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Posts posted by DarthEnderX

  1. 3 hours ago, BigMex said:

    Street Fighter 6 took many lessons from the SFII animated movie.

    I wish it had taken even more, to be honest.
    A SF game that uses ArcSys's graphical methods to emulate the SF2 anime movie's art style is a dream of mine.


    I don't care much for SF6's realistic art style.  Don't get me wrong, they did an amazing job with it, it's just...not what I was hoping for.
    I was hoping for an Alpha 4.  With modern 2.5D cel-shading.


  2. 3 hours ago, YagamiFire said:

    That's kind of the funny thing. I have a similar to reaction to Baki as to Naruto where I just straight-up eventually do not care about the main character but the side characters are cool. 

    Naruto becomes less and less interesting as a character the more his origins undermine the series early themes.


    As Naruto is revealed to be more and more of a fated Chosen One, he becomes less cool.

  3. 8 hours ago, YagamiFire said:

    That is the real ugly truth. Not some western public self-flagellation to invoke group-guilt. Which I find abhorrent btw. Do not include others when you say what 'audiences from the west' do or, especially, when you say 'what we have done'. I know I am not part of some collective responsible for the actions of others. Do not associate me with them nor with what they think or are 'failing to acknowledge'. I'm quite aware of negative stereotypes of all kinds used in media both past and present. A lot of people are.

    The funny thing is, you were not actually the target of these accusations.  As you said, you "hadn't done these things".  Therefore, his comments weren't directed at you.


    And yet you felt the need to leap to the defense of those design choices, because you felt felt attacked, even though you weren't.  But in doing so, you defended some potentially racist practices, which means now you ARE who those accusations are directed at.  And deservedly so.  Because now it IS "what you've done" and what you've "failed to acknowledge".  Cause, news flash:  Defending racism makes you racist.  


    BigMex: "This is a little problematic."

    Non-Racist:  "That's interesting."

    Racist:  "Whoa!  Are you calling me out?!  I gotta break this down and explain to you why it's not racist and everyone should think it's great!"

    And you did the latter.


    Then, a week later...

    BigMex:  "Hey guys.  I respect our difference of opinion."

    You:  "Oooh!  I gotta write another essay reiterating how much I hate this and how not racist I am!!"


  4. 8 hours ago, BigMex said:

    Naming conventions aside what does everyone think about the original ideas for Vega / Balrog?


    I think, over the years, it eventually evolved into Marisa.


    I think the idea of a knight fighter inspired the concept for Elizabeth, a wealthy antique dealer that fought in antique armor.



    And eventually the concept was retooled into Marisa, who's obsessed with history and antiquities, but is more focused on jewely than armor.

  5. 5 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

    My ideal world would use time machine to have universal

    • M.Bison (Mike) for boxer, with Balrog being his ring nickname... think Mike "Balrog" Bison, just like Micheal "Iron Mike" Tyson. The two names could actually have coexisted even if the west chosen to use "Balrog", just having Mike Bison as not used but canon real name.
    • Vega for claw... regardless of original name picks, Vega is 100% best for spanish matador lol
    • Lord "InsertNewName" for dictator

    If I had an actual time machine:

    Boxer would have been called Bison.  Because he's a big strong thug.

    Claw would be called Vega, cause it's a Spanish name.

    Dictator would be called Balrog, because he's a demon of shadow and flame.

    5 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

    Also the Gouki vs Akuma bullshit make no sense, both east AND west should be

    • Gouki = first name
    • Akuma (devil) = nickname used in world of martial arts that started to exist after SnH gave him the demon-like look

    Akuma no Gouki (JA)

    Gouki the Demon (NA)

    5 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

    To some extent even Claw could have been linked to SF1 as we know he interacted with Geki

    Is already canon Geki beated up Claw

    Is already canon hinted Geki got killed in asia

    Tbh would love if they just reveal Claw murdered Geki as retaliation for their first fight (like, if first fight left even the slightest mark on Claw's face, murder is only

    I want them to retcon it so Geki was Zeku in his young disguise.  He just wanted to enter the tournament anonymously.  And people think he's dead because he abandoned the persona.

