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Everything posted by Darc_Requiem

  1. The MSI Claw is just a bad product. It seems the lower end model performs the same as the high end one. I hope Intel cut MSI a nice check because using them in a handheld PC is just not a smart choice. I find it hard to believe, even with MSI's meh relationship with AMD, that they''d choose Intel for this sort of product. Seems like not even bothering with the Claw would have been the best choice. From what I've seen it has lags behind all of its competitors even the Steam Deck with old Zen 2/RDNA2 APU.
  2. In Diddy's case. It, allegedly, wasn't just girls. He was an equal opportunity cheek clapper.
  3. Prometheus was such a damned waste. I didn't bother with Covenant. I saw so called scientist roaming around an alien world with no suits on in the trailer and was like nope. This shit is going to be stupid as hell too.
  4. Unfortunately, given the events of the past few years, I instantly doubt people that run to social media with zero evidence that didn't report the crime. Could it have happened? Certainly. Am I going to give you the benefit of the doubt with out anything to back up your claims? No.
  5. Hey guys. Some actual good NFL rule change news. It looks like the league has adopted the XFL style kickoff. We will actually see a return game in 2024 again.
  6. In an industry where publishers are complaining about ballooning development costs. Anything that brings additional cost matters. B-List actors cost far more money to use than no name models. So to fork over that extra cash only to spend more money to make that likeness look nothing like the person. Is the epitome of stupidity. The entire point of face scanning a "famous" person over a run of the mill model is garner more attention to your game and gain more sales. The bet is the additional cost will be more than covered by the boost in sales. Now if the person looks fuck all like their actual likeness. How does that make a lick of sense? It doesn't. It defeats the purpose of stunt casting in the first place. It's been a little while since I play HZD. I did go back an play it when it got the 60FPS patch. Honestly the only thing that I can point to as showing it's age is the facial animation. It's not bad by any means but after playing newer games it stuck out to me. In my initial play through that wasn't the case. I agree with the take you guys have of the combat being better than Zelda but Zelda having the better exploration. I can't speak to Tears of The Kingdom but based on Breath of the Wild I'd have to agree.
  7. @-PVL93-Yeah, they had a set format with SFV. Until they show otherwise in SF6, it makes sense that they'd go with the same philosophy going forward. So 3 men, 1 woman and one of the four characters being new, seems to be the SF6 format. I'm hoping it goes back to 6. I thought the 4 men/2 women setup was ideal.
  8. They keep taking away what defenders can do. It's ridiculous. The NFLPA, the people that get hip dropped tackled, was against this change. Then you have shit like pass interference where the offensive player either doesn't get called for it, or they call it on the defender. They let offensive tackles, false start on the regular. People always go with the "flag football" hyperbole but at the rate we are going in 20 years it will be flag football. "Personal Foul. Playing defense #27 on the defense. That's a 15 yard penalty and #27 is disqualified."
  9. I think we all figured as much. I mean the lack of Cody is telling. Nakayama made it clear that he pushed for Cody to be on the Season 1 roster. I can't see him not being in the Season 2 DLC.
  10. Not that this really has anything to do with the topic at hand, but I'll bite. You hire Colin Ferrel because you can't find another actor that gives the performance you'd like. However this isn't a movie. This is a video game. In the gaming scenario you hire a fat model, scan him into the game, and then hire Colin Ferrel for the voice and performance capture. You don't extra money for Colin's likeness. You don't spend extra development time/cost to modify his look into the fat guy. You just hire the fat guy with the look you like for cheaper. I mean this is the way, they used to do things all the time. In gaming there isn't more to it than just being a model. That's literally all you need to have is the look. Capcom literally hires models for their RE games. Then they bring in professional voice actors and performance capture actors to give the performance they require.
  11. Queue the, braindead, "Why does it matter" argument. Like if it didn't, they would not have went out of their way to change it. They pulled a reverse Netflix Witcher on her.
  12. The movie made bank because of Leo. I remember the girls in my class talking about how many times they've seen the movie. It was aburd. I am talking 12 to 14 times between the two I heard talking. It's why I remember it all these years later. I was WTF. I've really liked some movies but the most I can remember going to see movie in the theatre is 4 times. As for Cameron, whatever my issues with the dude, a meticulous attention to detail isn't one of them. He's also very smart. He's an engineer. Didn't he design his own submerisble? I think that came up when those people went missing while trying to view the Titanic wreck. He went into incredible detail on why that submerible they went down in was a death trap.
  13. The weirdest thing is they took out that system in the Switch version and replaced it with something less random. As far as I can tell that's the only real gameplay difference. it's weird man. I figured they'd update the PC and PS4 version with the new system, but they never did.
  14. I have heard the following, someone that's seen the movie can tell me if this is accurate. She gets married after being rescued and has children. Her granddaughter takes care of her. She has a priceless gem from the ship in her possession. She tosses that gem into the ocean were the ship sunk instead of giving it to her granddaughter. She dies and envisions her hook up. Not the husband she was married to for decades or her kids. If this is true, she's an awful person. Like why is this movie a thing. Is her oldest child even her husband's. 🤔
  15. Think long and hard about whether you really want to know the answer to that question.
  16. Ray Stevenson actually did voice work for Clone Wars as well. He voiced one of the Mandalorian characers. Gar Saxon IIRC.
  17. I may get on Facebook one or twice a year at most. I'll have random friend suggestions that are hot latin women and 99% of the time, they aren't bots. They are just women one of best friend knows. 😅
  18. As Infernoman said, you'd need to have seen Clone Wars for context. As for my thoughts? It was mid. It has some really good moments and some really eye rolling ones. All that said, the strongest performance in the show was Ray Stevenson as Baylan Skoll. He was the best by far and he unfortunately passed away. He should have gotten some sort of award for it. The "Dark Jedi" were the best part of the show in my opinion and Ray Stevenson was the biggest reason for that. RIP.
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