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  1. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from DarkSakul in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    OK, I honestly thought your story is fake. I think certain people are 98% immune to creepos, unless those creeps are fat and ugly too. 
  2. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from Chadouken in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    OK, I honestly thought your story is fake. I think certain people are 98% immune to creepos, unless those creeps are fat and ugly too. 
  3. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from DoctaMario in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    It's possible that the whole Bill Cosby scandal is another illuminati stunt. It does make me wonder why that after so many years of "this happening" suddenly every single victim starts testifying in the same year. Yes, i heard the excuses. So and so girl could only testify now because nobody listened to them or they only had the courage because some other girl talked. LOL. Sure, why could a girl or 2 report it back then when it was still fresh so others could talk too, why would the media listen now anyway? 

    There is no doubt Bill Cosby wrongfully fucked people, but that is how these dark hollywood organizations operate. Sex is one of the perks and riches given to their members. He probably just pissed someone off in his group so he is being made an example along with R Kelly, Harvey Weinstein, Depp and Herd.. all media publicized scandals that are all fraudulent and homosexual. 
  4. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from Hecatom in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    I heard a new racist name around Union Square, "Caugger". A term being invented for half black and half white people. I actually think it's a catchy name and I am probably going to name my Red Dead 2 Hungarian Halfbreed horse that when i get home since it's a black and white twist coat (very attractiver). May Cigger is a better racist name for white/black people? 
  5. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from J-ride in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    I heard a new racist name around Union Square, "Caugger". A term being invented for half black and half white people. I actually think it's a catchy name and I am probably going to name my Red Dead 2 Hungarian Halfbreed horse that when i get home since it's a black and white twist coat (very attractiver). May Cigger is a better racist name for white/black people? 
  6. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from MillionX in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    I heard a new racist name around Union Square, "Caugger". A term being invented for half black and half white people. I actually think it's a catchy name and I am probably going to name my Red Dead 2 Hungarian Halfbreed horse that when i get home since it's a black and white twist coat (very attractiver). May Cigger is a better racist name for white/black people? 
  7. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from Chadouken in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    I heard a new racist name around Union Square, "Caugger". A term being invented for half black and half white people. I actually think it's a catchy name and I am probably going to name my Red Dead 2 Hungarian Halfbreed horse that when i get home since it's a black and white twist coat (very attractiver). May Cigger is a better racist name for white/black people? 
  8. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from Chadouken in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    WholeFoods is closed for the holidays and they don't have alcohol in the food area anymore because the girls would prefer guys buy them a cup of clam chowder or a cheese cake instead of a drink.
  9. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from DoctaMario in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    what did that dead guy do to piss them off that much that they would do that? Heaven (or hell) should allow that guy to haunt their ass. 
  10. +1
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from BB_Hoody in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    what did that dead guy do to piss them off that much that they would do that? Heaven (or hell) should allow that guy to haunt their ass. 
  11. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from DoctaMario in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Love aint a bad thing to talk about, bro. We only live once. 
  12. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from Faltimar the Dark in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Love aint a bad thing to talk about, bro. We only live once. 
  13. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from Faltimar the Dark in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    I sometimes think it's wrong to support these gaming youtubers because it is encouraging them to live off nonsense that isn't going to last long. Most of them hit 40 and are already so unattractive and fat that it is highly likely they are going to die alone unless they start ordering mail order brides or something. 

    They are fun to watch and people have the right to enjoy themselves, but this is can be also be watching someone who is self-destructing and throwing away their future for video games. This is why I have this concern for some people here. I want them to be happy in life but i understand the physical limitations that many here may have and that is why i always suggest to go to wholefoods.  
  14. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from DoctaMario in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    I sometimes think it's wrong to support these gaming youtubers because it is encouraging them to live off nonsense that isn't going to last long. Most of them hit 40 and are already so unattractive and fat that it is highly likely they are going to die alone unless they start ordering mail order brides or something. 

    They are fun to watch and people have the right to enjoy themselves, but this is can be also be watching someone who is self-destructing and throwing away their future for video games. This is why I have this concern for some people here. I want them to be happy in life but i understand the physical limitations that many here may have and that is why i always suggest to go to wholefoods.  
  15. +1
    zatalcon3 reacted to Emptyeyes_ in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Lol. Wow.
  16. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from Emptyeyes_ in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    No. You got problems that are uniquely to you, bro. Maybe the problem is you? You could just be frustrated internally for not being able to release yourself, which is part of our evolution. Life is too short to be hated by your own parents. Instead of getting away from them,  try taking a trip to wholefoods and find some metaphorical pigs. Who knows, maybe the next time you get talked about negatively by your own family isn't because of personal behavior but because of how much food she eats. 
  17. Thrilling
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from Hecatom in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    That Harvey W. thing was weird. How can anybody not be skeptical about the majority of those women me tooing him?   We saw the videos of Jlaw and most of those actresses going "thank you, i love you harvey"  during award shows. Then when his scandal hits the media, these same actresses suddenly turn around and talk about what a sick creep he is. 