  6. 50 minutes ago, CESTUS III said:

    The silly 90’s movie gave us Ryu Hoshi, while Street Fighter Legacy (same people of SF Assassin’s Fist) made up Ryu Takashi… from what i understand reading online not only was named like that after his creator Takashi Nishiyama but there’s also some gimmick going on (i copy-paste from teh internet):

    I have no problem with Ryu not having a last name.  He's an orphan after all.  And while Gouken raised him, I doubt he filled out any adoption paperwork that would have given him a last name.

    54 minutes ago, CESTUS III said:

    M.Bison as Mike Bison would be perfect, even more if was same Mike of SF1

    But SFV destroyed all that confirming Mike as his own character beyond any doubt lol

    Tbh would love if was possible just ignore SF1’s Mike, and go for Mike Balrog, but again SFV hate it lol

    No idea lol

    Pretty sure Mike Bison canonically IS his name in Japan.


    And yeah, 100% support retconning SF1 Mike out of existence.  I refuse to entertain the notion that Mike, the African-American boxer who was banned for excessive violence, and Mike Bison, the African-American boxer who was banned for excessive violence, are two separate characters.

  7. 21 hours ago, Dracu said:

    Mild spoilers

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    Apparently the main villains will be Shang Tsung and Quan fucking Chi, with Ermac also playing a pretty important role in the story. All while these characters are fucking DLC. 


    Street Fighter X Tekken was crucified for less than what NRS has been pulling with Mortal Kombat in 11 and 1, which doesn't seem to be pulling any breaks on scummy shit.

    That doesn't seem much different than when...


    ...A Shadow Falls contained a bunch of unreleased DLC characters.  Other than, I guess, their prominence in the story.


    But that's nothing new for modern MK games.  They all follow the same structure where, like, every hero character gets a single chapter where you play as them, and you never really play as the villains at all in the story mode.  So the fact that you can't in MK1 just feels like business as usual.


    13 hours ago, BornWinner said:

    Outside of making the bad guys preorder and DLC as it already mentioned, it also


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    This is actually major spoilers for the MK1 story so turn back now.


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    Becomes a multiverse story. The main bad guy is Titan Shang Tsung, the same Shang Tsung that won if you choose him for the final fight in MK11 aftermath. The story then takes a hard swerve in trying to stop him, making a lot of the new iterations of kharacters irrelevant over to focus on multiverse shit. This also means instead of the game being a straight up reboot like they claimed, it’s a straight up sequel to MK11.


    This...also doesn't seem unreasonable.


    MK11 ended with the players choice of 2 possible endings.  And MK11 was already a multiversal story.

    So making MK1 a story about ending 1 reality vs. ending 2 reality seems like a viable direction to take the story.


    15 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

    Loved they got him back, just wish they bothered bit more trying to give him bit more unique moveset... they gave him unique stance and unique special kick, but after that they just gave him Ryu normals...


    Azam and Carlos are probably the best ones in terms of effort

    I don't really see how Carlos and Azam are any better than Retsu.  They also each only have, like, one unique move.   Carlos has his sword combo, and Azam has his throw.  Granted, those are more impressive looking than Retsu's unique kick, but that kick IS his special move in SF1.


  8. I like how many SF6 characters are getting last names.  I wish they'd go back and give older characters last names where it makes sense.


    19 hours ago, ShockDingo said:

    Sounds pretty similar to JP's theme at first, but starts to pop off at 1:20.


  9. 2 hours ago, YagamiFire said:

    LMAO Did you just unironically do the "The only reason people don't use slurs is because black people are so violent they'll punch someone in the face for saying words" argument?

    You think only Black people will punch you for saying it?

