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  1. +1
    ShockDingo reacted to Shakunetsu in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    amazing that they include the psx and saturn exclusive scene
  2. LOL
    ShockDingo reacted to Darc_Requiem in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    X-Kira? We still doing this!? Did yall think I forgot?

  3. +1
  4. +1
  5. +1
    ShockDingo reacted to Dragonfave723 in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Devs talked about character creation using ZBrush.
  6. +1
    ShockDingo reacted to YagamiFire in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Is it just me...or are those tikis on Dee Jay's stage Bison, Sagat and Adon? Top left, middle left and middle right and bottom right in the sand (in order)

  7. LOL
    ShockDingo reacted to Darc_Requiem in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    @CESTUS IIII can imagine JP sitting at his desk picking various alias for whatever country he's in.
    Brazil: Jonas Petry
    Canada: Jean Pétrégne
    China: Jo-Hsi Peng
    Italy: Jacopo Petrucci
    Japan: Jisho Paku
    Korea: Joon Ho Paek
    Spain: Juan Prohens
    USA: John Peters
  8. Insightful
    ShockDingo reacted to Dragonfave723 in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Some new bio info regarding a few characters:
    A better look at concept arts of Akuma:

    Credit to Ryce for the summary below:
     I found some interesting notes on Twitter from a talk that the devs gave at the Capcom vs. Tezuka event. It's all been machine translated from various Twitter/X accounts (including here, here, and here), so it's not perfect.
    There's a lot more if you dig through those Twitter accounts.
  9. +1
    ShockDingo reacted to bakfromon in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Some of the tracks on here a very solid. Violent Ken is an instant favorite for me. 
  10. Insightful
    ShockDingo reacted to biachunli in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    The laurel wreath:

    Owls are symbols of  wisdom. However, I don't doubt Ed makes some bad decisions.
  11. Insightful
  12. +1
    ShockDingo reacted to mykka in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Juni had a pretty dark backstory too
  13. +1
    ShockDingo got a reaction from DarthEnderX in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Also, with all the talk of erasing and life paths, she could have just opted not to talk about her brother since he's no longer relevant to who and what she is now.
  14. +1
    ShockDingo reacted to bakfromon in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    You would think that to be the case but she says that she sorta puts herself in the situation she was in being a street urchin. 

