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Everything posted by Darc_Requiem

  1. Not only that, it makes no sense financially. Spiderman's sales are higher when he's with MJ. The lastest books show that once more. I swear they hate Peter. They just continually do fucked up shit to him. Even Aunt May has caught strays, they turned her into damned just why man. Leave Aunt May alone too.
  2. Damn this shit is funnier that the Diddy memes ๐Ÿคฃ
  3. @Sonero If a new game dropped that played just like an older game, warts and all, these very same players would lose their minds. I see the stuff they complain about now. Hell, I've see the Chun Li complaints in SFIV and SFV. You think if a game dropped with 3S Chun today they'd be estatic? They capping man. To keep it 100, the FGC talks out of both sides of their mouths on this type of stuff. I think about the thousands of hours me and the people at my local arcade logged on SF3:NG and SF3 3S. I get online when it finally becomes a thing and find out about tons of shit that NONE of us new about. People learn games so quickly now. Tech doesn't stay hidden. Most of the "hidden" tech was less about people hiding it and more about people being segemented in different regions with different play styles and just not picking up on it. I think about how back in the day, a player from out town would come through and blow us all up because they were doing shit we knew nothing about. Conversely I remember going to college and cooking people on Second Impact and I was maybe the 3rd best player at my arcade at home. No one used Sean at arcade near my college. I could get away with shit I'd get blown up for back home. It was just a different time.
  4. @SonichumanThe only thing I've seen regarding BGG is a woman claiming they fired her for not hating on white people. Now that could be someone just saying shit on Twitter, she could have an axe to grind, or she maybe on the level. The only reason I don't doubt that she actually worked there is because I think it would have came up by now. With BGG pursuing legal action against That Park Place, I'd think they would have said something if wasn't a former employee.
  5. This made me laugh far more than it should have.
  6. Hour long....damn man. When I lived on a tobacco farm my bus ride wasn't even that long. Although it took me like 15 to 20 minutes to walk from the bus stop to the trailer my parents were renting. So if you include that it was an hour ๐Ÿ˜
  7. So you were one of those people bullied me when I was a 4'8" 83lb 11 year old that disappeared completely when I was a 5'10" 175lb 14 year old? ๐Ÿ™ƒ
  8. Growing up in the South, I'm fully aware of why their needed to be groups for black people to congregate because we were being excluded. The neighboring county to where my mom went to school shut down their public schools for 5 years rather than integrate. That said, some of these groups seem to have lost the plot. Getting together to shit on other groups of people isn't a good look and simply propagating the same behavior that led to their needing to be "black only" groups in the first place. This isn't exclusive to the gaming space. Somewhere along the line a lot groups have lost the plot and have shifted from uplifting their members to denigrating other groups. Which frankly is making things worse. Things are worse now than 20 years ago. Side note: I'm curious to hear what everyone else's experience was like growing up in "geek culture". I can't speak for anyone else, which is why I'm curious. In my experience we, geeks/nerds, were the group getting shitted on by others. Black/white or male/female wasn't any issue for us. Which were just happy to hang with other people that didn't give us grief for gaming, comics, anime, or being into sci fi. I've heard people say that some time "gatekeeping" is a good thing. When I was younger I would have disagreed vehemently. However seeing what's happened to geek culture, I see their point.
  9. Super Mario, Super Mario, Super Mario World
  10. Neither do I, I have to buffer it. Despite having more time buffer from a jump in combo, it's easier for me to do off the Cr. MP alone. I just think the extra time gives me more time to screw it up. Side note: You are right about the weird character specific scaling rules. MC Mura did a video on it. He pointed out some weird stuff with Manon and I see similar stuff, to a lesser degree with Cammy. There are so many situations where going for a shorter combo nets me more damage with Cammy.
  11. I saw the scaling in training mode. IIRC the CA2 scales at 70% after the J.HP, Cr.MP, CA2 combo and only to 90% in the Cr. MP, CA2 scenario. Which still makes no sense to me. I have awful execution and I should be penalized for it, not rewarded.
  12. Then he's doing at least 21 years and 3 months of that 25. It's why no one wants to catch a Federal case. 1) They usually don't even charge you unless they have you dead to rights 2) Whatever sentence you get, you serving that time.
  13. Was is a Federal case? If so he's serving most of that time. The Feds don't play. You are serving at least 85% of whatever sentence you received.
  14. Seems like you passed my progress, but I'm not suprised. Some of the later players just flat out cheap. Edit: Sorry Stu, I deleted the original post to avoid having to double post. We are actually at the same point the game. You are just farther than me in Queens Blood. Well they are games journalists, so a shit job is to be expected. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  15. The dev is going to talk about what he's asked about. These interviewers aren't asking him that question.
  16. They paid 1.7 BILLION for Gearbox. WTF. Yet that isn't nearly as stupid as Square Enix selling all of their western studios, IPS included, for $300 million. Yes I'm bringin it up again and I will continue to do so because that's the level of stupid that is rarely seen.
  17. Setting aside all of the gameplay impressions and videos that have already posted, demo is literally dropping tomorrow.
  18. My out of shape ass is back on his push up grind. Let's see how long it lasts.
  19. I can only imagine at your skill level. I don't have much to lose when I take time off, but I can't imagine how your timing get's off. I was practicing comboing into CA2 from Cr.MP before I started looking for matches. Finally got it down, got into that set and dropped it everytime. Side note: I know it's been brought up before, but damn the scaling is weird as fuck in this game. It's easier just Cr. MP into CA2 than say doing a jump in to Cr. MP into CA2. Yet the damage is higher from doing the former. Make that make sense. The harder of the two should do more damage ๐Ÿ˜
  20. I guess he ran out of fat chicks to fap to. Edit: Damn Kieran Culkin was wishing he was Captain Kirk in that clip.
  21. Played SF6 for the first time in a while last night. I had a nice set against a Guile player. It was fun. I still feel weird playing Cammy though.
  22. These Diddy catch phrases hit different now. "I thought I told you that we won't stop" "Take that. Take that" ๐Ÿคจ
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