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The Sonic Thread: The Year of Shadow. It all starts with this.... Sonic X Shadow Generations 10/25/2024 followed by child murder in Sonic 3 movie on 12/20/2024!

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1 hour ago, Sonichuman said:

I'm not gonna stop you from holding up that candle for him but I'm just making sure you know you'll be holding it for a loooooooong time.  Ian has a hard enough time trying to convince Sega that the freedom fighters can come back and Sega OWNS those characters.

In all seriousness, despite the edgy coolness than Penders brought to my life, I would rather his content stay in the past. He is the Dan Schneider of Sonic. 

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29 minutes ago, Dayaan said:

In all seriousness, despite the edgy coolness than Penders brought to my life, I would rather his content stay in the past. He is the Dan Schneider of Sonic. 

>.> Penders came up with "Evil Sonic" and Ian when he took over turned him into Scourge.  A good chunk of the personality that you remember from that character at its most recent when he turned green was Ian's writing.

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Just now, Sonichuman said:

>.> Penders came up with "Evil Sonic" and Ian when he took over turned him into Scourge.  A good chunk of the personality that you remember from that character at its most recent when he turned green was Ian's writing.

In that post I wasn't necessarily referring to Scourge, but you're right.


My point was just that I was reading Penders content before I knew any better and I thought that his brand of narrative was cool until I grew up.

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Just now, Dayaan said:

In that post I wasn't necessarily referring to Scourge, but you're right.


My point was just that I was reading Penders content before I knew any better and I thought that his brand of narrative was cool until I grew up.

I gotcha.  Dan Schneider is a rough analogy especially considering what he made evil sonic do when he came back lol.

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Sonic as far as we know currently will not be getting any new content aside from the drop dash.  Also from what I'm understanding from people playing the game, the stage appears to have some multiple pathing within and isn't as straight forward like Forces.  Final chase probably is going to be a bit linear than most purely because of the main set piece of it changing to Radical Highway halfway through.  I'll have to rewatch Fadel's gameplay vids he put up.

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I need a remaster of the adventure games. My second nephew has become a Shadow fan so I introduce him to adventure 2. He loves the multiplayer race mode. What sucks is when I play the game on my PC the whole game is sped up. It runs on 3x the speed it would normally. This is all because of the high refresh rate of my monitor. It's annoying trying a games function to the frame rate like this. I had to drop my refresh rate to 60 to get it working right.


The game not recognizing anything that's not a Xbox controller is annoying to. Almost my controllers are PlayStation and I'm not installing DS4 for this game.

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4 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

I need a remaster of the adventure games. My second nephew has become a Shadow fan so I introduce him to adventure 2. He loves the multiplayer race mode. What sucks is when I play the game on my PC the whole game is sped up. It runs on 3x the speed it would normally. This is all because of the high refresh rate of my monitor. It's annoying trying a games function to the frame rate like this. I had to drop my refresh rate to 60 to get it working right.


The game not recognizing anything that's not a Xbox controller is annoying to. Almost my controllers are PlayStation and I'm not installing DS4 for this game.

Try enabling Steam Input?

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Just now, Hawkingbird said:

The game is too old for that. It's one of those games where the config is its own launcher. Everything needs to be set before I launch. 

Damn! Rough time, man. Sorry to hear that. Happy about your nephew getting into Sonic though.

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I got his older brother into Sonic so it was just a matter of time. Shadow has become his favorite character and getting the games he's playable in has been difficult. Adventure 2 is easy enough as it's on Steam. I had to go the emulation route for Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog. I have Project Sonic 06 so he can play the Shadow stages of that game. October can't come fast enough. 

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@SonichumanYou might be interested in my thoughts about the Symphony. TL;DR: It was crazy. I felt more respected as a fan of video games in that theatre than in any modern game I have ever played. The crowd was perfect, and the on-stage talent was perfect-er. Shota Nakama lost it on the guitar. All in all, it was a wonderful time.


It started off with medlies of the classic games. CD was omitted, which I didn't like, but they more than made up for it. All the footage in the background was of gameplay (really good gameplay, I might add), and some of it was even iconic enraging moments, like when Sonic drowns, and the stress of Chemical Plant for the first time. They had us in the palms of their hands, and everyone was laughing at the footage and popping off at crescendos for the stage themes. It was a great time. When the Chao Garden footage came on, the pop was huge, and when the Chao were in their idle animations, the crowd would yell "AY, AY, AY" like it was Yun kara palms! It was great.


Speaking of which, the crowd was electric. We were beyond loud, and someone had to get a ladder to hold a chandelier from falling from the pops. Proud to say that we were officially louder than New York, the previous record holder for the Symphony. There was a cute 8-year-old sitting right next to me that stole the show, and every so often he'd yell something hilarious at the top of his lungs and the whole theatre would die laughing. The two guys sitting behind me were starting every chant, and I had to have been the loudest in the room for Endless Possibility. Our whole section was by far the best, but I'm sure every section felt that way. The MPLS crowd was great. Another thing is that between songs, we'd start hooting like gorillas, and I guess none of the band guys have ever watched a Vikings game before because they were taken aback by it and even asked us why we were doing that. We responded with more gorilla noises. What an awesome state.


