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I'll keep hoping... He-Man has huge potential as a new series [in the modern era with looser constraints on content],'s sad that it was never realized.  The 2002 series never really had a chance because of the usual CN screwjob they always like to do for whatever reason (shifting the show around---He-man was difficult to catch since they kept putting on at different times and days, I yeah fuck that network forever, man.  It always happens with shows I happen to like....if I was shopping my own show around, that network is actually the *last* place I'd want to put it might stand a better chance putting shit on goddamn PBS.)

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Oh snap.  Man, despite the orgasms it would give me, I hope this ISN'T true. 




Still, if it IS true...............



Watching the Rat get clapped like this.  I only feel bad for those innocents getting hurt.  If you think their vid is going in on Disney, Go check out Jeremy.  He's having fun with this. 


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damn youtube has been too hot tonight---I had to check my usual Collider episode live this afternoon after work..then all of a sudden Mr. Metokur was back with a live-stream (hilarious and insane as usual)...then my honey Anna (That Star Wars Girl) was live...she's one of the hottest youtube girls I've EVER seen so of course I couldn't miss that.......NOW Angryman is's too much! (and his live-stream just hit the 3 hour mark)  sheeeiiiiiiiittttttt, I can't even get sleep trying to keep up with all this shit.


Metokur had a stream about this other dude going by the name of "Blade" (ha, not my favorite badass vampire hero) that was dumb enough to be in a situation where it at least appeared that he *might* have sexually assaulted this girl....LIVE on stream.  I can't even process the stupidity there...why even be in a situation where it LOOKS like that's what is going on? ...and on a live stream..?!  (quick summary--in an RV.. his friend came from the back room with no shirt on, after fucking the girl.  The dude "Blade" at some point asks him "hey, you mind if I go fuck ___?"; everyone involved seems pretty drunk... he goes back there...the girl is passed out back there, btw... he closes the curtain or door thing.  The other dude has to keep checking on him because he and this guy working the camera don't exactly trust him.... especially because he asked earlier if he could go fuck that girl real quick... and since he later would say "Got to go **pee**." with air-quotes, kinda sarcastically like it was an obvious lie for what he really wanted to do.)

Edited by MillionX
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This video made me roll my eyes as someone that has followed MK since the original game in 1993. Now if you know the original actors from the game, you'll immediately chuckle, they were both Latino's. And Raiden is based on two Asian characters. I hate when people troll for clicks. Dude can't even pronounce Liu Kang right. WTF man. Edit: Am I the only one that finds it funny that his Thumbnail shows that actress playing Mileena and Mileena have the exact same complexion. 🤣



Edited by Darc_Requiem
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WTF man. Snake Eyes was created by Larry Hama. Larry Hama is of Japanese descent. He decide that Snake Eyes was white and made it integral to his background. WTF just WTF. This reminds me of the white dude that complained about how Haitians were portrayed in Cyberpunk 2077 when Cyberpunks creator is black. These fake ass "for diversity" people grind my gears.

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ISnake Eyes being white was important in the comic story in that Storm Shadow brought him to Japan to study ninjutsu after their time in Vietnam.

Snake Eyes surpassed Storm Shadow and there was tension between them. When Zartan killed SS uncle accidentally Storm Shadow got the blame for it because everyone thought he was jealous of snake Eyes ninja abilities.


Casting an Asian guy because he was in a popular movie is dumb. If they wanted an Asian Joe to be prominent ,there is quick kick,tunnel rat among others.

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It's an all the time common situation today. You have people with passing knowledge of a franchise at best making changes for "diversity". Reminds of the nonsense article touting Star Trek Discovery's Michael Burnham as the first woman and black lead of a Star Trek series. Sisko and Janeway didn't exist apparently. This current societal trend seems to have people patting themselves on the back for being first at stuff someone else has done. Or righting wrongs that don't exist for kudos. You have a white journalist decrying the portrayal of Haitian's in Cyberpunk 2077 when the black creator of the franchise has no issue with it. You have actual Haitian's A)Being happy to be in a game and B)Remarking on the attention to cultural detail. This is the worst timeline fam.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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Man, the Rat's troubles just keep going.