    The fuck is that? I Think those girls had no problem giving their ass to him in return for fame. Open your eyes everyone!
    Harvey probably pissed someone who is of higher rank in their illuminati cult and got punished for it. 
  18. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from DoctaMario in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Look at that, the Harvey Weinstein thing is fraudulent and homosexual. 
    BTW. I think RKelly also pissed off someone in the illuminati. We all know Him, Jay-z, beiber, and mostly everyone has been fucking kids they just put R Kelly on the fire because of some shit he must of done during an illumaniti gathering.  Wasn't there reports of him and Jay-z dping beyonce during the time they made their album together? 
  19. +1
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from DoctaMario in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    That Harvey W. thing was weird. How can anybody not be skeptical about the majority of those women me tooing him?   We saw the videos of Jlaw and most of those actresses going "thank you, i love you harvey"  during award shows. Then when his scandal hits the media, these same actresses suddenly turn around and talk about what a sick creep he is. 

    The fuck is that? I Think those girls had no problem giving their ass to him in return for fame. Open your eyes everyone!
    Harvey probably pissed someone who is of higher rank in their illuminati cult and got punished for it. 
  20. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from Chadouken in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Look at that, the Harvey Weinstein thing is fraudulent and homosexual. 
    BTW. I think RKelly also pissed off someone in the illuminati. We all know Him, Jay-z, beiber, and mostly everyone has been fucking kids they just put R Kelly on the fire because of some shit he must of done during an illumaniti gathering.  Wasn't there reports of him and Jay-z dping beyonce during the time they made their album together? 
  21. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from RSG3 in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Look at that, the Harvey Weinstein thing is fraudulent and homosexual. 
    BTW. I think RKelly also pissed off someone in the illuminati. We all know Him, Jay-z, beiber, and mostly everyone has been fucking kids they just put R Kelly on the fire because of some shit he must of done during an illumaniti gathering.  Wasn't there reports of him and Jay-z dping beyonce during the time they made their album together? 
  22. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from Chadouken in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    That Harvey W. thing was weird. How can anybody not be skeptical about the majority of those women me tooing him?   We saw the videos of Jlaw and most of those actresses going "thank you, i love you harvey"  during award shows. Then when his scandal hits the media, these same actresses suddenly turn around and talk about what a sick creep he is. 

    The fuck is that? I Think those girls had no problem giving their ass to him in return for fame. Open your eyes everyone!
    Harvey probably pissed someone who is of higher rank in their illuminati cult and got punished for it. 
  23. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from J-ride in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    That Harvey W. thing was weird. How can anybody not be skeptical about the majority of those women me tooing him?   We saw the videos of Jlaw and most of those actresses going "thank you, i love you harvey"  during award shows. Then when his scandal hits the media, these same actresses suddenly turn around and talk about what a sick creep he is. 

    The fuck is that? I Think those girls had no problem giving their ass to him in return for fame. Open your eyes everyone!
    Harvey probably pissed someone who is of higher rank in their illuminati cult and got punished for it. 
  24. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from RSG3 in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    That Harvey W. thing was weird. How can anybody not be skeptical about the majority of those women me tooing him?   We saw the videos of Jlaw and most of those actresses going "thank you, i love you harvey"  during award shows. Then when his scandal hits the media, these same actresses suddenly turn around and talk about what a sick creep he is. 

    The fuck is that? I Think those girls had no problem giving their ass to him in return for fame. Open your eyes everyone!
    Harvey probably pissed someone who is of higher rank in their illuminati cult and got punished for it. 
  25. +1
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from MillionX in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Leftists will whine about any word being a bad word nowadays. I recall seeing an black transgender from NYU who died his (i'm referencing the actual gender)  hair ginger, so some other guy who didn't want to be forced to refer to him by what he wants but doesn't want to cause trouble and offend him by not saying "ma'm" so the dude called him a ginger instead. Yet he still got heat because the leftist said that was racist because he interpreted it as a feminist slang way of saying the N word. 

    true story. 
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