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Everything posted by Darc_Requiem

  1. I literally have zero interest in Bison. Vega is meh to me. Maybe they'll do something intersting with him but not really too hopeful to be honest. Bison, from a narrative stand point, is just over done. I was hoping we'd finally get some sort of new direction. This makes me appreciate the saga format of the KOF series. Capcom should just, like SNK did in the past, do the ocassional "Dream Match" style game where they go through multitudes of characters in regardless of the story. Having this constant need for Shadaloo has reduced the organization and Bison for that matter to Saturday Morning Cartoon villain status. He just was well be Dr. Claw at this point. "I'll get you next to Ryu! NEXT TIME!" 😑
  2. That's still Goku's fault. He's the one that agreed to have Freiza brought back to life as a condition for him participating in the tournament. Whis just saved him the trouble of gathering the Dragon Balls.
  3. That's the thing that got me. She had a lay up answer for George and she didn't take it. George literally ran cover for Clinton's escapades. She can say what she wants about E. Jean Carroll but to go on about not shaming her, and then going after wasn't not a good luck in the slightest. She undermined her own position with her answers. It was like watching a witness from Matlock or Perry Mason sink their own case.
  4. Rise of Skywalker was terrible. It's not what fans wanted in the slightest. It the result of incompetent studio deciding to do a trilogy with no plan. With directors crafting stories without considering what the other is doing. The Sequel Trilogy is literally the next movie tossing out what the previous one did with no consideration of the repercussions. Disney's been falling on their face because they pander to people that don't consume their product. Of course they aren't the only ones, it's entertainment in general. Pandering to people that aren't your fans is how you end up with shit like The Last Jedi and the Rise of Skywalker. It's how you get the Saint's Row reboot. I could go on. TLDR; Their is an epidemic of businesses non fans. Then getting the surprise Pikachu face when they lose money.
  5. Fatal Fury was literally developed by the SF 1 devs.
  6. At this point, I assume it's all BS until the product releases.
  7. @RSG3Ignoring fans is the only bad thing today. Pandering isn't preferable but it will maintain your fan base and not erode it. The sweet spot is crafting something that appeases fans and brings in a potential new audience. The Hollywood modus operandi is to hire some hack. completely ignore the subject matter, call complaining fans (insert derogatory term here), and lastly wonder why their product fails miserable. Hollywood has compounded their utterly lack of creativity by licensing good IP and handing off to a bunch of talentless "writers" that can barely compose a tweet let alone a well constructed story. Their utterly lack of imagination is well conveyed in their boilerplate responses to criticism. Say what you will about JK Rowling, she cooks people that go after her on social media. Then again, going after a talented writer in a war of words is unwise.
  8. This interview was absurd. Her replies were ridiculous. "You're shaming a rape victim..." Then she precedes to disparage E. Jean Carroll in the next sentence. Her explanation is "it's only a civil case". Yet there was no charges brought in her case. She's literally contorting herself into a pretzel to avoid answering the man's question. She, not he, should be ashamed of herself. As for Trump, he's wasting money he doesn't apparently have. He was convicted in court. If he's won his case against Carroll, it would be a different story. However he didn't.
  9. To the surprise of no one here. I'm not amused by this situation in the slightest.
  10. 😭 What it was either me or @Chadouken, one of us was going to do it. 😁
  11. Given all the work they did to put Gato in KOFXV. He's a given.
  12. Did he pay you a licensing fee for using your patent? 😁
  13. I beat Unicorn Overlord. There is an epilogue that I haven't messed with it yet. It was a good time. I think I got all but two of the side quests done. Setting up your unit parametes is paramount though. The default setting are often, well dumb. So just keep that in mind. I hear it's selling better than expected. I know it was the #1 selling game in Japan for the week. I may go back and wrap up Rebirth now. I'm a bit RPG'd out right now though. So I may just beeline to the end and wrap up the side quests in the future. I want to try to get into Helldivers 2 a bit and play more fighting games.
  14. Maybe they should have checked that sort of thing out BEFORE making him the showrunner. If they aren't finding stuff that isn't hidden, what are they missing that people are actually trying to hide?
  15. Wait Decapre was in that photo....Oh she is. Just saw six identical buns and assumed it was three Cammy figures.
  16. @Doctrine_Dark with the face reveal everybody 😉
  17. Smart move on their part. Russell Wilson is going to be with the Steelers 2 years at the most. Mostly likely just the one unless he has an amazing year. Letting Fields sit behind is a really intelligent move.
  18. I refrain from posting anything LTG related but I'll make a rare exception. 🤣🤣🤣
  19. Apparently Saber Interactive have done it again.
  20. @MillionXWhen I hear someone say "you can't be racist to white people", I instantly know they are a smooth brained idiot that isn't to be taken seriously. People like that are only qualified to work at Kotaku 😏
  21. Let me post something that's actually more focused on gaming. More rumors about the PS5 Pro. If these are true, Sony has it's own custom version of DLSS/FSR and the GPU is bigger jump in power than I expected. Granted TFLOPs aren't everything and since it's using RDNA3 instead of RDNA2. It's has dual issue setup which means, if developers don't optimize for it, it will function like a 16.75 TFLOP GPU instead of 33.5 TFLOP GPU.
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