At this point, they absolutely NEED Spider-Man moives.  Do They have anything else that even looks close to being as big as the MCU?  Personally, I don't think so.  With their current woke series of movies, they need something that the REST of (Read: Majority) of their fans can watch.  If Star Wars hasn't proven anything else, it has proven that the Fans WILL turn away if it's trash.  Spidey hasn't been ruined yet and they are going to need that in the very near future.  If this one gets away, this is going to be quite an interesting next few years.


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X-men's greatest moments:

Uncanny X-men 175: 


Cyclops holds his  own against the whole team while being masterfully manipulated by an old foe looking for revenge and then rides off into the sunset with Madeline...

The awesome power and mind of Cyclops..



The villain dressed Madeline in a Dark Phoenix costume and is using illusions to make it seem like she is destroying everything so that the X-men kill an innocent woman.  Before this he **masterminded** the collapse of Wolverines marriage to Mariko Yashida.He also pt White Queen into a coma and convinced Rogue to leave her foster mom Mystique.




Afterwards.. Cyclops sets his feelings for Jean clear



What has been joined by God, by God 
Let no man put asunder.. (except Limbo Demons and Marvel Editorial)




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Man, that storyline.  Yeah, Maddy goes on to become the Goblin Queen, but look at the bright side:  No divorce, no alimony, and no child support.  😁 

I have to admit,  Mastermind was the type of villain that could've gone much further than he did, but at the same time I didn't want him to.  Look at the REAL Dark Phoenix Saga.  Without him it may not have happened.  He was strong enough to enfluence Jean and cause the disruption that ultimately lead to the Dark Phoenix, but if he had been stronger he might have been strong enough to stop it, thereby stopping one of the best comic book storylines in history..............that could've lead to an even better one?  Who knows.  Thanks for these little looks down memory land Dangerous.  Much appreciated.


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4 minutes ago, misterBee said:



Crunchyroll is the go-to for anime if you wanna stream it.  Amazon Prime and Netflix have some as well + their own exclusive series.


For other options please send me a PM.

Yeah, I signed up with crunchyroll the same day I dumped PSVue.  I also learned a weird trick via Kissanime.  you can actually record the vids from their site.


You can always hit me with that PM.  If Crunchyroll decides to shit the bed on us, I'll roll to the next site.

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3 minutes ago, Deadly_Raver said:

Yeah, I signed up with crunchyroll the same day I dumped PSVue. 

I tend to use YoutubeTV for my 'normal' TV needs.  I like the interface and features better than PSVue.


Also, keep in mind a lot of anime TV censorship isn't the result of political correctness.  It's because America is deeply conservative when it comes to sexual portrayals in media - a side effect of our country's puritanical roots.  America loves its guns and violence but never forget we're a nation founded by super religious prudes.  🙃


There are things that national networks simply cannot put on TV, because America is afraid of sex.  It's 2019 and a lot of kids in the US don't even have proper sex-ed in school.  Anime titties on TV are of course going to be a big no-no.

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I'm probably going to wind down on my TF collecting by the end of this year. I'll be getting Ratchet, Mirage, and probably Astrotrain.

I may buy one or two here and there but getting something like 120 figures over 13 years is a lot.  Plus my goal was to get at least one good representation of most of the prominent character in the show and Marvel Comic as well as ones I never had as a kid.(Mostly 84-85 ones)


Since X-men seems to be coming back into the mainstream again(toys, appearances in MUA3, a seemingly good return in the comics by Jonathan Hickman) I will probably get some of these Marvel Legends and Select.


