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  1. -1
    zatalcon3 reacted to Phantom_Miria in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Yeah, I can see Biden in a trench coat and thick sunglasses emerging from a back alley to approach random kids playing ball in a park: "Hey kid, you see this? This is a gun. It's very cool. You see that shop over there? Go and rob that son of a bitch, that'll show 'em!", and then quickly disappear back into the shadows, to the safety of his camouflaged presidential limousine, while the shocked kid can only reply: "Yes, mister president! I'm ready to serve my country!"
  2. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from Crucades in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Disagree. Asia is evidence to me, so where stories of criminals changing because of whatever conversion they had. BTW, we don't see this shit in private religious schools either, just the public ones. 
    Americans need to lose some rights. It's deserved. It's not only the right whose rights need to be neglected, the left have to take an L and stfu as well.
  3. +1
    zatalcon3 reacted to iStu X in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    You should stop jerking off so much and find a fat chick. Maybe that post nut clarity you’d get after thrusting into some cottage cheese thighs will make you realize how fucking stupid you are. 
  4. -1
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from DarkSakul in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    As said, they do it in Asia. Their education system isn't effected, most of them are even smarter than the common student here in the USA. We shouldn't give a fuck about them believing in a God.. I rather prefer that, then having to be on alert because some psycho might go in and shoot em.  
    here is an example of the rational: Look at the Central park 5 boys who were wrongfully accused for raping a girl and put to jail for many years. The actual rapist managed to confess after converting to christianity. What should be cared about more, the rapist getting indoctrinated about a sky daddy or him confessing and those boys being free?  It's all about the results and the solution.
  5. -1
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from DarkSakul in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Why? It's done and it works in asia. Asia doesn't have any of the negative issues that you guys claim putting religion in would do.
    None of them are killing people in the name of whatever cult, they don't "get their way". People there don't give a fuck about guns and they have mental health issues and even drug abuse, fuck some of these countries deal with high poverty and turn to drugs because they can't find food. Yet, none of them go that crazy to go on a killing spree, why? What is it that we have this issue? 

    Taking away the 2nd amendment is just going to ban guns, americans will find another venue to let out their insanity like using cars or making molotovs or something. We need to start teaching morals and using spirituality as a way to mediate any forms of aggressive thoughts such as shooting up a bunch of innocent people. 
  6. -1
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from DarkSakul in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Americans will have to change, they have to get over themselves and stfu about their feelings towards things or what they claim are "their rights". 
    We need to ban guns, and also adopt the faith practicing that asian countries do. The problem there is both rightists and leftists will bitch and moan because they care more about their feelings more than actual results. 
  7. -1
  8. +1
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from Reticently in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    I thought Rcaido was white. 
  9. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from Hecatom in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    I miss the old srk days. Shit was uncensored. People are so sensitive now here. There are a few posters who would not survive SRK 2k1-2k8. I remember one guy who responded by drawing stick figures of the posters he was having beef with. I remember serpent, Jiveturkey, and colguile spitting hot fire at random posters, Rsigley cooking live squirrel's, Cisco jacking off to hanson because he thought they where girls, Viscant advertising his flesh light, Magnetix talking about the people he flashed his dick to, Rcaido talking about his asian wife, but now we have people here get all offended and threatening to mod-telling when being given advice on dating fat ugly girls? 

    I'm black and i don't like rap music. I prefer to never hear it at all again, unless it's old school 90s. 
  10. +1
    zatalcon3 reacted to iStu X in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Fixed. It’s like “A Tribe Called Quest”, you gotta say the whole thing 
  11. -1
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from DarkSakul in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Not even a narcissist would tweet 1st hand after losing and being smeared online for months, they would normally pay people to pose as supporters. But posting a reaction themselves? lol. That shit was update on herself which is what the populace wants. It's all selling.
  12. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from Chadouken in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    I miss the old srk days. Shit was uncensored. People are so sensitive now here. There are a few posters who would not survive SRK 2k1-2k8. I remember one guy who responded by drawing stick figures of the posters he was having beef with. I remember serpent, Jiveturkey, and colguile spitting hot fire at random posters, Rsigley cooking live squirrel's, Cisco jacking off to hanson because he thought they where girls, Viscant advertising his flesh light, Magnetix talking about the people he flashed his dick to, Rcaido talking about his asian wife, but now we have people here get all offended and threatening to mod-telling when being given advice on dating fat ugly girls? 

