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Everything posted by DarkSakul

  1. Calling the new thing Wii anything is a garneted way for the console to fail
  2. You are judged by the company you keep. He just as rotten as the rest of them
  3. So yeah, FUCK Prince Philip Fucking the UK looks like 1984 here.
  4. You posted the same pic twice, but still Nice pics
  5. Consider Dragon Quest it's own series. To lump them with Final Fantasy is a discredit to both IP. Ogre Battle 64? No way
  6. The Only Final Fantasy Games you should Play That Exist
  7. I want to protests, Sonic Human should not give the shield to Stewart. 😜 Sonic Human was entrusted that shield by Steve Rodgers for him to become the next Capt Video Games. Na, I am kidding. I think Stu would do a good job. 👍
  8. Both last gen and this gen the Joke has been Xbox has no games. Also there always been a strong National pride for consoles in Japan. The Xbox consoles never sold well there. In actually the last good Microsoft machines that sold well in Japan was the MSX line of microcomputers, and MS licensed that off to a dozen or so manufacturers to make. If anything, MS if they want to sell big in Japan needs to take that route again. Let some Japanese company take over the Xbox brand in Japan.
  9. Well when you have to start a new IP from scratch because the IP you used to work on is legally off limits. You have to give them a pass on this. Plus Bloodstained did pulled from existing Mythology, they just stayed away from Dracula is all. Also aesthetics is very subjective. I still feel Bloodstained is more Castlevania than Lord of Darkness or those Pachinko Machines ever were. You haven't looked at the stories of the past Castlevania titles then, didn't you. Castlevania II, Castlevania III, Rondo of Blood, Bloodlines (which stole ideas from Bram Stroker), Symphony of the Night, Lament of the Innocent, Portrait of Ruin, Order of Ecclesia, Aria of Dawn/Sorrow, all used very cookie cutter Anime-style story elements.
  10. You think so but the Japanese are HUGELY nationalistic. So far Japan felt more burned by MS in the past than Sony, and they are more forgiving to a native console.
  12. Self hate should be made out of fashion We should bring in being delusional about being dead sexy
  13. Look it the story is boring in act 1, why would I stay for act 3.
  14. Rumors of Paman and Judy meeting up? Hope this isn't a red herring, and Thank you for Chippin' In Choom!
  15. Some of you never got high or drunk and it shows.
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