Marvel Legends is a 6 inch mainstream line from Hasbro costing $20 and is available almost everywhere (WM/Target/Amazon/specialty shops)

Marvel Select is 7 inch line that is $25-30 with more detailed sculpts but sometimes less articulation. They are only at specialty shops and Amazon.


Anyhoo, I got this Marvel Select Rogue recently and its really nice. 




Diamond Select just released a 90's PSylocke one that Im probably going to get also. 






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4 hours ago, misterBee said:

I tend to use YoutubeTV for my 'normal' TV needs.  I like the interface and features better than PSVue.


Also, keep in mind a lot of anime TV censorship isn't the result of political correctness.  It's because America is deeply conservative when it comes to sexual portrayals in media - a side effect of our country's puritanical roots.  America loves its guns and violence but never forget we're a nation founded by super religious prudes.  🙃


There are things that national networks simply cannot put on TV, because America is afraid of sex.  It's 2019 and a lot of kids in the US don't even have proper sex-ed in school.  Anime titties on TV are of course going to be a big no-no.

Oh believe me.  I don't need them sticking nipples and bush all over the place, but the goofiness of fanservice is pretty much part of anime.  It's like trying to censor crashes out of Nascar.  If you don't want to see crashes, car races are NOT gonna be your thing.  These SJWs want to censor everything though.  Leave it up to them and we'll be all the way down to Radio on TV because that's the only way to protect the cartoon wahmens from the evil male gaze.  Either that or all women will look like blobs in potato sacks and all men will be stupid.  When that happens..........................I'll save even more money by not watching any of their shows.


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10 hours ago, Deadly_Raver said:

Oh believe me.  I don't need them sticking nipples and bush all over the place, but the goofiness of fanservice is pretty much part of anime.  It's like trying to censor crashes out of Nascar.  If you don't want to see crashes, car races are NOT gonna be your thing.  These SJWs want to censor everything though.  Leave it up to them and we'll be all the way down to Radio on TV because that's the only way to protect the cartoon wahmens from the evil male gaze.  Either that or all women will look like blobs in potato sacks and all men will be stupid.  When that happens..........................I'll save even more money by not watching any of their shows.


Lol my point is that this censorship has nothing to do with 'SJWs'. Censorship of sexy stuff on television has been around for decades, and the rules of what is/isn't ok to show on TV have been deeply solidified for a long time.


Even if 'SJWs' didn't exist this stuff would still be censored because AMERICA.  If you want to rail against anything it should be America's old-school attitudes to showing anything sexy on TV.



Anyways, I don't like the term SJW that much, because I don't think there's anything wrong with trying to be more progressive/tolerant/aware of things - even if sometimes people take it too far.

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1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

SJW, like Feminist, is a term that has been hikacked by extremist and no longer has any positive value.

And this is the problem.  If there is something worth fighting for, then by all means do so.  These people have gone WAY past the last stop and are fully in clown world.   Everything's a problem to these people and if you try to inject any reason or sanity into the convo, then YOU'RE a racist/sexist/homophobe/etc.    It doesn't seem to matter how little sense it makes, but these companies keep bending over for it to the point where they end up losing so much cash they either have to shut down the project, and sometimes the entire company hence the phrase,"Get woke, go broke".  


For some reason, these types always want to worm their way into areas where they truly do NOT belong (Think videogames, Comics, cartoons, etc.) and change it to their liking which usually is only a handful out of a crowd.  The term,"SJWs ruin everything" has been well-earned through repeated incidents over the past several years.  One of the LAST few untainted areas is Anime and you can bet they're crying their way into that as we speak.  I for one hope that the Japanese will NEVER allow their IPs to be taken over by these people.  I barely use the TV for more than a monitor as it is and I'd hate to see what few shows I watch get devoured by the SJW Mobs.

