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Posts posted by DarthEnderX

  1. 21 minutes ago, biachunli said:

    Interesting... The symbol of Neo Shadaloo is an owl with laurel wreath.  A more positive symbolism than the Shadaloo symbol.

    There's no laurel wreath there that I can see.  That's just the owl's tailfeathers.


    Anyway, if Bosch is any indication, Neo Shadaloo isn't much more positive than OG Shadaloo.


  2. 5 minutes ago, CESTUS III said:

    Personally i would like see a Boss fight with JP that goes all-in becoming on par with Bison (basic, no Bison+machines), as long they don't waste slots for a character's alt version.... just make a "shin" unplayable version of him with some overpowered unique shit, like they do with some CPU bossess

    This is how bosses should be done.


    Playable, balanced version.  Unplayable, OP final form.

  3. 3 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

    All this make sense, but for how he's represented still wish his great mind and strategy sense could have becomed an HUGE asset once combined with Psycho Power (wich he use with great variety/proficency, even if he say he's still green at it)... see him getting beated up by middle tiers (i'm throwing on that range our avatar too) kinda harm his figure as Boss, specially considering he could have been truly memorable one... while we now know he's likely just sub-boss material, useful to make story move waiting bigger pieces

    I think it's more that he hasn't taken his final boss form yet.  In everything we've seen of him so far, he's still maintaining his businessman facade.  He's not sitting on a throne in his Nayshal wizard robe yet like he does in his own story mode.  He's either hiding his power(because, again, he doesn't care if he wins these fights, so there's no reason to show it), or he hasn't unlocked it yet.

    53 minutes ago, CESTUS III said:

    Now that i think about it, did'nt he had german-like accent in Udon's comic?

    I believe it was supposed to be a Russian accent.  To go along with the Russian alias he was using.


  4. 1 hour ago, Hawkingbird said:

    It was fine being a low stake story and then it became battle for all reality out of nowhere and rushed the finished. I loved the callback to Armageddon but that could have been saved for later. 

    Yeah, admittedly, when they were like "Shang Tsung is going into the multiverse to gather allies, and so are we", that should have been a "To Be Continued" moment.  And the Armageddon chapter should have come later.  The way Aftermath did with 11.  After all the DLC characters were out.


    All those dumb amalgamation characters in the last chapter were so fun though.

  5. 1 hour ago, CESTUS III said:

    Damn they really go so fucking cheap on NPCs, FANG evn was main cast lol

    When I first ran into him, I though he was one of those World Warrior fakers at the Stadium, because he was at the stadium, going by Fang Fei and posing as an herbalist.  But as the story progresses it's made clear that no, it really is FANG.

  6. There is a fun interaction with FANG when you ask about the Psycho-power you have.  He's all "Pfft, how can you have it?  only SUPERIOR specimens can control it.  But if you DO have it, make sure to take good care of it, so you can nourish my master on his eventual return."

    2 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

    Thirteen is coming

    Naw.  These are clearly SiRN Seth-type androids.  Not Secret Society Twelve-types.

  7. There's also a new side mission that has you tracking down an escaped Copy Fighter.  The scientist is like "I've succeeded in programming it to have conciousness."  And I'm like, "Just like me!"


    Anyway, the reward is AKI's +40 Bond gift.


    2 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

    can't play till tonight, what items we get from new China merchant?


    Other new items?

    All he sells for gear is a jianshi hat and robe.  And his take-out items are just dyes and plane tickets.

    3 hours ago, Dracu said:

    Can you take a SS of him?


  8. Okay, did AKI's story mode, maxed mastery and bond.


    Things of note:


    1.  JP is part of Neo Shadaloo.  Or is it, or something.  He's handling all of Shadaloo's old funds, they've built a new base near Nayshall and they're trying to get Ed to come to it.  If I had to guess, he wants Ed to become Shadaloo's new figurehead, while he remains the power behind the throne.

    2.  When you fight some Shadaloo thugs, they do a version of Bison's scisser kick where they fall down after.  😛

    3.  FANG is just straight up in WTM.  You interact with him as part of AKI's quests.  This is of note because FANG is the first formerly playable SF character to show up in WTM that wasn't part of the roster.  Which makes me think...they have zero intention of making him playable in SF6.  His design is much better than SF5, but his character model is definitely that lower WTM level of detail.


  9. Biker Ken is pretty cool.  At least it's not a cowboy.


    Lily looks good.  Though the sombrero is a bit much.


    The Cammy one looks great, but it is just her main outfit a longer jacket and hood.


    SF5 Luke is what it is...lame, but expected.


    5 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

    Not too sold of hair/lil beard that make him look like some damn Maximilian Dood

    He said, as if that was a bad thing.


    Needs glasses though to be a true Max alt.


  10. 3 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

    "Those few seconds of film did more to tell the audience what type of person Ryu was than anything else in the movie. He was not a soulless fighting machine. He had sympathy, and understood there were many less fortunate. Even though he was essentially homeless as well, he knew he had his health, and friends to rely on. He made sure to fix his mistake, show some compassion, and leave the poor family with their dignity intact."


    The idea Ryu is some sort of poor guy that don't have much money because all his life is just do martial arts has been debunked by Capcom, saying through various gimmicks (like jobs that require strenght or even gambling on his own victory) Ryu basically ever have enough money to do shit he need to do.

    1.  He said he's homeless, not that he's poor.  Homeless just means you don't have a place to live.  And I can believe that Ryu still doesn't, because he simply never bothered to get one.  He could have been a millionaire, while still be living on the street due to his lifestyle.

    2.  Ryu may have had money, but had no idea how to manage or make use of it until Ken took over his finances and gave him a card.  Which is a seemingly recent development.  He's talking about a scene from the SF2AM, which takes place way earlier in the timeline.  So he A.  May not have had money yet, and B.  May not have had access to what money he had.


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