There were a lot of different people. There were families, couples, neckbeards, supermodels, everyone. Both male and female. Sonic is just THAT GUY.


Then we began with the vocal tracks after intermission. We started with I Am All of Me. Mate, when I tell you I've never heard a noise like that before, I am not joking. Everyone was yelling along for the whole song, but the pop was somehow even bigger - like everyone's lungs expanded for 2 seconds - when Maria got shot. That was super fucked up, but it was awesome. Then we got conducted into Knight of the Wind, my second favorite theme. They pointed at us and made us go "Woah!" When you do that three times and raise the pitch twice, you get the Knight of the Wind intro, so we sang ourselves into the theme of Sonic and the Black Knight. I was geeked.


We got a rousing speech in between songs about the importance of chasing your dreams, and how, if we strive to do good, the possibilities are endless. That's how we got played into that. Incredible.


I lost my voice for the second time somewhere through the Frontiers death metal screams. Doing I'm Here (Revisited) probably turned my neck purple.


We got a double encore, the first in the World Tour. They did the standard encore for Escape from the City and Live and Learn, and then played us one more that I'll keep a secret (though it'll probably get posted).


There's so much more to say that'll come back to me eventually, and I'll edit this post as necessary, but I feel safe in saying that I just saw my entire childhood validated in front of my eyes. I said it on Discord, but if the developers and executive teams respected us as much as the Symphony did, Sonic would be a top seller today, and forever.

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Posted (edited)

I'd welcome a remake of SA 1 and SA 2 really and I think they could really do it up big with what they've learned so far from the boost formula games and Frontiers gameplay.   I wouldn't want them to make the stages boost formula but I'd like them to take an approach to the stage design ( at least for Sonic and Shadow stages) to riff of Unleashed Day and Modern Generations.  The hub world can take cues from the later updates of Frontiers on design.  Fully open and more momentum based.  The other characters would need to be upgraded takes on what they've done with the characters in Frontiers in terms of how they control and move.

Edited by Sonichuman
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6 hours ago, Dayaan said:

@SonichumanYou might be interested in my thoughts about the Symphony. TL;DR: It was crazy. I felt more respected as a fan of video games in that theatre than in any modern game I have ever played. The crowd was perfect, and the on-stage talent was perfect-er. Shota Nakama lost it on the guitar. All in all, it was a wonderful time.

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It started off with medlies of the classic games. CD was omitted, which I didn't like, but they more than made up for it. All the footage in the background was of gameplay (really good gameplay, I might add), and some of it was even iconic enraging moments, like when Sonic drowns, and the stress of Chemical Plant for the first time. They had us in the palms of their hands, and everyone was laughing at the footage and popping off at crescendos for the stage themes. It was a great time. When the Chao Garden footage came on, the pop was huge, and when the Chao were in their idle animations, the crowd would yell "AY, AY, AY" like it was Yun kara palms! It was great.


Speaking of which, the crowd was electric. We were beyond loud, and someone had to get a ladder to hold a chandelier from falling from the pops. Proud to say that we were officially louder than New York, the previous record holder for the Symphony. There was a cute 8-year-old sitting right next to me that stole the show, and every so often he'd yell something hilarious at the top of his lungs and the whole theatre would die laughing. The two guys sitting behind me were starting every chant, and I had to have been the loudest in the room for Endless Possibility. Our whole section was by far the best, but I'm sure every section felt that way. The MPLS crowd was great. Another thing is that between songs, we'd start hooting like gorillas, and I guess none of the band guys have ever watched a Vikings game before because they were taken aback by it and even asked us why we were doing that. We responded with more gorilla noises. What an awesome state.


There were a lot of different people. There were families, couples, neckbeards, supermodels, everyone. Both male and female. Sonic is just THAT GUY.


Then we began with the vocal tracks after intermission. We started with I Am All of Me. Mate, when I tell you I've never heard a noise like that before, I am not joking. Everyone was yelling along for the whole song, but the pop was somehow even bigger - like everyone's lungs expanded for 2 seconds - when Maria got shot. That was super fucked up, but it was awesome. Then we got conducted into Knight of the Wind, my second favorite theme. They pointed at us and made us go "Woah!" When you do that three times and raise the pitch twice, you get the Knight of the Wind intro, so we sang ourselves into the theme of Sonic and the Black Knight. I was geeked.


We got a rousing speech in between songs about the importance of chasing your dreams, and how, if we strive to do good, the possibilities are endless. That's how we got played into that. Incredible.


I lost my voice for the second time somewhere through the Frontiers death metal screams. Doing I'm Here (Revisited) probably turned my neck purple.


We got a double encore, the first in the World Tour. They did the standard encore for Escape from the City and Live and Learn, and then played us one more that I'll keep a secret (though it'll probably get posted).


There's so much more to say that'll come back to me eventually, and I'll edit this post as necessary, but I feel safe in saying that I just saw my entire childhood validated in front of my eyes. I said it on Discord, but if the developers and executive teams respected us as much as the Symphony did, Sonic would be a top seller today, and forever.

My hands were trembling as well, totally out of control. That was a weird feeling.

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  • Sonichuman changed the title to The Sonic Thread: The Year of Shadow. It all starts with this.... Sonic X Shadow Generations 10/25/2024 followed by child murder in Sonic 3 movie on 12/20/2024!

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