    I'm black and i don't like rap music. I prefer to never hear it at all again, unless it's old school 90s. 
  13. +1
    zatalcon3 reacted to iStu X in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Who cares? That whole trial was a joke. Depp and Heard are both fucking idiots  and pieces of shit. 
  14. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from DarkSakul in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    The problem I had with the Amber/Johnny trial is that everyone saw this ending coming even before the trial began. I hope whatever celebrity is going to be featured on the next season will be able to generate a good hype with out making it look so one sided so early.
  15. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from Hecatom in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    The problem I had with the Amber/Johnny trial is that everyone saw this ending coming even before the trial began. I hope whatever celebrity is going to be featured on the next season will be able to generate a good hype with out making it look so one sided so early.
  16. +1
    zatalcon3 reacted to OPTIMUS124 in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Did you see this one though
  17. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from J-ride in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    And? I'm always the only one there who is black unless i bring people I know. Keyword "barely". You are out of luck at costco, the demographics vary. Wholefoods is still your best bet.
  18. +1
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from MillionX in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Stranger Things S4 is fire
  19. -1
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from DarkSakul in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Don't worry about it, she is not stalking. Most people who were overweight usually like to celebrate the amount of work they put by adding a few people they knew before so you guys can see how far she came.  
  20. -1
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from DarkSakul in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    No i'm not, you misrepresenting again. As i said, we have cultural problem of the US. You leftists and rightists think the same. Both of you would rather risk another atrocity from happening as long as "it doesn't go against your rights". The right is like this when gun control is suggested, but fuck their rights and not yours, eh? No, fuck both of you. What i'm encouraging is the end of this pop cultural conformity, and disassociate from the 2 ideologies that are dicking us all around.  

    - Not all those countries have gun control, Europe does, so they are an example as to why we need to ban guns. Some asian countries have faith stuff in their schools. I don't see what the big deal is, religion is easy, we can cherry pick the good philosophical shit in buddhism, christianity, hinduism, shintoism, to shove down your throat. 
  21. -1
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from DarkSakul in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    If pushing faith has the potential to never see Uvalde again, then i'm all for it. I don't care if you want to say im close to a theist. If whatever they believe in can prevent someone from shooting, then that is all that matters to me. You caring about getting your feelings hurt because of beliefs you don't like over that is absurd.  Fuck, you are not even at school anymore so why the fuck are you bitching as if it's going effect you? LOL. You are all emotional thinking. 
    Many migrants claim faith is practiced in their schools and none of them have shootings,  why, what are they doing? Stop trying to label me like Ted Cruz, you are once again showing that you are illiterate and someone who results to misrepresenting an argument and the person you are arguing with to have a point for yourself, I've voiced that I think the 2nd amendment has to be voided, so fuck off with your Ted Cruz/NRA shit.

    BTW: I was only giving advice and encouraging positive relationships for the benefit of our society.
  22. -1
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from DarkSakul in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    I'm not a theist so gtfo with your "stop pushing your faith". i'm shoving it to societal clichés whose views are all straight conformity. I don't care about your feelings. The fact is other countries do this and it maybe a reason why their culture doesn't shoot kids. You are an example of the cultural problem in the US, caring about your own feelings towards political views rather than sacrificing it for a possible a solution. 
  23. -1
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from DarkSakul in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    When I see this
    Any hurt feelings towards faith in schools and the suspending of the 2nd amendment can fuck off. As shown by two posters here, if it invades "their feelings" then it is not to be tried, nevermind when other countries have gun bans to faith practicing in schools and do not have any form of mass shootings. People in this country care more about their "rights" and what the popular societal view is than finding an actual way to make sure 10 year old kids don't get shot at school again. That is horrible. If you don't like hearing philosophies/teachings from Buddha, Vishnu, Jesus, Mohammad, Zeus, then sit down and stfu. Don't bitch and moan about your rights being taken away, you will go home after or whole foods, relax. 
  24. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from MillionX in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Why does his initials imply him to be gay? D.L., what is that, dick lover?
  25. LOL
    zatalcon3 got a reaction from J-ride in The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition   
    Why does his initials imply him to be gay? D.L., what is that, dick lover?
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