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Everything posted by ZioSerpe

  1. Something about her doesn't convince me.
  2. He didn't make it in XIV because he's clearly a "break glass in case of emergency" case. Much like Illidan was for Blizzard and Legion.
  3. I'ma do something off left field and talk SFV in this thread. In the last weeks I've been playing a bit, because fucking Daigo made me think "hey Honda looks fun" then I started also playing Poison. I've finally made my peace with what this game is. And I wanna say something good about this game: I hope every single FG from now on uses the same matchmaking style. I'm not sure how they managed to make lobbies mostly a joke no one really wants to partake in as a first option, but this shit worked out pretty nice. I get to play with players around my skill most of the times (there are occasional times where I feel I am matched with smurfs or at least people that are quite better that their rank indicates because they stopped bothering with rank but kept playing and god better) and it's honestly kept me playing, because logging GBVS and finding matches is a struggle for about a million reasons, and you don't really get to be picky if you want to play and have limited time. There are +R and 2002UM, but sometimes you just wanna play a modern game, with all the nice help they have like generous buffers and easy execution.
  4. I'm in this thread to let you all know I'm gonna ignore this game with a passion, and I need to say I will ignore it in a public forum because that's how you do ignoring as far as the internet has taught me.
  5. Let's say, heavily conflicted. Granted not as conflicted as a Yemeni KoF player, but still...
  6. I bet this is a case of clever punishment gone wrong. Like when your father catches you smoking and it forces you too smoke all the pack in one sitting to nauseate you.
  7. I just played the demo for Cris Tales, gorgeous indie RPG scheduled for 2021, I'm as sold as one can be
  8. He has superjump and a teleport move. The downside is special moves give him blood gauge.
  9. I am always up for it if I'm at home. I'm trying to learn Sol for more casual play now.
  10. Got 3rd place, highest among people that started playing with the beta so I won't complain.
  11. Ye but VT1 has much cooler looking conversions.. Ken's kinda trash at this point, ain't he?
  12. I am in desperate need of XV news or the official release of rollback 200UM
  13. I think I have a legitimate shot at winning a +R tournament the MacSplicer discord is gonna have this week-end (if the date they pick it's the one I can play). I don't think I am better than the competition, but I'm think Jam is gonna carry my ass.
  14. So, with the +R beta getting an extension, the community I am in that was gonna do an SFV tournament this week end was asked to vote between the 2, and in the end it's gnna be a +R tournament instead, I tried pushing for SFV just for the lulz, but youngsters just not understand the importance of doing things for the lulz anymore. I guess I gotta win the +R tournament now.
  15. The MacSplicer community is gonna have an SFV tournament this week-end, and we're gonna have a laugh at how shitty the netcode is after weeks of playing 2002UM and +R between community members all over the world without a hitch.
  16. I still prefer 2002UM but disregard that ALL HAIL ROLLBACKIA!
  17. Well, I will be featured in a soon to come ANIMEILLUMINATI video about +R netcode. I played Jiyuna and he was recording for YT.
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