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  1. -1
    rukawa_kaede got a reaction from M A R T I A N in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    interesting you say this
    I didn't say that actually, it was a friend of mine who said it. I was going to quote it but i was running out of time so I made it my own.
    I think you're right my friend started with SOTN and he fucking loves that game he also has played all the Castlevanias thereafter. He has never touched the older games.
    SOTN I think is overrated after i beat circle of the moon i stopped playing all of the igarashi games.
    I started with the first castlevania in the nes and i prefer the older games than the new ones with simon's quest and castlevania 3d being some of my favorites.
  2. -1
    rukawa_kaede got a reaction from M A R T I A N in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 2.0   
    looks like he is, you and dangerousj can confirm it for yourselves if you login in shaft's discord
  3. -1
    rukawa_kaede got a reaction from M A R T I A N in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 2.0   
    i dunno, he might have been a regular long before i joined the GD discussion i can't tell
    but he's now banned apparently
  4. -1
    rukawa_kaede got a reaction from M A R T I A N in Anime and Manga Thread: Isekai must Die edition   
    Reminds me I never finished the Naruto Anime. There was so much filler and when they started adding manga content in between the filler I gave up. 
    If anyone knows any good torrent filler free let me know cause I'm fucking lost and I don't feel like downloading a ton of lame ass filler episodes. 
  5. -1
    rukawa_kaede got a reaction from M A R T I A N in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    it's going to be Amano
  6. -1
    rukawa_kaede got a reaction from M A R T I A N in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    late to this
    I do care about the series but I lied before lol. iI have played other  Iga games as well like the lament of innocence and curse of darkness but i never really liked them, the level design was a little to repetitive for me.  By the way since you're a hardcore Castlevania fan you probably remember the canceled Castlevania game for the dreamcast.
    It looked so good same aesthetic as the N64 Castlevania games i was looking forward to it but then it was later canceled due to demise of the Dreamcast, quite a shame honestly.
  7. -1
    rukawa_kaede got a reaction from M A R T I A N in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    after experiencing sit down arcade cabs i don't feel like going back anymore
  8. -1
    rukawa_kaede got a reaction from M A R T I A N in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 2.0   
    i' m glad this lunatic is out of office seriously
  9. +1
    rukawa_kaede got a reaction from RSG3 in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    I just noticed the DS5 controller has clear face buttons,wtf? lol i liked those in the psp they look slick.
  10. -1
    rukawa_kaede got a reaction from M A R T I A N in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    an intelligence release?! You mean we will get ps3 graphics quality this time?
  11. LOL
    rukawa_kaede got a reaction from iStu X in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 2.0   
    just go to your local wendy's same thing.
  12. LOL
    rukawa_kaede reacted to RSG3 in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 2.0   
    Some people have issues. Two weeks ago a guy on the phone called me a faggot for not having a box in stock he wanted. Like why? what does that solve? 
  13. +1
  14. -1
    rukawa_kaede got a reaction from M A R T I A N in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    I just noticed the DS5 controller has clear face buttons,wtf? lol i liked those in the psp they look slick.
  15. LOL
    rukawa_kaede got a reaction from Disciple0fAnrky in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    an intelligence release?! You mean we will get ps3 graphics quality this time?
  16. LOL
    rukawa_kaede got a reaction from Hawkingbird in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    an intelligence release?! You mean we will get ps3 graphics quality this time?
  17. Thrilling
    rukawa_kaede reacted to Disciple0fAnrky in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    Learn to multiquote lil whoadie
  18. +1
    rukawa_kaede reacted to Sonichuman in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    Melee people are acting like a cult at this point.
  19. LOL
    rukawa_kaede reacted to Sonichuman in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    This guy...
  20. +1
    rukawa_kaede reacted to iStu X in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    Smash community has always been hella entitled. They think they are the video game community. It’s why no respects anything about their community. 
    The icing on the cake for me with all this is all these people who swear off smash and/or Nintendo will come right back when the next direct, new model of switch or next smash character pass reveal happens. They’ll be worshipping the mighty N’s nuts again in no time. 
    edit: Smashers on Twitter are quoting Iwata like theyre Bible verses. Kinda gross. 
  21. +1
    rukawa_kaede reacted to Sonichuman in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    There's just a lot of dumb shit involved with this that if the Melee people took the time to take themselves out of the equation and look at it objectively that they'd see that Ninty was well within their rights to do what they did...ANY COMPANY IN THAT POSITION WOULD BE.  I get Ninty ain't helping them with not having to take the fatback CRTs every where...I get that.  But they still own the IP period.  There's no 'morally' wrong thing on them at all.  They own it, end of discussion.  If Sega was to suddenly be like ' more sonic fan games moving forward starting from now.  In fact we're getting what's out there scrubbed off of the internet.'  then that sucks but the sonic community is gonna have to hold that shit.  No game company is going to be generally ok with an event that they're sponsoring where there's modded/copied/emulated version a game.   And then on top of this the IP holder is like 'hey...we're sponsoring this so we'd appreciate it if you didn't do this' and they go 'hey go fuck yourself', just what in the actual?!  I mean Smashers should already know how Ninty rolls with stuff like this so the fact that they even bothered to give them a courtesy of trying fix it before pulling the plug should show that they actually gave a damn before they caught the spit in the face.  I mean after all the shit that happened in the smash community this year you'd think that they'd be trying to repair the relationship with the IP holder but this reeks of entitlement that they have NO ROOM at all for right now. /end final 2 cents
  22. +1
    rukawa_kaede reacted to iStu X in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    The entire smash community being the peak embodiment of surprised pikachu meme cause Nintendo did exactly what they said they were going to do shouldn’t be this funny. But here we are and it absolutely fucking is. 
  23. +1
    rukawa_kaede reacted to iStu X in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    The fact people are mad at Nintendo for doing something literally any company would do is laughably stupid. 
    If the major sponsor of the event who is also the MAKER of the game tells you “hey, if you’re going to do A please don’t involve Y” and you essentially tell them to go fuck themselves than wtf do you expect the outcome to be? 
  24. LOL
    rukawa_kaede reacted to Sonichuman in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    Some people are masochistic.   Like that one dude who Nintendo actually gave a warning too a couple of years ago and didn't take the hint and then they were like 'aight...well clearly you want the full butt fucking so here we go'
  25. -1
    rukawa_kaede reacted to M A R T I A N in Video Game Discussion Thread: Now Featuring Animated Avatars   
    Ah, the sweet bliss of silence. 

    Honestly not sure why I even took him off ignore after he intentionally spoiled Last of Us 2, when he also couldn't have his way during an argument and decided to be a petty cunt. 🤣
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