    She had parents who worked in the city so much that they pretty much didn’t have time for her so they pawned her off to her relatives. She didn’t like her relatives so she decided to run away from them and live on the streets.
    At first AKI mention that she had no parents or family so it kinda implied that she was an orphan by chance and not by choice. Who knows why she wanted to leave her relatives? She doesn’t mention any details about their relationship or why it didn’t work out. Though apparently her life as a street kid outweighed whatever she was going through with her relatives. 
    It’s not really that dark when you consider that her path in life was something that she had a choice in and not something she didn’t. Especially when characters like Juri were orphaned by having her family killed and was herself gravely injured in that process.  AKI’s life doesn’t start to become dark until after she starts making bad decisions for herself and that includes meeting FANG. 
    Then she takes so much after FANG that she has that obsessive trait for him that he has for Bison. It’s funny because AKI just drools over FANG while he couldn’t care less and is a Bisonsexual waiting for his masters return. That’s just a love triangle in the making. 
  15. +1
    ShockDingo reacted to Darc_Requiem in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Good on F.A.N.G, he may be a homicidal assassin that has no problems melting people into goo via poison but even he don' t do that pedo shit. 
    Side Note: Yeah the "Psycho Sakura" vibes I got from A.K.I. pre-release seem to have panned out. Her obsession with F.A.N.G. makes Sakura's infatuation with Ryu and F.A.N.G.'s loyalty to Bison look EXTREMELY mild by comparison. 
  16. +1
    ShockDingo reacted to Phantom_Miria in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    My understanding is that his name is a pseudonym he uses while being undercover, not his actual name.
    Also, Punish Counter command grab does exactly 2222 damage. I wonder if that was on purpose.
  17. WTF
    ShockDingo reacted to Hawkingbird in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Thirteen is coming
  18. +1
    ShockDingo reacted to Hawkingbird in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    He looks better in this game than SF5
  19. +1
    ShockDingo reacted to bakfromon in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    AKI Arcade & WTM interactions 
  20. Insightful
    ShockDingo reacted to Chun-Li_Forever in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    Chun-Li to A.K.I.: A poison user? I see, so you're related to him.
    Thoughts: Simple acknowledgement. I'm honestly not that disappointed with it. Even though FANG was the one who forced Li-Fen to activate the descent program in SFV and almost killed her, I do think there isn't enough history between the two that makes me think that Chun-Li and FANG would ever have any kind of rivalry. Chun-Li makes quick work of him during her only fight in ASF as well. So I don't mind that Chun-Li just makes a simple connection to AKI to FANG. 
    I think if AKI had any more sinister intentions, like finding Li-Fen and making her life a nightmare, maybe there'd be more urgency and drama between the two. But for now, it just feels like AKI and her ties with FANG are now outside the realm of Chun-Li and her new job of teaching kung fu
    A.K.I. to Chun-Li: Retired and teaching kids kung fu... So lovely, Dajie.
    Thoughts: Googling it, Dajie is like a formal term to address a woman perceived as older than the speaker. It also means Big Sister (kind of like Jiejie). 
    First off, noticing some contrasting information. Chun-Li said in her story that she's taking a break from work. But it seems AKI thinks that Chun-Li is retired. (Which would be more accurate connecting SF3 to SF6, but that's another story).
    In AKI's story, she sends warns CHun-Li not to get involved with any of her activities, especially with FANG planning on reviving Shadaloo once again. This makes AKI's quote even more sinister than at first glance.
    AKI can use the threat of endangering Chun-Li's students, even Li-Fen to intimidate and pressure Chun-Li to stay and enjoy the retired life. Because though Chun-Li can take care of herself, her students and her lovely community may ot be so lucky.
    Much more scary and appropriate win quote after playing through her story mode.
    EDIT (after playing AKI's story)
    AKI's Arcade Story
    AKI has been sent by FANG to investigate what the remnants of Shadaloo are up to, and to send a warning should she encounter any interference. But before she can start her assignment, she pays Chun-Li a visit. She warns Chun-Li not to return to action, threatening her that is she does investigate AKI and her activities, she would not hesitate to melt Chun-Li's face right off.
    Later, AKI slips past JP's security detail to get to him. AKI asks him about the whereabout of Ed. AKI mentions she knows where the money JP has laundering is being funneled, but doesn't know what he's planning for. JP tries to feign ignorance, as his role of Treasurer is to distribute the leftover funds accordingly.