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heh.  I thought it was,"Worth the price" for them to virtue signal to the Social Justice mob that they were,"One of the good guys".  I guess not.   Maybe ending up with a net loss of 5 Billion cut a little too close for P&G's tastes.  I'll wait to see what this new commercial celebrating heroic masculinity will look like.  In the meantime, Have some more Popp in your day.




Trump.  Making laws make sense again.

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19 hours ago, Deadly_Raver said:

heh.  I thought it was,"Worth the price" for them to virtue signal to the Social Justice mob that they were,"One of the good guys".  I guess not.   Maybe ending up with a net loss of 5 Billion cut a little too close for P&G's tastes.  I'll wait to see what this new commercial celebrating heroic masculinity will look like.  In the meantime, Have some more Popp in your day.

Man how am I going to take anyone seriously if they actually use the word 'wahmen'.  Comes off as mad incel/neckbeardy. 

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3 hours ago, misterBee said:

Man how am I going to take anyone seriously if they actually use the word 'wahmen'.  Comes off as mad incel/neckbeardy. 

When it comes to Terrance Popp and Redonkulas, it's mainly humor with facts.  Now if you're listening to Live from the Lair, it's far more serious. 

Speaking of serious:


Now, this person is apparently in Chile, but I'll share The Quartering's video in hopes that even this little gesture might help get this person taken down.  Let's face it.  YouTube ain't worth shit if they let this go.

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2 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

It's of dev kit man. They never look like the final console. I can't believe that dumbass developer confirmed it on Twitter. It is no surprise that he got clapped out of existence for it.

lol.  They say he got Thanos'ed in hours.  That was NOT a smart move on his part. 

I guess that now they're going to have a LOT of security regarding the pics of the actual system now.  If nothing else, we all know it's out there and it's close.  I've already got the bucks on tap for whenever this bad boy drops.  Bring it.

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ha, yeah I was thinking---uhhh non-disclosure agreement, dude.. have you heard of it? 😆 the fool....


On another note with Diablo 3 ---I was just thinking again of how disappointing it is that my fellow Diablo fans don't generally care about the lore of that game's world.  99% of the discussion you see online are about the numbers and stats, builds, efficiency, loot, etc... it's a shame, imo---like it would make the devs that write the story and come up with character concepts, cinematics (some of the best cinema scenes I've ever seen in a game, btw; check out the scene where Diablo itself shows up in Heaven and fights that angel; it's insanely awesome), etc. to go "well what the hell is the point?  No one cares about this aspect of the game soooo...."  I'll bet most players don't even half care about any kind of "theme" and concept behind their own characters....just using the character purely as a tool to get loot and be as efficient as possible.  Thinking of your character only in that way... they probably wouldn't even bother with the transmog options to make he/she look cool.


time to laugh for a minute at That Company's various mistakes once again:


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Oh boy.  Cue up the scared teen white boys who scream the N-Word every other minute.  There will be tons of surprised pikachu face to go around on this one. 



Xbox?   I guess calling it the,"We didn't put spyware in the machine, the machine itself is the spyware" didn't make for an appealing name so they went with XBox.  Of course, it can't do much recon when it in RROD mode...................Or can it?

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Happy 25th Birthday,  King of Fighters!


I started playing KOF when I first bought the  Dreamcast port of '98 on a whim. I really liked its differences from SF  like the ability to run, different types of jumps, CD attack, 4-6 special moves /character, grapplers who aren't all big men,  and the characters like Terry, Clark, Iori, Kim, Shermie, Kyo etc.






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hmmm.  It was by luck that I was on the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower when we got KOF '94 via one of those SNK multi cabinets.  We quickly realized that if you're going to have an adventure game on it, you better get that shit outta there.  Metal Slug had to be moved.  We beating people up over here!!  I pretty much fell off past '96 as it got harder and harder to find comp in town (Norfolk at the time) and we were always out in the damn water doing this trial or that.  By the time I got to Japan I was mostly just watching them deal with it.  I ain't trying to deal with that freak Zero and/or Krizalid or any of the others.


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