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Everything posted by Darc_Requiem

  1. You know I was about to post that Pookieblades gif I always used to....but I've realized that imgur has deleted a lot of my older images. Which wouldn't bother me so much but I had a photo of me with long hair that I lost when of my hard drives died that's just gone. And I'm bald 😭
  2. Give her the same color scheme as her current default look and keep her albino just with that design aesthetic.
  3. That 5th A.K.I. design with the red hair is perfection. I wish we would have gotten that one. Some of the other ones are good but they don't have "iconic" look to me. They seem to derivative or similar to designs for other characters. The 10th one is cool but it makes me immediately think of classic Ashrah from the 3D era MK games. Don't really have much to say about Rashid's nothing really stands out. Ed's, I just don't have anything good to say about them. Akuma's, sans design 4, look like joke memes.
  4. Damn, everyone was worried about Capcom's mod policies. Namco really said hold my beer. WTF are they doing? They are speed running their villain arc after getting so much goodwill with Tekken 8 initially.
  5. @AriesWarlockAs for as AC Oddyssey goes, if there was a version of that game without the ridiculous bloat added, it would be a classic. I truly mean that. I used to be on a Bioware centric fan forum that will went by the wayside as Bioware did. Those of us that were still there when AC Oddyssey dropped remarked at how it gave us a classic Bioware vibe. Unfortunately I got just got burned from all the damned bloat. They put so much unnecessary padding in that game. It should have been like a 30 hour exprience that was say 50 hours if you had to do everything. It think I had like 70 hours in that game when I tapped out and never beat it. Edit: @RSG3I agree with you. Did you ever play Rogue? I heard that it was lot like Black Flag. Never got around to it. Thought about picking it up on PC. It's like $20. MVG apparently has a solution for the Wii U/3DS online issue. I haven't had a chance to watch the vid, but I got an notification for it.
  6. DEI isn't just games. It's integrated into corporate culture as a whole. It supposed to foster a diverse and open work environment. It doesn't. Companies like Ubisoft and Activision have DEI departments. How's that work environment working out. DEI is the corporate equivalent of the NFL being all about "player safety." They don't care about player saftey, they care about limiting their liability in any future lawsuits. That's what DEI is at the end of the day. It's something major corporations can point to when their department head can't keep his hands off the female employees, or someone does something that's racist, etc. They can point to DEI program they have minimize their liability in a lawsuit. "We have an extensive DEI program and it's unfortunate that (insert asshat here) didn't adhere to it. Please review our DEI a policies linked below." You'll get a corporate email sent out with a link to some pretentious video, that you have to watch every year. Meanwhile you can't get the headcount you need to get actual work done because your company's footing the bill for a bunch of people that do fuck all and pat themselves on the back for it. 😑
  7. PSA Gentlemen. Stay away from crazy women. Even if she chases you for blocks, in NY, at night, in heels, through traffic, she's terrified of you, and YOU, not her, will catch a case 👀
  8. Every time I hear that, I think of my brother's personalized plate from back in the day. NGGA PLZ. Yes the DMV didn't catch that for nearly a year. 🤣
  9. I'm just tired of DEI. Let's call it what it is. DEI just Divides, Excludes, and Incites turmoil. They've made things worse with their nonsense. Too many openly racist and/or mistandrist people that never get called on their bullshit by the people they work for. I'm tired of the vitriol they generate for no real pay off. Take the money allocated to them and give it to the developers. Stop laying devs off and paying people that add nothing to the industry.
  10. @-PVL93-The Dreamcast was doomed before it even released. Sega pissed off US Retailers and publishers with the early Saturn launch. This made it hard for Sega to get stores to even carry the Dreamcast at US launch. This was mirrored in Japan but for different reasons. Japanese Retailers and Developers were pissed at Sega for killing the Saturn early because it was a very successful system in Japan.
  11. That shirt dropped in January. That logic makes no sense man. Wrestling fans are just as bad as Democrats and Republicans. Tribalism at it's finest. The CM Punk/Tony Khan situation is something to actually talk about. That's a real story with a lot of meat on the bone. Yet people are talking about 3 month old Samoa Joe T-Shirt as a rip off something The Rock said 2 months after Joe's shirt released. Samoa Joe wasn't even the first AEW wrestler with a Final Boss T-shirt. It's just stupid. Miro had the shirt 3 years ago. Like why is this even a thing at all?
  12. The Saturn is a perfect encapsulation of Sega as a company. It symbolizes it's mismanagenent perfectly as well as highlights the talent of it's development teams to make quality software in sprite of it. Sega was one of the pioneers of 3D gaming. Despite having numerous 3D arcade hits. They didn't build the Saturn with 3D in mind at all initially. It was only when they got wind of the PS1 did they altered course. It's why the Saturn is so complicated of an architecture. 2 CPUs, 1 Co-Processor, 2 GPUs, 2 Sound Chips, and another chip just for the CD-ROM. If Sega of Japan had just swallowed their undeserved pride and listened to Sega of America more specifically Tom Kalinske, they'd probably still be in the hardware business....but that's whole other post in and of itself.
  13. My go to memory involving the console version of X-Men vs Street Fighter was when I pulled out my Saturn the first day of college in 98' and my dormmate started talking shit about it. I said nothing. I pulled out my two arcade sticks. His friends thought that was cool. I popped in my copy of X-Men Vs. Street Fighter. Dormmate: "You can tag in that version? Can I play man?" Darc Requiem: "Nah man, Saturn's trash. Playstation better. Why don't you play the Playstaton version?" Darc Requiem: turns to his friends "Any of you wanna play?" I eventually let him play but after letting all of his friends play first. I'll always remember that though. The look his face was priceless. 🤣
  14. I don't play super close attention to wrestling but this shirt isn't new. It's been out for months. I didn't even get why this was thing at first. I guess Rock said "Final Boss" recently and people think it's a rip off of that. This whole thing comes off as wrestling fans looking for shit to bitch about. "Final Boss" is generic. I know Miro had "Final Boss" shirt in AEW years ago. Now if someone is using something specific like "The Excellence of Execution" then by all means give em' hell. There is always wild shit going in Pro Wrestling no need to invent shit to get mad about.
  15. Wait, so you are telling me that if play Hell Divers 2, I can finally find out how to use the three sea shells?
  16. Not really the PS1 hardware was built around 3D rendering and it had less RAM than the Saturn by default. That gap only widened with the RAM cart.
  17. Yeah I played DD1. I didn't finish it though. I played it for like 12 hours. I rebought it on PC a while ago and never picked it back up.
  18. I only have about an hour into it. Seems solid thus far. I really like the character creator. Too bad you can only have one character.
  19. @iStu X: "Man I really can't wait to finish this game. I've been fighting this boss forever." Stu's cat:
  20. Man what the heck is this? How does anyone fail with this grading scale? For reference, this was the grading scale when I was in school. A = 94-100 B = 87-93 C = 79-86 D = 70-78 F = 69 & Below Kids getting a B with a 64 and I would have gotten F.....what the actual fuck.
  21. Ugh....sounds like a redux of what happened to Star Ocean. The remasters have been good but unfortunately the same can't be said for the new entries into the series.
  22. Hey man, don't disrespect cats like that 🙃 Edit: @AriesWarlockI think we all know where Lizzo went after she quit social media 👀
  23. Oh those lovable Brits. Can't imagine why the top character is British and created originally by a British development studio. It is pure complete coincedence I assure you. 🤣
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