or the type of articles that would make them "REEEE" if the subject was female. Hot Ryu wasn't an issue at all and to be clear, it shouldn't be one. So what if people want post thirsty articles or comments about him. There is no consistency at all. While it wasn't perfect, the discussion around BG3 was at least more reasonable. People frothing at the mouth for Astarion weren't bitching about people drooling over Shadowheart.
  18. Yeah letting him go free instead of focusing on getting the wrongfully convicted brothers out of jail is the way to go 🙄
  19. After reading through that Twitter/X thread, someone that isn't to be taken seriously.
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