    2 hours ago, YagamiFire said:

    Protip: This is a REALLY stupid standard. Like astoundingly stupid. Like blithering ardent Flat-Earther stupid. Straight up "If the woman drowns she wasn't really a witch but if she swims she's a witch so we'll burn her to death" level stupid 'logic'.

    No, it's completely accurate.


    When a minority person tells you that something is racist, there are two ways you can react to it.


    1.  Go "Oh.  Good to know."

    2. Write an entire essay explaining why the minority is wrong and the racist thing is actually fine because of how rational and moral your arguments are.


    Guess which one is the one racists do.


    2 hours ago, YagamiFire said:

    You went from 0 to 11 over a BigMex article FAST.

    BigMex: "AKI's design incorporates some dated stereotypes and doesn't seem as progressive as the rest of SF6."

    You: "Brain-rot dumpster tier!".


    If anyone "REEEEEEEEE"ed here, it's you.


  10. 1 hour ago, YagamiFire said:

    Also 'redneck' is a  (mostly race based) derogatory term.

    Correct.  That is a thing I am doing, at you.  On account of you actin' like it.


    Protip:  The only people who spend paragraphs trying to argue why something isn't actually racist...are racists.

    1 hour ago, YagamiFire said:

    I do believe there is no moral separation between different people using words.

    Cool!  Masks off!

    1 hour ago, YagamiFire said:

    Personally, I choose not to use certain words not because of some kind of bizarre racist race-based passkey system but because I don't believe in using words like slurs. I don't find a place for them in my lexicon. They're beneath me. Y'know, an actual MORAL stance.

    Yes, I'm sure not wanting to get punched in the face is a very moral stance for you.

    1 hour ago, YagamiFire said:

    Seriously. The original SF China rep is the most positive, awesome, morally-upstanding character in the entire it's kind of hard to paint SF as having some sinister anti-Asian Women agenda at work

    I don't understand why you keep making this argument.  The fact that Chun-Li isn't racist doesn't make every other SF character automatically not racist.  You can have one character be racist, and another not.  Chun-Li being okay, doesn't make T. Hawk or El Fuerte okay.

  11. 23 minutes ago, YagamiFire said:



    Damn Anti-Chinese racist *checks notes* Stephen Chow.

    JFC dude, FANG is WAY more of an exaggerated stereotype than they are.


    And if you can't tell the difference, you might be a redneck.


    24 minutes ago, YagamiFire said:

    It ESPECIALLY doesn't make sense when FANG is an overt homage to characters from Chinese cinema. Ah the scourge of Chinese-on-Chinese racism rears its head again!

    So you're basically one of those "If it's okay for them to use the N-word, then it should be okay for ME to use the N-word!" people.


  12. 2 hours ago, YagamiFire said:

    Also, is it even then POSSIBLE to make a Chinese villain without this somehow fulfilling some 'negative trope'?

      How many Chinese villains does SF need?

    2 hours ago, YagamiFire said:

    It's an absurd statement on the face of it because it completely eliminates an entire ethnicity from being villainous

    Considering SF only has, like, 3 female villains to begin with, it's not greeeat that 2 of them are Asian.

    37 minutes ago, Phantom_Miria said:

    I think the doubling down on the Chinese villain is about F.A.N.G, and I recall he argued that F.A.N.G is at least a little based off Fu-Manchu tropes and old media that used to depict Asians and Chinese people  as exotic and shit, and A.K.I. obviously also plays on that because she's still taking a lot from F.A,N.G.

    FANG is ALMOST as racist as the Chinese assassin in Yakuza 0.  AKI isn't as bad as FANG, but she's not without issue.

  13. 41 minutes ago, bakfromon said:

    Why wouldn’t they base yet another character off of their most relevant top two characters? 

    Because that's not how demographics work.


    People who are fans of characters like Juri, already HAVE Juri.  They're already invested.  You don't bring in anyone new by making another Juri.


    New characters will do better if they check boxes that haven't already been checked.  Just look at Marisa.

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