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Everything posted by CESTUS III

  1. Oh for me would still be ok, of the 4 DLC ones none interest me much beside Ed wich got good new design and will likely get SFV one as 2nd i guess... personally would'nt even ask for a "boxer" outfit, as i still pray for Dudley (or at least Rog) to show up as pure boxing rep as soon as possible My fear was them not covering in the upcoming update 100% of base cast, but just that half(?) characters they showed... wich would leave out some characters i'm interested the most (Ryu and Zangief) Irrc characters that got their final pick artwork showed are Deejay Ken Juri Cammy Guile Lily Marisa Luke Jamie Characters that still did'nt got their final pick revealed Ryu Zangief Chun Li Dhalsim Blanka Kimberly JP* Honda Manon 9 revealed, 9 still to see My fear was they will deliver only first group Hope the ones they chosen to show are meaningless and they will indeed deliver whole base cast as you say 🕯️🙏 Wanting to be optimistic they would be very retarded to NOT say in advance if they plan to deliver it only for half (base) cast, but on other side this is SF people, they can do anything ignoring any consumer friendly logic *i think we know wich is, i believe is the "leaked" art with blue Nayshall cloth, as was a single table artwork like those they revealed, so maybe for him is that... but officially has'nt been showed. Iirc similar case is Honda
  2. Don't remember the name and would be italian version one anyway 😅 I think you can check here guess may be #56 in accessories page
  3. That's what i got as end up result (click for full size) But did lot of reinterpretation, if we want stick closer to original source probably this would have been more 1:1 Really wish we got at least a 4th item, or at least that gloves would be counted as normal clothes, keeping the 3 slots free
  4. Yea, i think you picked a very very rough customer with Reina, lot of stuff goes beyond what we could do with SF6 editor, specially if we count all current limitations (even if can't think any locked WTM item that would help us much either) But you got me intrigued, if you want after work i give it a try, will not find any 1:1 magic trick but maybe going through lot of reinterpretation i would end up with a different perspective 👍
  5. Yeah, to simulate one extra clothes layer with sticker only option they give you is to give alternative color to the body(example blue) as if is a colored suit and then use the full face paint with a natural skin color Used it a lot, but is'nt a perfect system either... first problem face paint cover eyebrows, secondary it erase the natural skin texture replacing it with a flat color... you can trick it into look natural with make up and playing with numbers of shine, transparence etc
  6. No, as far i know without dedicated moves is purely aesthetic 😆 I just liked the fact it somehow remind the spinachs eating act and you can even go in what seem a powered-up state (you can still go drunk, but you just obtain only that air trembling aura effect with bith of red)
  7. For the cheap lulz (click for full size) The moveset crack me up I had to put the spinach in Jamie's bottle lol
  8. I usually don't do non Capcom/SF stuff beside few selected japanese things, slots are precious and we should stick to holy anime roots against baka gaijin or something @Miðgarðsormyou need to know you're guilty of this (click for full size) The moveset crack me up I had to put the spinach in Jamie's bottle lol
  9. Half win for me would be a beardless costume alternative than the crap they did with SF2 one, but still pray he get one of these "martial artist" ones lol Good luck! 👍 In January/February we will move into our first home too, delirant months lol
  10. Thanks a lot, some were total new for me 👍 Still curious to so wich design they chosen, we are still waiting the official reveal
  11. Would be greatand different, after all Standard and Nostalgia ones already cover the Pro-Wrestling side But i can't deny big one on the left would look great too But if we watch all past already selected ones (Ken, Deejay, Cammy etc) seems these panel with multiple alt designs never included the "winning" one, so there's still hope for brain-training Gief 😆 For Ryu then we got two possible hints, but i'm not too sold in neither First is too "casual clothes" for my tastes, second still have the damn beard lol Hope one of these below will be selected, really like the second but also first is'nt bad Btw proof your theory have some ground is Marisa one (white dress) indeed come from Master images, Guile too have a very close one as far we can see (but in Master he sport usual haircut)
  12. I'm more happy it seem first dlc one will be basic SFV mma one, but now i want that too 🤣 Wonder when we will get first wave of dlc costumes and when we will see rest of selected ones... we seen some, but we are far from whole list So curious about Ryu and Zangief ones
  13. Yeah that for clothes (and skin) would be so cool, but sadly it would clash with capcom's greed-based logic Reality is they want to milk same stuff they already did as "new contents" Furthermore in the Nayshall arena tournament mission (Rashid update) some opponents had alternative colors of clothes from the hub shop that you can't dye at all Guess is possible at some point they will unlock a place to dye these too
  14. Drive Rush And these 3 list possibly still missing pieces from just to say some, we may add possibly full sets or more pieces from Retsu, Carlos, Rudra, Damn D, Eternity, Fang, Azam Then add the 99 color variants you can see around but can't currently recreate by yourself
  15. Tricky part is Haggar's face changes a lot depending on game/artist i picked this (from CFAS) as main inspiration but also gave it more chin to go bit after MvC3 look too
  16. About time JP got a buff, guess Ryu's reign of terror is finally over
  17. SF6 Haggar 😁 Tried my best to fight off the fake-suit effect The necklace was supposed to mask a bit the neck suit line, but it move in weird ways without covering much, so ultimately got removed Gloves solve the hands showing at the wrist the suit line Most tricky part was replicate skin color on the face (no base color match the suit) Click to see full size My fav screenshot, Haggar about to piledriver a lion For what's worth Moveset
  18. SF6 Haggar 😁 Tried my best to fight off the fake-suit effect The necklace was supposed to mask a bit the neck suit line, but it move in weird ways without covering much, so ultimately got removed Gloves solve the hands showing at the wrist the suit line Most tricky part was replicate skin color on the face (no base color match the suit) Click to see full size My fav screenshot, Haggar about to piledriver a lion For what's worth Moveset
  19. Random af, but whoever have done the colors of Pocket Bravery have tribute level over9000 ❤️
  20. My Sodom end up more accurate than this, today i will see if is possible fight off the Haggar's fake suit vibes Wish they just made pants and belt as a single piece without fake skin Fun thing i could not name the avatar "Sodom", i had to switch to "Sodòm" because some names censorship despite the fact they even gave pieces to recreate him 🤣
  21. WOOO New Fighting pass is out, and it's cool af, theme Final Fight! RIP to Sodom and Haggar? But that's their classic design, SF6 would have them heavy redesigned... but still
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