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The Sonic Thread: The Year of Shadow. It all starts with this.... Sonic X Shadow Generations 10/25/2024 followed by child murder in Sonic 3 movie on 12/20/2024!

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Looks like Super Sonic might get some sort of boost or something?  Dunno...could just be nothing but I'm sure they didn't specifically put the camera on his eyes to show they were blue instead of red for no reason.



Comic book stuff:  Finally got caught up on the latest issue and "Duo" is playing games.  I would have thought he would have laid low a little bit longer but he's acting like Whisper won't shoot him in the face in broad daylight lol.

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7 hours ago, Emptyeyes_ said:

I left off on Sonic Mania. Really great, that game is. I can't say that I'm a gamer, but want to again. 

You're pretty much caught up on the must play official stuff imo then if Mania is where you left off.  Frontiers is a step in the right direction and the free updates have been decent with the big update coming later next month.  It's hard for me to objectively say it's a must play though.  Game has problem but its fun if they continue to build off what they're doing with it (which they've said is the plan) then games to come afterward really have a chance at being something special.  If you're interested in trying the game out though I'd recommend getting it when it's on sale....which at this moment coincidentally it is on Amazon.


$40 dollar range I feel is pretty worth it.

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The image description says "Concept art of Sonic the Hedgehog rolling, running, and jumping through a series of tubes, waterslides, and jets in Lagoon City Zone. Despite many similarities, it has no relation to that one zone in Sonic 3 that shall not be named."

On 9/1/2023 at 12:15 PM, Hawkingbird said:

Well, this is a take I didn't expect



I thought the 3DS version of generations was good.

I'm not surprised by this take unfortunately.  Things are always going to be subjective of course but and the only one of those that I've played/own personally is Sonic Lost World 3DS and I can definitely agree that it is lacking.  The major complaint I've heard regarding Generations 3DS is that the stages are too barren without much going on in them. 

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I finished reading the latest issue today and I can see why people are mad about Mimic.  This character did the whole "gets barely touched and pretend I'm in a full body cast" bit and everyone fell for it hook line and sinker.  Because Silver and Whisper overstepped in their investigation, they only helped him further infiltrate.  Extremely curious as to the amount of shit that is going to hit the fan in later issues because of this.


Anywho, have a listen to some of what Ohtani is cooking for the update




OST featuring the DLC tracks will be out 10/2


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The Sonic Symphony played in London this past week end and seeing some of the clips of it have been great.  They got the whole crowd hype and singing the songs.  Dude they got singing the songs is not bad.  He does ok.



Looks like they also played the theme song for Sonic Superstars there

You can hear what sounds like a reference to "It Doesn't Matter" SA1 version in the track at around 1:37 specifically the guitar solo

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Looks like Johnny will be at some of the Sonic Symphony performances in the future

If he's at one of the events then I'm sure the playlist will likely more revolve around him being there for the 2nd half buuuut...It'd be REEALLY interesting if they got him to perform one of the boss themes from Frontiers.




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  • Sonichuman changed the title to The Sonic Thread: Fandom is eating good this year! Sonic Superstars releasing this year 10/17/2023

There's been some discourse about update 3 that I've been seeing.  People are upset that Update 3 is too hard especially in regards to a boss rush that you have to do with no replenishing rings and a perfect parry.  It's just kind of funny cause people were also complaining about the game being too easy so Kishimoto clearly took that feedback and was like "...aight bet"

I played a bit of it a couple days ago and the jank that plagued the base game hasn't necessarily been fixed but some of the new cyberspace levels have now been made with spindash in mind and from some clips I've seen of people playing the platforming challenges, it actually looks like it could be fun and just takes some practice.



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I started the Wave 3 DLC a few nights ago, but haven't gotten too far. I love that Amy's tarot cards are a part of her attacks. Girl also has mad air time. Also, her movement theme is so good.


I heard that some peeps were mad that Wave 3 DLC is no cakewalk. Like, what do these people want? They griped when it was easy, now they moan when it becomes a challenge. 

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