    AKI and JP fight and AKI warns JP to leave the "revival of the organization" to FANG. 
    AKI's assignment is complete, eager to recieve praise from her master FANG for doing what he asked. AKI could've easily killed her enemies but per FANG's request, only fear and pain were inflicted on her victims. 
  21. +1
    ShockDingo reacted to Doctrine_Dark in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    A.K.I. win quotes:
    Aki to Luke: “Hm, you’re a strong one. I’ll have to up the dosage next time.”
    Luke to Aki: “Yo what, did you say POISON? Do you think we can uh, not use that?”
    AKI: “A herbal drink that controls your energy? I’d love to know what it’s made of.”
    Jamie to AKI: “An assassin, huh? Sorry, but not in my town, lady.”
    AKI to Manon: “Did you get a scratch on that pretty face? It’d be a real shame if poison got in there.”
    Manon to AKI: “Reptiles are an acquired taste. But sadly, they’re not for me.”
    AKI to Kimberly: “There, much better. Hop around like that again and I’ll put a stop to it for good.”
    Kimberly to AKI: “I heard ninjas drink poison as training. I might have to look into that next time.”
    AKI to Marisa: “Hm, you have a very nice body. To test my poisons on, that is.”
    Marisa to AKI: “It will take more than a slithery snake to kill this lion!”
    AKI to Lily: “I am no warrior. No, I just let my poison do my job.”
    Lily to AKI: “Snakes are scary, but not evil. You’re different though.”
    AKI to JP: “I can end your life whenever the master so desires.”
    JP to AKI: “Tell your master that we are of the same mind when it comes to that organization
    AKI to Juri: “Cease with your shrieking. Best you go to the other side.”
    Juri to AKI: “You and your goofy-looking master are all sorts of LOSER!”
    AKI to Dee Jay: “Finally that awful music stopped. I thought my eardrums would burst.”
    Dee Jay to AKI: “Is that the Snake Dance I’ve heard about? I gotta learn that someday!”
    AKI to Cammy: “Chasing after Shadaloo’s remnants? Be careful not to get bitten, kitten.”
    Cammy to AKI: “I will catch all of you, sooner or later. You can count on it.”
    AKI to Ryu: “All that training, and yet just a bit of poison does you in. Eeehehe!”
    Ryu to AKI: “I see, Snake Fist kung fu, and poison. Assassins come in all shapes and sizes.”
    AKI to Honda: “Hm, for your body, a lethal dosage should be...about this much.”
    Honda to AKI: “Was that supposed to be poison!? Sansho pepper packs more of a punch!”
    AKI to Blanka: “Hm, the poison does work. I guess you were human after all.”
    Blanka to AKI: “Uwo! I can handle the poison ants in my jungle! You’re nothing!”
    AKI to Guile: “If you have a family, it’s best you return to them while you can. Haha!”
    Guile to AKI: “A poison user...Ah, yes, I remember. He was a crafty character.”
    AKI to Ken: “Perhaps stop worrying about your troubles, and just eliminate them.”
    Ken to AKI: “If an assassin has come out to play, that means I’m getting closer to the truth.”
    AKI to Chun-Li: “Retired and teaching kids kung fu...So lovely, Dajie.”
    Chun-Li to AKI: “A poison user? I see, so you’re related to him.”
    AKI to Zangief: “Poison does take a while to hit when you’ve got a big body.”
    Zangief to AKI: “Poison stands no match when you have muscles and power!”
    AKI to Dhalsim: “Your body is flexible. But you know what? So is mine.”
    Dhalsim to AKI: “Something stirs in the dark again, I see. Shadaloo.”
    AKI to Rashid: “You...You’re the one the master spoke of.”
    Rashid to AKI: “Poison...just like that guy. Are you his disciple or something?”
    AKI to AKI: “Master, your wonderful A.K.I. won! Shower me with your praise!”
  22. Love
  23. +1
    ShockDingo reacted to Darc_Requiem in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    They've clearly learned from the problems with F.A.N.G.'s poison implementation. The "retribution" mechanic, Toxic Blossom, gives people an incentive to actually avoid being poisoned. With F.A.N.G. you just walked through it and smacked him upside the head. 
    Edit: I mentioned licensing issues earlier in regards to guest characters. I recent example is Namco porting Broken Destiny instead of SCIV because of the otherwise they'd have to pay Disney to re-license the Star Wars characters. It's basically the reason Broken Destiny existed in the first place. They wanted to bring SCIV to PSP but didn't want to pay for the Star Wars license. I'd bet Kratos will be missing from the HD port as well for a similar reason.
  24. +1
    ShockDingo reacted to BornWinner in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    A.K.I. Vs Blanka: “Hm, the poison does work. I guess you were human after all.”
    A.K.I. Vs E. Honda: “Hm, for your body, a lethal dosage should be… about this much.”
  25. +1
    ShockDingo reacted to Dragonfave723 in The Street Fighter VI Story Thread: Shadaloo Died so Luke Could Live!   
    A.K.I. to Dhalsim (translated by @emezie)  : You have a very flexible body! Though, I do, too."
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